Reviews by Prasanna Bidkar

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The Language of Content Strategy

The Language of Content Strategy

Prasanna's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 24, 2014 Prasanna Bidkar wrote:
Full Review >

Leadership 2030

Leadership 2030

The Six Megatrends You Need to Understand to Lead Your Company into the Future

Prasanna's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 13, 2014 Prasanna Bidkar wrote: Convergence of trends and its impact on leadership
Globalization has not only facilitated movement of goods. People movement and rising prosperity along with Internet penetration has also increased individualization in developing nations. Business leaders will need to take into account these changing attitudes to market products and create the right work environment. Full Review >

The Art of Social Selling

The Art of Social Selling

Finding and Engaging Customers on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Other Social Networks

Prasanna's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 27, 2014 Prasanna Bidkar wrote: The altered sales funnel
The author first puts forth the current state of Sales departments and their waning ability to meet targets. She also points to various organizations that are successfully using social media. The audience is everyone in the marketing function and small business owners who will be managing social media campaigns on their own. Full Review >

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Featured Review

JavaScript Step by Step

Steven Rosenberg wrote:
Book review: 'JavaScript Step by Step' by Steve Suehring
Suehring's Javascript book -- aimed squarely at beginning programmers and not just Javascript beginners --… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0