Reviews by Jim Giles

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Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running

Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running

Building Enterprise Cross-Platform Mobile Web Applications

Jim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 21, 2014 Jim Giles wrote: From HelloWorld to MVC Architecture
This book covers a lot of ground; the difference between procedural JavaScript programming and OOP is huge. Sencha Touch 2 Up and Running describes the components that make up Sencha's OO JavaScript architecture. Full Review >

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi

Jim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 2, 2014 Jim Giles wrote: It could have saved me hours
If your goal is to use your RPi board as a tool for exploring Python, Getting Started with RaspBerry Pi seems ideal. If you want an introduction to Linux and RPi configuration, this book should save you time and effort. The book also provides a good introduction to bit-banging (I/O). Full Review >

Make an Arduino-Controlled Robot

Make an Arduino-Controlled Robot

Jim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 24, 2012 Jim Giles wrote:
Full Review >

Node: Up and Running

Node: Up and Running

Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript

Jim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 3, 2012 Jim Giles wrote: Review: Node Up and Running by Tom Hughes-Croucher & Mike Wilson (O’Reilly Media)
This is a review of “Node Up and Running by Tom Hughes-Croucher & Mike Wilson; O’Reilly Media. To quote Nathan Thurm (~46 second mark):  “Is it me? It’s him right?” Writing a book about a programming language must be difficult: … Continue reading → Full Review >

HTML5 Mobile Web Development

HTML5 Mobile Web Development

Jim's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 9, 2010 Jim Giles wrote: Review: HTML5 Mobile Web Development (video series) by Jake Carter
During this video series, the instructor provides a thorough introduction to HTML5/CSS3 development. In the first part of the course he walks us through development of a mobile Twitter application. In my opinion, the course is better than a “live” … Continue reading → Full Review >

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Featured Review

Hacking Web Apps

Przemysław Dąbek wrote:
Be more security-aware developer/user
Examples are pretty useful, ready to check on existing websites (of course those you own… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0