Reviews by Pasan Wijesinghe

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Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 6, 2013 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: Read this before you start your own business
Three serial entrepreneurs mentoring you for 2+ hours, advising you what to do and what not do do. In the end, if business is in your soul, you will feel "Maybe I should give a try!" Full Review >

WordPress: The Missing Manual

WordPress: The Missing Manual

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jan 28, 2013 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: The 'Bible' of Wordpress
This is a complete guide on Wordpress. Maybe you are a writer with very little web development skills who need to begin your own blog. Maybe you are a web developer who need to explore the powerful content management system provided by Wordpress, so you can give a better service to your customers. In both cases, this is the write book to you. Full Review >

The Data Journalism Handbook

The Data Journalism Handbook

How Journalists Can Use Data to Improve the News

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 17, 2012 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: A handbook to teach journalists how to 'upgrade' themselves..
This is a handbook. It is a handbook for journalists who want to be journalists for the rest of their career. Journalists who are not willing to adapt for the new era of data journalism should probably start looking for some other career. Full Review >

The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra

The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 3, 2012 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: "The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra" by Shin Takahashi; Trend-Pro Co, Ltd.
The slightly romantic(?) friendship between the geek and the pretty girl makes the reader continue reading the 'story' without stopping and in the meanwhile he unknowingly learns Linear Algebra. The discussions they do between breaks add up the spice. Full Review >

Inside Cyber Warfare

Inside Cyber Warfare

Mapping the Cyber Underworld

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Mar 17, 2012 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: A Very Descritive Book on Internet Wars
Jeffrey Carr is a well known computer security consultant and has worked with US defense authorities. So he is, by all means, in full capacity to write a book in this field which is unfamiliar to a majority of people with and without a technological background. Full Review >

The Information Diet

The Information Diet

A Case for Conscious Consumption

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 25, 2011 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: Beware of Wrong Information Habbits
Clay Johnson describes how our information consumption pattern can be unhealthy, to both body and mind and is really successful in establishing an analogy between food consumption and information consumption. That makes the theoretical facts presented in the book easy to understand. Full Review >

The Twitter Book

The Twitter Book

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 9, 2011 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: The Perfect Twitter Tutorial I Always Wanted
These are the things I learnt after reading this book. I won't even hear about most of them if I didn't get my hands on this lovely book. Full Review >

Google Power Search

Google Power Search

The Essential Guide to Finding Anything Online with Google

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 25, 2011 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: "Google Power Search" by Stephan Spencer, O'Reilly Media
Stephan Spencer is a well known SEO person. And he knows search engines very well. In this book he is explaining to use Google, to actually find what you want in the internet. Full Review >

Documents, Presentations, and Workbooks: Using Microsoft® Office to Create Content That Gets Noticed

Documents, Presentations, and Workbooks: Using Microsoft® Office to Create Content That Gets Noticed

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 25, 2011 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: Think You Know Office?
I know that I can use MS Office. Yet, I know I'm not perfect and there are a lot more to learn. How to find the course which exactly matches my need. I can't stand when they start with basics again. That is when I got my hands on this book. Full Review >

Creating a Website: The Missing Manual

Creating a Website: The Missing Manual

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 20, 2011 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: Creating a Website: The Missing Manual by Mathew MacDonald
Rather than been an inhuman how-to guide, Mathew MacDonald has effectively maintained the tone of this book as that of a geekish teacher who shares his experience of years in a friendly and easy to understand tone. Ultimately the reader ends up not only knowing how to create a web site, but also about fine tuning and marketing it to match its requirements. Full Review >

Arduino Cookbook

Arduino Cookbook

Pasan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 11, 2011 Pasan Wijesinghe wrote: Arduino Cookbook By Michael Margolis With Nick Weldin
The most important thing I noticed about this book is its ability to address an unimaginably broad audience. From a very beginner who venture into the arena of "geekhood" by testing LED patterns, to a well experienced engineer developing a ZigBee network. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Node for Front-End Developers

Brian Bondy wrote:
Review of Node for Front-End Developers
The book Node for Front-End Developers by Garann Means presents a great introduction to Node… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0