Reviews by Mariia Mykhailova

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Cooking for Geeks

Cooking for Geeks

Real Science, Great Hacks, and Good Food

Mariia's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 0.0

On Feb 3, 2012 Mariia Mykhailova wrote: Cooking for Geeks by Jeff Potter, O'Reilly Media
Cooking for Geeks is all I could desire from a book about food and cooking. It has interesting facts and stories, like that of "miracle berries", and interviews which introduce the reader to the life of people who work with food (a bit different from my day). Some scientific facts as well, but I'm not much into science, so I can't really appreciate this part. And the most important - plenty of images and descriptions which make my mouth water at the mere thought of them - I stopped reading and went to the kitchen to forage for some food more than once while reading the most inspiring chapters. Full Review >

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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0