Reviews by Jason Au

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Mobile HTML5

Mobile HTML5

Using the Latest Today

Jason's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 3, 2014 Jason Au wrote: Great read on mobile web apps and technologies
I enjoyed reading about all the different aspects of mobile web apps as there were parts that I was not familiar with. Even the Chapters on "What's New" in HTML5 and CSS3 were enlightening because I was able to discover new things. For any new or seasoned developer looking to take advantage of the explosive mobile platform market, I would highly recommend reading this book. Full Review >

Heroku: Up and Running

Heroku: Up and Running

Effortless Application Deployment and Scaling

Jason's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Dec 13, 2013 Jason Au wrote: Book Review: "Heroku: Up and Running by Neil Middleton and Richard Schneeman"
Not a code heavy book and was written not to be a walkthrough. Instead, the authors focus more on the features and benefits provided by Heroku. Full Review >

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A great start to getting to know Go
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0