Reviews by John Arroyo

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Scaling MongoDB

Scaling MongoDB

Sharding, Cluster Setup, and Administration

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jun 30, 2011 John Arroyo wrote:
Full Review >

Programming Python

Programming Python

Powerful Object-Oriented Programming

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 16, 2011 John Arroyo wrote: Programming Python by Mark Lutz
Python is a great language for writing scripts that can be easily ran on servers or for writing web and desktop apps.  This book helps guide you through the syntax and coding style that make up a python app.  It’s definitely one of the more flexible and easy to use… Full Review >

The Art of Community

The Art of Community

Building the New Age of Participation

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Dec 24, 2010 John Arroyo wrote: Review: The Art of Community By Jono Bacon
One more day left in the O'Reilly blogger review program. This time I have been looking at The Art of COmmunity by Jono Bacon. Overall it's a great book for a foundation in community building and growing social websites. It's filled with lots of good advice and common sense. My… Full Review >

Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 15

Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 15

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 23, 2010 John Arroyo wrote: Make Magazine: DIY Music
I’ve been reviewing O’Reilly publications all week. I got ahold of Make Magazine: DIY Music (Technology on Your Time Volume #15) this time. It was fun reading about the various music hacks, brought me back to my hardware hacking days of undergrad and more recently Dartmouth Digital Musics. There is… Full Review >

Native Video in HTML5

Native Video in HTML5

John's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Dec 21, 2010 John Arroyo wrote: Review of Native Video in HTML5
I just recently took this video for a spin and posted my review on the O’Reilly site, Native Video in HTML5 Overall I gave it 4 stars. Check out the review: HTML5 is becoming more of a standard and reality, but what does it mean to a web designer or… Full Review >

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Featured Review

JavaScript Step by Step

Jon Guenther wrote:

This is the third edition of JavaScript Step by Step, but readers needs not worry… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0