Reviews by Paras Doshi

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Confessions of a Public Speaker

Confessions of a Public Speaker

Paras's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Sep 27, 2013 Paras Doshi wrote: Book Review: Confessions of a public speaker
Short version! I like reading good books. This is one of those good books! Why did I choose this book? … Continue reading » Full Review >

R in a Nutshell

R in a Nutshell

A Desktop Quick Reference

Paras's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Sep 7, 2013 Paras Doshi wrote: Great reference book!
R is a popular tool among data scientists because it’s just like a Swiss Army knife (or may be more!) for them! R in a nutshell does a great job of explaining you R as a swiss army knife for your data analysis needs! Full Review >

The Data Journalism Handbook

The Data Journalism Handbook

How Journalists Can Use Data to Improve the News

Paras's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 16, 2012 Paras Doshi wrote: Book Review: The Data Journalism Handbook
The book "Data Journalism" is a great inspiration for Journalist and it seems it's meant to encourage journalist to start embracing the change. It inspires Journalists to think of stories and find data about it. Full Review >

Top Reviewers

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Featured Review

Mobile Design Pattern Gallery, Color Edition

Rob Dawson wrote:
Patterns for mobile UI
Mobile Design Pattern Gallery does a good job of outlining user interface patterns for mobile,… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0