Reviews by Dinesh M

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Hilary Mason: Advanced Machine Learning

Hilary Mason: Advanced Machine Learning

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Oct 28, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Introduction to Machine Learning!
Disclaimer: I got the free review copy from Oreilly as part of blogger review program. You cannot get deep understanding of machine learning from these tutorials. These tutorials are like, What is Machine Learning, What is Machine Learning capable of? This is what you can do with various Machine Learning algorithms. Machine Learning Experts may get some useful tips. We will get the flavor of Machine Learning starting from third video. There are totally five videos.The first video is a short introduction to the course. This video is around 19 minutes. Hilary discusses the tools that we will use in this tutorial with the necessary URL to download the source code and the open data set that we will use through out the tutorial. The second video is around 18 minutes. Hilary introduces terminal along with examples such as how to sort, unique, read and many more examples on the data. The third video is around 42 minutes. Hilary introduces the concepts of Regression Analysis along with a live example of Decision Trees. There is not much coding here. Hilary used her pre-coded decision tree program to learn and predict about the data. The fourth video is around 26 minutes. Hilary introduced clustering and what we can do with clustering along with a live example of K-means. The fifth video is around 21 minutes and covers the concepts of simhashing. Full Review >

Start Here! Learn JavaScript

Start Here! Learn JavaScript

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Sep 25, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Introductory book to Javascript and jQuery
This book explains the limitations of javascript, do’s and don’t’s. Basics of Javascript are introduced in the Chapter-2. If you are a developer who work on Microsoft Technologies, buy this book, otherwise don’t. The book name is Learn Javascript, however after reading the book, I found out that, this book is not an out and out Javascript book. The basics of the Javascript are introduced. Then the author jumps into jQuery. This book provides good introduction to Javascript and jQuery. Full Review >

Head First HTML and CSS

Head First HTML and CSS

A Learner's Guide to Creating Standards-Based Web Pages

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 8, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Best HTML and CSS Book!
This book is an introductory book. Lots of examples and practice exercises. The beauty of the head first series book is visuals. This book in the similar fashion helps us understand the technical details by using visuals. This book covers the important html tags and css styles in detail.The book provides very detailed explanation of the tags. Full Review >

Introducing Regular Expressions

Introducing Regular Expressions

Unraveling Regular Expressions, Step-by-Step

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 26, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Introducing Regular Expressions by Michael Fitzgerald from Oreilly
In this book, the author first shows the example and then explains the examples which helps us understand the regular expressions very well. The author also explained some of the pitfalls of blindly using regular expressions, which I think is really helpful. The author also provided detailed and clear explanation of every part of the regular expression syntax he used in the book. The book includes explanations of several useful regular expression tools both online and offline and how each and every regular expression can be used in several editors with clear screenshots. Full Review >

Building Web Applications with SVG

Building Web Applications with SVG

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 17, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Building Web Applications with SVG by David Dailey, Jon Frost, Domenico Strazzullo from Oreilly
Building Web Applications with SVG provides a good introduction to the concepts of SVG, basic SVG tags and such. The author starts off by explaining each and every basic concept in detail with examples, which helped me understand the concepts without any pain. I feel that the author wrote the book with lots of patience. Below each and every code is a visual representation of the output with coordinates, which help us save lot of time when trying to understand the output of the code. The book slowly jumps into advanced concepts. I liked this book and will keep it as a reference for advanced concepts. Full Review >

Getting Started with D3

Getting Started with D3

Creating Data-Driven Documents

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 2, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Getting Started with D3 by Mike Dewar from Oreilly
This book is an introduction to one of the popular visualization libraries, D3, which is a javascript library. Mike starts with an introduction with D3 along with various examples. If you want to develop visualizations with D3 but if you are confused with the official documentation from the D3 website, then this book will provide a perfect start for you. There are so many code examples to help us understand the concepts. Mike also wrote some points about what D3 cannot do, which I found useful. Full Review >

Strata Conference Santa Clara 2012: Video Compilation

Strata Conference Santa Clara 2012: Video Compilation

Dinesh's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jun 30, 2012 Dinesh M wrote: Good and Informative
Disclaimer: I got the review copy of this video compilation from Oreilly. These videos are from various experts in the big data field. So I definitely recommend these videos to everyone who is involved in the big data field. In the data visualization workshop, the video was more focused on the speaker rather than the slides. Awesome Collection! Full Review >

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Make: Electronics

Wayne Werner wrote:
Review - Make: Electronics
Make: Electronics, by Charles Platt, is an incredible book for anyone who is curious about… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0