Reviews by Hitoshi Uchida

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Testable JavaScript

Testable JavaScript

Ensuring Reliable Code

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Aug 5, 2013 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Practical introduction
The author was in charge of Yahoo! Mail and some of tools introcuded here are also Yahoo!'s development tools. This book contains not only Java Script specific testable technic but also how we should manager code quality in daily development with many introductions of tools. Therefore, some of readers who know fundamental testable technics very well already will be bored to read the parts. For examples, agile development, test-driven development, coverage, complexity, why/what/how testable/maintainable/understandable... This parts are so boring. However, regarding tool introduction parts, they are practical and understandable how we set up environment and use with code/command examples and how our applications become more stable with testing tools.Figures are also helpful to understand the look&feel of each tools. The tool introduction part is consolidated and helpful for every developer who would like to integrate JS test tools and automation for building/testing/analyzing JS applications and improve their current development environment. Full Review >

21st Century C

21st Century C

C Tips from the New School

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 25, 2013 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Broad but shallow content
The content includes broad topics of C89, C99, C11, POSIX standerdized API and readers can effectively find something interesting and entry points for further programming skills. However, because a lot of topics are treated, each topic is shallow. Though the title of this book provides readers an impression they can become modern programmers, beginners for C programming should not start from this book because almost of the topic is intermediate or upper level. Without having basic programming knowledge for C and understanding difficult points with basic C programming, readers can't understand the value of the described technics and why C11 integrated new syntax described here and what matters were resovled by technics the author introduced. A topic related to macro is interesting for me because it made me reconsider the benefit of macro. For examples, how to bring foreach syntax into C programming and so forth. Full Review >

Programming iOS 5

Programming iOS 5

Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 18, 2012 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Informative guide
This book is suitable to understand the functionalities of iOS API comprehensively and shallowly. If readers are not familiar with Objective-C language and how to operate the user interface of xcode, they can create first application steadily. Because there are too much examples, readers can grasp the overview of iOS API. In my impression, this book doesn't have enough images and figures to understand what views are showed in UI as the result and how to operate the xcode UI. If next version is revised to contain more graphical information, it would help readers to understand more effectively. Full Review >

Think Complexity

Think Complexity

Complexity Science and Computational Modeling

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 30, 2012 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Entry point of complexity theory
The author starts from introduction what the complexity theory is and why the specific problem can't be resolved with traditional approach precisely. After the introduction, it starts from basic algorithm explanation of graph, hash map, iterator, and how to estimate the calculation cost with sample codes and the concrete estimation procedure. Full Review >

Getting Started with OAuth 2.0

Getting Started with OAuth 2.0

Programming Clients for Secure Web API Authorization and Authentication

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 27, 2012 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: informative for OAuth2.0 core
Each profile of OAuth2.0 spec is explained more precisely than the OAuth2.0 specification and the readers could understand not only the core features but also when each authorization flow should be used or not. The advantage and disadvantage are also introduced. The sample messages of requst/response and the sample codes are also helpful for better understanding of readers. The explanation of the extension API of Google OAuth2.0 server is also useful to grasp the actual available functions for the moment. Full Review >

Machine Learning for Email

Machine Learning for Email

Spam Filtering and Priority Inbox

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 23, 2012 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Practical machine learning is introduced
Thanks to R programming language, the reader could concentrate on the main purpose to understand the core procedures related to machine learning. Because the author explains the codes precisely also, the readers could understand the technologies clearly even if they can't understand some part of the codes. Full Review >

Hilary Mason: An Introduction to Machine Learning with Web Data

Hilary Mason: An Introduction to Machine Learning with Web Data

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 7, 2011 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: machine learning tech with web contents
This video targets to beginners of machine learning who would like to take a look what machine learning is and what application can be created with the technology. The video starts from an explanation (30 minutes) of a basic machine learning method "Bayzes' theorem" and an application sample code (50 minutes) treating New York Times contents to be classified into 'sports' or 'politics' and so on. Full Review >

Mining the Social Web

Mining the Social Web

Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 20, 2011 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Nice entry point for text minining
This book contains how to retrieve userdata from Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Buzz via Web API using the corresponding public python library. Technologically, microformat, k-means clustering, Natural Language Processing, ranking algorithm, how to find similar documents are also explained by using practical SNS datas. The corresponding sections contain a summary of each algorithm. All implementation is based on python, so readers need to understand very well beforehand. Totally, though the explanation is summary level and doesn't dive into deeply, it is nice entry point to start to dive into text mining not only SNS but also unstructured documents. Full Review >

Programming Python

Programming Python

Powerful Object-Oriented Programming

Hitoshi's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 12, 2011 Hitoshi Uchida wrote: Provides practical methods
Programming Python provides practical methods with Python standard library, especially focus on how to program system managing tools and GUI applications and network programming and Python/C integration. We can learn them precisely with detail sample programs step by step. Especially the Python/C integration section is interesting for me because it suggests also the trade off and valance between pure Python code and C/C++ native code. Full Review >

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Java Cookbook

Kiatikun Luangkesorn wrote:

This book (like most JVM books) seems to be written with the understanding that the… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0