Reviews by Erez Zukerman

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Learning Python

Learning Python

Powerful Object-Oriented Programming

Erez's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 12, 2013 Erez Zukerman wrote: The Aircraft Carrier of Python Books
This book is an aircraft carrier. Huge and massive, calmly floating in the sea of smaller Python tutorials and frameworks, it gives you as long a runway as you need until you're ready to take off into Python on your own. Full Review >

Code Simplicity

Code Simplicity

The Fundamentals of Software

Erez's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 29, 2012 Erez Zukerman wrote: Made me want to code.
I've been scripting, hacking, and patching things together for years now. I first started with VBA, then AutoHotkey, then Ruby, with a bit of PHP and JavaScript here and there. But I've never really considered myself a proper coder -- I just hack things together until I get something works. I knew "proper coding" can be beautiful, but I didn't really understand it until I finished reading Code Simplicity. Full Review >

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Spam Kings

John Jacob wrote:
Spam Kings by Brian McWilliams
A fantastic account of the big business of spam supplemented by the pitched battle of… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0