Reviews by John Ruberto

Read John Ruberto's Blog

Present Yourself

Present Yourself

Using SlideShare to Grow Your Business

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 24, 2013 John Ruberto wrote: Rough start, great finish
Present Yourself finished strong after a rough start. Plow through and you will be rewarded. Full Review >

Interviewing Users

Interviewing Users

How to Uncover Compelling Insights

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 11, 2013 John Ruberto wrote: Learn from an expert
Steve Portigal shares his experience for interviewing users. Full Review >

Top Reviewers

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Shawn Day, 55 Reviews

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Featured Review

Programming JavaScript Applications

Venkat Kaniti wrote:
Review - Programming JavaScript Applications
As the title of the book says ‘Programming Javascript Applications’, it covers most of the… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0