Reviews by Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar

Read Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar's Blog

Get-Real Selling

Get-Real Selling

Your Personal Coach for REAL Sales Excellence

Dulmandakh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jan 24, 2014 Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar wrote: Practical guide on doing sales right
As a startup founder I was struggling to learn sales skills to better sell products and services we develop as I don't have to time for university or bloat of theories. The book thought me practical skills on how to plan, forecast sales and most importantly how to communicate with your customer. Full Review >

Getting Started with OAuth 2.0

Getting Started with OAuth 2.0

Programming Clients for Secure Web API Authorization and Authentication

Dulmandakh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 14, 2012 Dulmandakh Sukhbaatar wrote:
Full Review >

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Practical Anonymity

Andreas von Linden wrote:
Practical Anonymity by Peter Loshin, Syngress
The content of the book can be best described with the following statement from the… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0