Reviews by Mike Bright

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Introduction to Go Programming

Introduction to Go Programming

From Hello World to Writing Highly Concurrent Programs

Mike's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 13, 2014 Mike Bright wrote: Introduction to Go Programming, by John Graham-Cumming, O’Reilly Media
Exactly what I wanted, a fast-paced introduction to Go and it did the job of getting me started on my first real Go program. This is an excellent introduction to Go Programming - just what it says on the tin. Full Review >

Mastering Vim

Mastering Vim

Understanding Vim's Lesser-Known Features for More Effective Editing

Mike's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Nov 24, 2014 Mike Bright wrote: Video Review: Mastering Vim by Damian Conway; O'Reilly Media
I've used vim for 20 years now ... so there's nothing to learn right? Of course I'm wrong, vim is enormous and these videos do a great job of giving insight into vims' amazing capabilities. I was under no illusion, I was sure I was only using a small amount of vim/vi capabilities and these videos confirmed that to me. It was nevertheless a surprise just how much I did learn and I was frequently amazed at functionality I hadn't imagined. Full Review >

Test-Driven Development with Python

Test-Driven Development with Python

Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript

Mike's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 21, 2014 Mike Bright wrote: Test-Driven Development with Python by Harry Percival; O’Reilly Media
This is an incredibly thorough book from Harry Percival. From start to finish the reader is stepped through the creation of a Python3/Django-based application with great rigour following the clearly described principles and methods of Test-Driven Development as espoused by the (Obey the) Testing Goat. With this book you will learn TDD but also many tools for Python/Django/Web-development and you’ll be able to reproduce all the code yourself, or obtain the code chapter by chapter from github. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Learning Python

Dylan Scott wrote:
Covers a lot of ground
When compared to other "Learning" titles in the O'Reilly series, this one can seem intimidating… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0