Reviews by Jose Betancur

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Lean UX Workshop

Lean UX Workshop

Aligning Business, Design, and Technology

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 11, 2014 Jose Betancur wrote: Easy to learn
Great way to learn the key concepts from Lean Startup and Lean UX. The language is very clear and the content gives you the confidence to try it on your own projects. Full Review >

Theory of Fun for Game Design

Theory of Fun for Game Design

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 23, 2014 Jose Betancur wrote: Easy to learn from
It is fun to read, and it seems that it apply the theories in the book itself, and that is an amazing feeling when your are learning from it. Full Review >

Beautiful LEGO

Beautiful LEGO

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 13, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: Beautiful
A book to read and view.. an amazing collection of art using just the bricks of LEGO. Inspiration <-- this is a book for it. Full Review >

The Art of iPhone Photography

The Art of iPhone Photography

Creating Great Photos and Art on Your iPhone

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 21, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: Learn by deconstructing great photos
Learn by seeing how others create their amazing iPhone photos. The books is a collection of techniques, that give a lot of good ideas to create better photos with your iPhone. Full Review >

Observing the User Experience

Observing the User Experience

A Practitioner's Guide to User Research

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 2, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: Master the user
This is the book to focus your strategy efforts on understand your primary target: the user. Its almost a reference book. I enjoy a lot reading it, and the way it is written helps you to get the most of each technique. A must have if your job is UX. Full Review >

Propose, Prepare, Present

Propose, Prepare, Present

How to become a successful, effective, and popular speaker at industry conferences

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Aug 7, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: Could be more
It's a short book, its easy to read. Saying that, this books cover only 2 things: help your presentation to be selected by a conference organization and keep your presentation more attractive and effective. The 11 key points, are not easy to apply, and even the one that says that help to be a minority looks like there is no room for your presentation to stand up and shine. The other 10 ones are good. The second objective: improve your presentation. I think it could be presented in a more detail version, and this book doesn't give new tips, or a really good way to apply them. Full Review >

UX for Lean Startups

UX for Lean Startups

Faster, Smarter User Experience Research and Design

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 2, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: Excellent Collection of Tools for the validation process
Is a book that spoke directly to the Validation Process that is the base of the Lean Startup movement. It gives you the necessary tools to create amazing and very complete Hypothesis and validate it. You don't need to be a designer, just be very committed to improve you product or service. Improve, because this book applies not only to new startups but to existing products that need to validate new features and user assumptions. A must get one. Full Review >

Lean Analytics

Lean Analytics

Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 21, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: A must have one
It not a step by step guide, and the only thing lean is the title, because is a great book about what is mostly forgotten by the entrepreneurs: real metrics Sometimes we forget the reality and create our own worlds that are great to sell our dream, but have the rigth and key metrics is the most valuable thing and this book give us a lot of models to follow. A most have one. Full Review >

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 20, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: Great crash course in entrepreneurship
The book is such that what he preaches: a crash course in entrepreneurship, narrated by three serial entrepreneurs. A simple trip to the basics we need keep in mind when want to start our own business. I have seen many having a bigger problem than to have an idea: What now? While not always those who have ideas want to start businesses, some only want them in the open for someone else to develop them, however, the process of starting/developing the idea can be a bit confusing, and this is where the book starts. Full Review >

The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1

The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1

Cars, Castles, Dinosaurs & More!

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 29, 2013 Jose Betancur wrote: A must have for an AFOL
Even isn't a step by step guide, like the ones that came with every Lego Model, this book by Megan H. Rothrock its fun to read, his comic approach make it easy to read. but you had to be careful, this is not a book for a novice Lego builder. If your kid has a lot of patience you could let him to read the book. It's a must have, and the book give you a view of great lego builders. Full Review >

Shipping Greatness

Shipping Greatness

Practical lessons on building and launching outstanding software, learned on the job at Google and Amazon

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 13, 2012 Jose Betancur wrote: A must have one
If you are an entrepreneur, and building solutions on your startup this is a must read. You will learn a lot form the experiences from Google and Amazon, and must of all, this books cover so many different things that it would be a learning experience. A must have one. The book has a lot of key points that a product/service developer has to keep track of it. Is a great collection of good information. Easy to read, and personally a book not to read from begin to end, but to came back from time to time. Full Review >

Team Geek

Team Geek

A Software Developer's Guide to Working Well with Others

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 8, 2012 Jose Betancur wrote: Direct and easy to read
The books is a collection of good tips, a way to handle difficult situations and create an awesome team. Some people think there is nothing new here, but sometimes we need to read this key points again to start notice than we already know how to handle stuff and improve our team. I recommend this book. Full Review >

Tabletop Photography

Tabletop Photography

Using Compact Flashes and Low-Cost Tricks to Create Professional-Looking Studio Shots

