Reviews by Koen Verbeeck

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Tableau Dashboard Cookbook

Tableau Dashboard Cookbook

Koen's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 7, 2014 Koen Verbeeck wrote: Excellent introduction to Tableau, but poorly edited.
This hands-on book provides a great introduction to the features of Tableau, one of the hottest dashboard tools on the market. The author did a great job, but unfortunately the book is poorly edited (wrong screenshots, missing steps, ...). Recommended for people new to Tableau. Full Review >

Thinking with Data

Thinking with Data

How to Turn Information into Insights

Koen's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 27, 2014 Koen Verbeeck wrote: Thinking with Data by Max Shron
A nice introduction to a methodology to tackly data science projects. This book uses various fields such as philosophy, statistics and mathematics to convince the reader to stop and think about the why before the how. A recommended read for data professionals. Full Review >

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Learning Android

Doron Katz wrote:
The prime first Android book for Java developers
Learning Android is my first foray into learning native Android development. I was really taken… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0