Reviews by Mark Melnykowycz

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Strata Conference 2011: Video Compilation

Strata Conference 2011: Video Compilation

Mark's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 18, 2011 Mark Melnykowycz wrote: Strata Conference 2011: Complete Video Compilation Review
Go from zero to big data hero with the Strata 2011 conference video compilation. Big data bootcamp, Executive summit, very relevant collection of information on how big data is changing the world. Full Review >

Scott & Neil's Designing Web Interfaces Master Class

Scott & Neil's Designing Web Interfaces Master Class

Mark's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 20, 2011 Mark Melnykowycz wrote: Review: Scott & Neil's Designing Web Interfaces Master Class
The Designing Web Interfaces Master Class by Bill Scott and Theresa Neil is, well, a class about designing web interfaces, discussing the common interaction design elements of successful web pages, and also those dreaded annoying/confusing design elements that designers sometimes use. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Swift Pocket Reference

Anthony Levings wrote:
Review: Swift Pocket Reference by Anthony Gray (Early Release, O'Reilly Media)
As disclosed by the title of this book (Swift Pocket Reference) it is a reference… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0