Tips & Tools for Overclocking Your Brain
Diego's rating:
On Nov 26, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Good book. Very good tricks
Since the false information that we use only a fraction of our brain (due to insufficient technology of the time to record the full functioning of the brain) to diffuse have popularized a number of more or less serious techniques to harness all potential. This book is a compilation of some of the best
The techniques are very good, but the book was published eight years ago (before tablets and smartphones) as examples and additional information are outdated. Nor is it a good choice programs that can be downloaded from the website are made in Perl.
But nevertheless worth reading. Full Review >
Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product
Diego's rating:
On Nov 8, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Another essential book
The software creation is a complex activity, not only involves transforming a problem solving a programming language, making sure that the code is error and there is no security risk but also useful.
The first step then is the exact understanding by the entire team of developers not only what the user asks but what you really need. Hence the usefulness of the method that exposes the author of this book. Full Review >
Building HTML5 Applications: From Desktop to Mobile
Diego's rating:
On Sep 24, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: A great introduction
Devices and consumer technologies such as tablets and smartphones are used by corporations as a quick and affordable way to manage their operations. But entrepreneurs needs are very different from the needs of people. Hence the usefulness of this book.
Yakov Fain, Victor Rasputnis, Anatole Tartakovsky and Viktor the book Gamov start properly defining what is an entrepreneur application, they think it is one that allows you to manage the online business of a company. In the following chapters will review different tools to work with Javascript and related technologies like HTML5 CSS3. Full Review >
A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites
Diego's rating:
On Aug 14, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: All in one book
This book is an excellent introduction to the five technologies that will dominate the industry landscape in the coming years. While it is focused on creating dynamic websites not cost much to transfer knowledge to creating apps for all mobile platforms. While the price (at least in ebook format) may seem a bit excessive need to be aware that the content is equivalent to 5 books introductory separately.
Some web development professionals have objected that except for the choice of the chosen HTML5 technologies are not the best or the most current. I do not share that criticism is a book for beginners and ideal to meet the needs of users who need to create websites that meet their own needs. Full Review >
Smarter Marketing with Analytics and Dashboards
Diego's rating:
On Jun 21, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: A ensencial tool for small and large businesses
Since Henry Ford famously said "I know that 50% of advertising works, but do not know which 50%", the big challenge for companies has been how to determine the performance of their marketing strategies. The big data is just the latest in a series of fashion solutions to this problem.
Koen Pauwels book defines its proposal in the title, this is not much data to collect but what those data and how it is used. From there teaches the methodology used in our power to create toolkits that help us to get the information we need. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Apr 29, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: know the difference between a programming language and know how to use
You can know how to use a hammer and saw, but that is not enough to become an expert carpenter. Similarly one can study memory all the lessons of a programming language and copy all the examples, but that does not mean it is able to use them in real life.
Eric Elliott, proposes to go a step further than the usual van Javascript books teaching us how to use it in an application, the correct way to present code, the internationalization of a program, the use of Apis and libraries as create reusable code. Full Review >
A Simple Guide to Reaching Your Personal Best
Diego's rating:
On Mar 16, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Very interesting, but nothing new
In an age where new technologies should make us more productive, the opposite effect occurs. Every time we have more things to do and the same amount of time to do them. Subtract time from sleep, leisure or family a short-term solution that ends turning against us. Luckily there are people like Tamara Myles.
This book explains in a very didactic way and with examples the factors that hinder or enhance our productivity, how to detect and correct our weaknesses to achieve our best performance. Full Review >
A Hands-On Guide for Programmers and Data Scientists
Diego's rating:
On Feb 15, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: A an excellent introduction to data analysis
Philipp K. Janert, physicist and software engineer by training and consulting profession, this book demonstrates that with a little intelligence, a solid understanding of statistical tools and the needs of businesses is possible to obtain the information needed.
