Reviews by Nick Charlton

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Hacking and Securing iOS Applications

Hacking and Securing iOS Applications

Stealing Data, Hijacking Software, and How to Prevent It

Nick's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 26, 2012 Nick Charlton wrote: Review: Hacking and Securing iOS Applications by Jonathan Zdziarski
I started this just after the Path fiasco. It seemed timely to brush up on my security knowledge, especially for iOS intricacies, recommended practices and understanding obvious flaws. At the same time, O’Reilly had published “Hacking and Securing iOS Applications” by Jonathan Zdziarski, so I got a copy. This book provides exactly what I wanted; it’s a great next-step if you’ve been developing for iOS or the Mac for a while. Fortunately it assumes that, which allows the book to quickly jump into examples and solutions. Full Review >

Arduino Cookbook

Arduino Cookbook

Nick's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 27, 2011 Nick Charlton wrote: Review: Arduino Cookbook by Michael Margolis
For a while, I've wanted to play around with the Arduino; the open source embedded hardware that's stuck it's claws into everything from the arts, to personal projects and much more. Then, Arduino Cookbook came up on the O'Reilly Blogger Review Program, and I couldn't say no to having a pushed look into it. Full Review >

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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0