Reviews by Noah Spahn

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Think Python

Think Python

Noah's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Apr 20, 2014 Noah Spahn wrote: Refined introduction to Python and systematic problem solving
Think Python is well written book that is easy to read with exercises that range from remedial to challenging (if done mentally). However, if one approaches the book as a cohesive unit: reading the chapters and actually doing the exercises; the author’s intent becomes evident. The reader discovers... Full Review >

Great Bash

Great Bash

Noah's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jan 16, 2014 Noah Spahn wrote: Bash refresher with hidden gems
Carl Albing does a great job of walking you through this bash video tutorial at a conversational pace that is easy to follow. I have been coding in bash for some time now so I was mainly interested in observing Full Review >

Code Simplicity

Code Simplicity

The Fundamentals of Software

Noah's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 30, 2013 Noah Spahn wrote: How to write good software: Code Simplicity - The Fundamentals of Software
This book stresses design and provides tips and analogies for good design (as well as pitfalls to avoid). Max Kanat-Alexander hit the nail on the head with this book, it was exactly what I needed to read over the weekend before returning to work on a critical code project that will change over time. Full Review >

Learning the vi and Vim Editors

Learning the vi and Vim Editors

Text Processing at Maximum Speed and Power

Noah's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 26, 2013 Noah Spahn wrote: Vim gets better when you learn about it
In many cases, knowing how to use a tool well enough to get the job done is acceptable. However, to be a master of your craft, you will need to know your tools so well that they become an extension of your consciousness. Vim is one of those tools that I was using well enough to get by: Learning the vi and Vim Editors has helped me to bypass years of "stumbling upon" features of vim, by presenting all kinds of useful commands. Full Review >

Realm of Racket

Realm of Racket

Learn to Program, One Game at a Time!

Noah's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Dec 14, 2013 Noah Spahn wrote: Learning the functional programming racket
Upon reading the title of this book (Realm of Racket: Learn to Program, One Game at a Time!; O'Reilly Media), one might expect to find an elementary level intro to functional programming. However, while the book does take a very gentle course of introduction to the subject matter, (somewhere around the first couple chapters) there appears to be a quick departure away from the "Ëœhand-holding" and into Lambda Calculus. Please don't be frightened by this Full Review >

Violent Python

Violent Python

A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers

Noah's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 22, 2013 Noah Spahn wrote: Enjoyable intro to a field of study
TJ O'Connor does a great job of conveying his enthusiasm for subject. The experience of reading this book, reminds me of visiting the office of an expert in his field who is excitedly sharing his knowledge. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Node: Up and Running

Santosh Shanbhag wrote:
No kidding about Node
If you have heard of Node (which true web developer hasn't!) but haven't had the… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0