Reviews by Kim Rowan

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Think Like a Programmer

Think Like a Programmer

An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving

Kim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 11, 2014 Kim Rowan wrote: Learn how to problem solve like a pro
If you have problems getting started, or find yourself diving down one frustrating rabbit hole after another in pursuit of solutions, this book is for you. Full Review >

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Kim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 13, 2013 Kim Rowan wrote: Decent but not for total beginners
This is a decent book with good ideas and it will help you get started with the Pi to some extent, but be prepared to fill in the gaps yourself... Full Review >

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Featured Review

Using Drupal

David Hayden wrote:
Solid Beginner Book!
Without any experience with Drupal, I was able to learn the fundamentals of Drupal and… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0