Reviews by Radu Cernea

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Time Management (The Brian Tracy Success Library)

Time Management (The Brian Tracy Success Library)

Radu's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 15, 2014 Radu Cernea wrote: An excelent book on time management
Well, there are plenty of so called experts in productivity, time management, life improving, etc. But Brian Tracy, bestselling author of more than fifty books, stands out by having created a book that is an easy to read, easy to understand and the principles are so simple that one has no excuse not putting them in practice and becoming more efficient. So I would highly recommend it to anyone having problems with time management ! Full Review >

Think Like a Programmer

Think Like a Programmer

An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving

Radu's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 11, 2014 Radu Cernea wrote: Learning how to solve problems
A systematically approach to solving problems in programming world. However the ideas presented are not only about programming, many can be applied in other areas of our life. Full Review >

Buying the Right Photo Equipment

Buying the Right Photo Equipment

70 Tips from the Top

Radu's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 14, 2012 Radu Cernea wrote: Buying the Right Photo Equipment, by Elin Rantakrans, O'Reilly Media
In this 128 pages book, Elin Rantakrans aims to help newbies photographers find the right gadgets to fit their shooting style.The photo equipment is divided into few major chapters: lenses, filters, tripods, flash, protecting gear, other accessories and computer software. Browsing through the wide variety of photo equipment, each gear… Full Review >

Nature and Landscape Photography

Nature and Landscape Photography

71 Tips from the Top

Radu's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Oct 28, 2011 Radu Cernea wrote:
Full Review >

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Making Things See

Ivo Flipse wrote:
Great introduction for anyone interested in experiementing with Kinect
This book makes it very easy to experiment with Kinect, Processing is easy to set… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0