Reviews by Jonathan Hume

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Search Analytics for Your Site

Search Analytics for Your Site

Jonathan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 7, 2011 Jonathan Hume wrote: Book Review: Search Analytics for Your Site by Louis Rosenfeld
Search Analytics for Your Site; Conversations With Your Customers by Louis Rosenfeld is a book with a very clear target audience in mind. It is aimed primarily at those who work in user experience, information architecture, content, design and usability. That’s right – anyone who works with a website and… Full Review >

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

Jonathan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 9, 2011 Jonathan Hume wrote: jQuery Mobile - The future is now ...
Ever since July 2008 and the launch of the Apple App store, the world of mobile internet has been in a constant state of change. Up until this point, Steve Jobs and the rest of the Apple marketing machine had been all about providing the best possible mobile browser, and the best mobile websites. They even had a page on the main Apple website promoting pages that worked the best in the fledgling iPhone OS (now iOS) browser. Following the launch of the App Store, the focus of mobile internet has changed, moving steadily away from in-browser experiences and edging ever closer to a world where apps are king. Full Review >

Mining the Social Web

Mining the Social Web

Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites

Jonathan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 7, 2011 Jonathan Hume wrote: An excellent primer for mining the social web ...
'Mining the Social Web' by Matthew Russell provides an interesting introduction into the world of data analysis using Python. There are many examples for mining many of the most popular social networks and plenty of in-depth instructions to ensure that even those with a basic understanding of programming should be able to get up and running fairly quickly. The book begins with an explanation of how to best set up the Python development tools, and then launches into tactics for the harvesting and in-depth analysis of data, generated by using social web APIs, Python tools, GitHub, HTML5, and JavaScript. Full Review >

Being Geek

Being Geek

The Software Developer's Career Handbook

Jonathan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 31, 2011 Jonathan Hume wrote: Book Review: Being Geek by Michael Lopp
This week I did something that some would consider to be a little risky and loaned my iPad to a client to take to France for use at a trade show. Although this may seem foolhardy and dangerous it has, if nothing else, removed one of my main leisure time… Full Review >

iPad: The Missing Manual

iPad: The Missing Manual

Jonathan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Dec 22, 2010 Jonathan Hume wrote: Book Review - iPad: The Missing Manual by J.D. Biersdorfer
Apple famously doesn't see the need to include manuals with their products. Aside from the basic "finger tips" leaflet that comes with most iOS devices information no how to actually use the product is scarce. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Functional Thinking

Krzysztof Ropiak wrote:
Functional Thinking by Neal Ford, O'Reilly Media
Neal Ford in his video presents functional programming's foundations and principles as he believes that… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0