Reviews by Niall Kader

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Learning Cocoa with Objective-C

Learning Cocoa with Objective-C

Developing for the Mac and iOS App Stores

Niall's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 18, 2013 Niall Kader wrote: Excellent book for the intermediate iOS developer!
Great for reinforcing some basic concepts, and for learning about some of the more advanced features of iOS. Full Review >

Java EE 6 Pocket Guide

Java EE 6 Pocket Guide

A Quick Reference for Simplified Enterprise Java Development

Niall's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Jan 6, 2013 Niall Kader wrote: Not for learning J2EE
Might be useful if you already know some things about J2EE, but not for beginners. Full Review >

WebGL: Up and Running

WebGL: Up and Running

Building 3D Graphics for the Web

Niall's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 1, 2012 Niall Kader wrote: Great intro for web developers
If you're a web developer who's looking for a clear and concise introduction to 3D graphics, this is the book you should start with. Tony Parisi does an excellent job of explaining WebGL, and demonstrating its features with some really cool code samples. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Principles of Big Data

Fabio Alessandro Locati wrote:
Awesome book
As you probably know, I usually do not comment the books layout, being more focused… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0