Reviews by Jeremy Fonte

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The Little Book on CoffeeScript

The Little Book on CoffeeScript

The JavaScript Developer's Guide to Building Better Web Apps

Jeremy's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 7, 2012 Jeremy Fonte wrote: “The Little Book on CoffeeScript” by Alex MacCaw; O’Reilly Media
JavaScript is a quirky, peculiar language – and yet it shines as a fun, productive language, especially when you addRead the Rest... Full Review >

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

Jeremy's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 18, 2011 Jeremy Fonte wrote: Great Intro to jQuery Mobile
In this succinct book, Jon Reid covers the key components of the new jQuery Mobile framework – conveying both the syntax and the applied usage of each aspect of the framework along the way. The book is full of code and pictures to help with the learning process, and I mostly found the extreme focus of the book a nice change for reference books. Full Review >

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Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java

Sander Zegveld wrote:
Bookreview: Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java (O'Reilly)
When you are looking for a nice book which teaches you the big picture of… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0