Reviews by Matthew Halverson

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How Linux Works

How Linux Works

What Every Superuser Should Know

Matthew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 5, 2014 Matthew Halverson wrote: A clear and understandable explanation of what happens under the hood
In How Linux Works, Brian Ward gives a clear and understandable explanation of what happens under the hood of your Linux machine. He outlines all the major parts from how Linux boots to how disks and hardware is presented to the user Full Review >

Data Science at the Command Line

Data Science at the Command Line

Facing the Future with Time-Tested Tools

Matthew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 28, 2014 Matthew Halverson wrote: Jeroen Janssens shows how to do data analysis at the command line
Jeroen Janssens provides an alternative to using a traditional data science environment by showing how to do the normal procedures in the command line. This is a very different approach to the traditional ways of doing things. Full Review >

Hands-On Programming with R

Hands-On Programming with R

Write Your Own Functions and Simulations

Matthew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 9, 2014 Matthew Halverson wrote: A much needed coverage of R's procedural programming
There are fairly few books that teach programming in R. The existing books on R either throw in a few comments about programming as a footnote or an example without providing great detail, or provide a chapter or two on programming as part of a larger book. In "Hands-On Programming With R," Garrett Grolemund breaks out of this mold and provides a coverage of R as a programming language. Full Review >

Python for Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysis

Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython

Matthew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 26, 2014 Matthew Halverson wrote: A great introduction to Python's data analysis libraries
Wes McKinney provides an introduction to the most popular and critical libraries for doing data analysis with the Python language. The book does not delve into much for advanced data analysis (statistical methods for example), but provides an excellent starting point for understanding the main tools and a strong tour to what can be done with Python in the data analysis field. Full Review >

You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes

You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes

Matthew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 15, 2014 Matthew Halverson wrote: An excellent introduction to a complex topic
Kyle Simpson explains the semantics of using "this" in Javascript and why it is not the same as Java. The Javascript keyword "this" is often misunderstood. Many works treat it as the Javascript equivalent of Java's "this" or Python's "self," and while that understanding will lead to working programs in most cases, Simpson explains where that understanding will break down in a way that many programmers will not be able to anticipate. He later discusses Javascript's prototypal inheritance and how it works different than typical inheritance designs. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Wireless Hacks

H. Heigl wrote:
Wireless Hacks easy to use
In this book you can learn a lot of wireless technique in short chapters and… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0