Reviews by Ish Ot Jr.

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Values, Units, and Colors

Values, Units, and Colors

Foundational CSS3 Components

Ish's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 12, 2012 Ish Ot Jr. wrote: Review: Values, Units, and Colors: Foundational CSS3 Components
Values, Units, and Colors is the third installment of Eric Meyer's partwork-style fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide, previous editions of which are considered biblical by many. O'Reilly seems to be trending towards shorter publications lately – emphasizing timeliness, as technology continues to evolve at an ever-increasing pace – over more definitive tomes… Full Review >

Mobile Development with C#

Mobile Development with C#

Building Native iOS, Android, and Windows Phone Applications

Ish's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 4, 2012 Ish Ot Jr. wrote: Review: Mobile Development with C#: Building Native iOS, Android, and Windows Phone Applications
Mobile Development with C# is yet another book that I was motivated to purchase by one of O’Reilly’s free webcasts. The title, Cross-Platform Mobile Development with C#, grabbed my attention, and the presentation itself was one of the most impressive I have seen from O’Reilly’s or any other series. The webcast is… Full Review >

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Featured Review

Designing Gestural Interfaces

Hector Lee wrote:
Designing Gestural Interfaces by Dan Saffer
Designing Gestural Interfaces is a great resource for those interested in developing or research in… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0