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 17, 2012 Jose Betancur wrote: Easy to read but very complete!
Cyrill makes a excellent guide, it goes from the technology as a tool to the Do-It-Yourself Accessories, this book is always easy to read, with clear examples and a very complete collection of techniques to make photos of everything. Easy to follow, and a handy companion. I'm making a 365 project with only Lego's, and this books has been an excellent tool to make it happened. It was easy to find more ways to create creative photos. Full Review >

Running Lean

Running Lean

Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 8, 2012 Jose Betancur wrote: Get ready to experiment
"We are living in an age of entrepreneurship" And Ash Maurya give you the tools to test systematically your idea, give you the right step you need to improve your startup. The Lean Canvas, works very well and suits every kind of industry, you don't have to be in the tech side to get this working, you only had to be constant and apply this. Your are constantly encourage to act, to define your MVP, and go and test it. Full Review >

Beginning PhoneGap

Beginning PhoneGap

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 23, 2012 Jose Betancur wrote: Very Practical Book
Thomas Myer book is a huge practical tutorial explaning how to start with PhoneGap, and becoming more detailed explaining the use of the different APIs. The book was easy to read and follow. Every chapter describes the key elements for the main platforms (iPhone, Android and BlackBerry), this key points are like a checklist to me that helps reduce the time on fixing the app of each one of them.. Full Review >

Designing Mobile Interfaces

Designing Mobile Interfaces

Patterns for Interaction Design

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Jan 27, 2012 Jose Betancur wrote: A patterns book
It feels like a test book. Its a must have like a reference book, because it has a huge collection of patterns that fit in every single mobile project Full Review >

Head First HTML5 Programming

Head First HTML5 Programming

Building Web Apps with JavaScript

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 12, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: Great and Simple Book
The only other book I had read from the Head First series is the Head First Design Patterns from the same authors, and has always seemed a very simple way to teach and guide you through the discovery, and problem solving. This learning approach allows not only read a lot of theory but assimilate it. The first chapters are about JavaScript, being that if you want to know more of this language this book may be the best introduction to it. Coverage in HTML5 is basic, but has a very good basis and great examples of Geolocation, Canvas, Video, Web Storage among others, thus becoming a very good point of reference. Full Review >

Revolution in The Valley [Paperback]

Revolution in The Valley [Paperback]

The Insanely Great Story of How the Mac Was Made

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Nov 9, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
I use the Alan Kay quote as the title of the review, because this book is it, is the story of how this people change the world, as a team. Andy Hertzfeld make a great jobs of collecting stories that show us the insides of the great mac team. Its a must have, is inspiring and its a deep, personal and technical. Full Review >

Mastering the Nikon D7000

Mastering the Nikon D7000

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 13, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: Best companion for the D7000
The first things I learn about photography was to keep the camera manual always at the same bag of your camera, you don't keno when you are going to need to fix a setting or move something on it.. But since I read the Mastering the Nikon D7000 of Darrel Young, the camera manual resides at home. This books is the best companion on my trips, it cover in a more easy way the different subjects. Full Review >

Concurrent Programming in Mac OS X and iOS

Concurrent Programming in Mac OS X and iOS

Unleash Multicore Performance with Grand Central Dispatch

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 13, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: Small but enough
Don't think is a small book, Vandad gives you all the basic concepts, and show you how to use them in a clearly way than, is easy to learn and start building your own apps with multithread. Full Review >

Programming iOS 4

Programming iOS 4

Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jun 22, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: A must have one
This book is an excellent companion, even you already have a lot of books about the subject you would find a new thing in it. It is a long reading, I don't recommend that you pick it form start to finish, I would suggest you to go in this pages like and encyclopedia, you definitive would find key stuff on it. Full Review >

Graphics and Animation on iOS

Graphics and Animation on iOS

A Beginner's Guide to Core Graphics and Core Animation

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 25, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: Clear, direct and newbies
Vandad Nahavandipoor book presents a clear, of the many I've read about iOS development, this is without doubt one of the most directly focuses on his subject, although it might be said that in trying to be as punctual falls short. Full Review >



Digital Photography Essentials

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Apr 29, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: A risky approach, but interesting content
It is a risky proposition, but it would be somewhat effective for those who want to learn more about the tools that are expressed. Full Review >

Beautiful Teams

Beautiful Teams

Inspiring and Cautionary Tales from Veteran Team Leaders

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Apr 17, 2011 Jose Betancur wrote: Much more than just anecdotes
A book to recommend to every leader, a quick way to understand our own context through the experiences of others in other environments. Full Review >

Best iPad Apps

Best iPad Apps

The Guide for Discriminating Downloaders

Jose's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Dec 14, 2010 Jose Betancur wrote: Best iPad Apps by Peter Meyers
While Apple makes a collection of the best uses of each year and many other web sites are constantly doing this kind of collections, Peter Meyers's book... Full Review >

Top Reviewers

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Learn to Program with Scratch

Ninajean Slone wrote:
OMG!!! Awesome!
I could say, “OMG!” and only that but then this would be a very short… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0