Reviews by Ivo Flipse

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Ivo's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Jun 13, 2014 Ivo Flipse wrote:
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Code Simplicity

Code Simplicity

The Fundamentals of Software

Ivo's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Apr 14, 2013 Ivo Flipse wrote: Nice short book to get you started with Tornado
The book features several nice examples, like a shopping cart for a bookstore, asynchronously keeping tabs on how many items are remaining. A simple Twitter client displaying your latest tweets, a Facebook client showing your timeline, both dealing with authentication. Most examples worked pretty well, though I had some issues getting the Twitter client working, because of errors I made in the callback url on localhost. I didn't get the Facebook example working for the same reason, but its not a big issue. Overall, I found it a pretty useful book. While I was already somewhat familiar with Web Apps through Udacity and Coursera courses, it was good to get a bit more formal explanation about topics like routing, handlers and templates. I also liked the way they explained what each part of the code did, instead of assuming you had already figured it out. So while its a short read, I think its a nice introduction to Tornado to get you going. Full Review >

Running Lean

Running Lean

Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works

Ivo's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 3, 2012 Ivo Flipse wrote:
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Making Things See

Making Things See

3D vision with Kinect, Processing, Arduino, and MakerBot

Ivo's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 9, 2012 Ivo Flipse wrote: Great introduction for anyone interested in experiementing with Kinect
This book makes it very easy to experiment with Kinect, Processing is easy to set up, simple to write and allows for rapid iterations. Perfect even when you're not that into programming (yet). The book has a very gradual increase in complexity, taking you from 2D, to 3D to changing the position of virtual camera and eventually scanning a 3D environment. The book starts to get really cool when you get to the Skeleton tracking part, which allows you to calculate the angles between limbs and use those to control the arm of an Arduino robot. Another great thing about the examples is how they show you all the basic elements you need to built highly interactive programs, like a virtual drum kit, controlling a robot or 3D model. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interesting in experimenting with Kinect. I easily got through the book in 3 days and with the help of Greg's GitHub you should have no trouble getting the examples to work! A definite recommendation! Full Review >

The Information Diet

The Information Diet

A Case for Conscious Consumption

Ivo's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Dec 19, 2011 Ivo Flipse wrote: The Information Diet [review]
      The main point of the book is to consider your intake of information similar to your food diet. Which is quite apt: one of the ways to stay healthy is to not overconsume. Well the same applies to information, because we tend to consume information sitting down,… Full Review >

Designing Data Visualizations

Designing Data Visualizations

Ivo's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 24, 2011 Ivo Flipse wrote: Designing Data Visualizations [Review]
I got to review this book through O’Reilly, I made the mistake of reading it on the Kindle. Due to this I couldn’t make heavy use of all the links the authors shared and all the color images were black and white. Especially the latter was a handicap when reading… Full Review >

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Exam Ref 70-417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012

J.D. Hicks wrote:
Perfect resource to upgrade your skills to Server 2012
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Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0