The book is not about the use of sophisticated programs available only to large companies, any normal computer with Ubuntu or any other linux distribution with Windows Python interpreter can execute. Full Review >
From the Web to Windows 8 with Ease
Diego's rating:
On Jan 24, 2014 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Releasing HTML5 Games for Windows 8
Not a book for beginners, but O'Reilly has several introductory volumes to HTML5 that will acquire the necessary knowledge to understand spoken of this work. Full Review >
An Ecosystem Approach to User Experiences across Devices
Diego's rating:
On Dec 12, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Designing Multi-Device Experiences An Ecosystem Approach to User
If you are or intend to be a designer, you can not put it down. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Nov 6, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Windows 8.1: Out of the Box, 2nd Edition.
For an average user this book will give you everything you need to know how to exploit Windows 8.1. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Nov 5, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: 70-482 Exam Ref: Advanced Windows Store App Development Using HTML5 and JavaScript by Roberto Brunetti, Vanni Boncinelli.
Let's be clear, this is not a book for beginners, not a book about html5 and javascript, this is a book about using html5 and javascript for a specific purpose--creating applications for the Windows App Store. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Oct 9, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Windows 8.1 Step by Step Early Preview Release by Adrian Rusen iprian, Joli Ballew. Microsoft Press
This book is written by two authors. A professional writer and an amateur blogger. The combination is effective. This is a professionally written text but also so accessible to the user and touching the issues this may interest you. In summary the final version (this is a preliminary edition) will be great. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Sep 15, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: A great introduction to a new subject
This early edition dedicated experts in economics, psychology, designers, managers and entrepreneurs may well be published as definitive edition and intended for general public. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Aug 19, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: The democratization of development in 3d
Tony Parisi knows the subject in-depth. Full Review >
A Working Introduction
Diego's rating:
On Aug 14, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
If you're planning some collaborative work you should not miss it. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Jul 13, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: A Good Introduction
If you are thinking of paying the Microsoft certification exams or make the effort to adapt the text to the program you are using you can not miss this book. Full Review >
Designing with Details
Diego's rating:
On May 29, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: The importance of small details
The examples are very interesting. Full Review >
A Developer's Guide to Building User-Friendly Applications
Diego's rating:
On May 7, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: The book that every designer should read
The book ends with a development methodology that meets the premises of the book and is perfectly easy to understand for all levels of user examples. Full Review >
Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience
Diego's rating:
On Apr 16, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: The right book for the right time
Undoubtedly software designers should read this book. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Mar 19, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Not suitable for beginners
Roy Sutton knows the topic because the writer is project partner and member of the defunct WebOS project, but in my humble opinion fails to arouse interest in the subject. Full Review >
Tips & Tools for Unlocking the Power of Tablets and Desktops
Diego's rating:
On Feb 18, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Another essential book for O'Reilly
Definitely a book you have to reserve a place in the library of every user of Windows 8. Full Review >
An O'Reilly Radar Report
Diego's rating:
On Jan 29, 2013 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Better skill than strength
In general, this is not something normally of interest to those working in computer science (especially free software developers) but this kind of book is a great help to understand that the purpose of computers is to improve the lives of people giving useful solutions at the best price. Full Review >
Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster
Diego's rating:
On Dec 18, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: How to create a startup and not die trying
Definitely a book that should appear in the bibliography of any business school who presumes to academic excellence. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Nov 15, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: The manuals are not dead
If you buy the license for Windows 8 do not miss this book. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Oct 16, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: An essential book
If Microsoft wants Windows 8 to succeed they should give each purchaser a copy of this book. Full Review >
An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving
Diego's rating:
On Sep 17, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Programando en la vida real
Think Like a Programmer lo que hace es seleccionar diferentes áreas de problemas a los que puede enfrentarse un programador y proponer una serie de técnicas para resolverlos creativamente. A riesgo de superar la cuota de frases hechas que me perdonan los lectores dirÃÂa “no te da el pescado sino que te enseña a pescarâ€Â. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Aug 7, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Obra imprescindible para periodistas y lectores
Mycroft Holmes, el hermano mucho más inteligente de Sherlock, no perseguÃÂa criminales sino que recopilaba datos de diferentes orÃÂgenes, los analizaba y ponÃÂa a disposición del gobierno británico. Este libro cuenta como los “Mycrofts†de la actualidad hacen lo mismo pero para sus lectores.
Hay dos aspectos interesantes en esta obra. O’Reilly vuelve a intentar la experiencia que ya iniciara con “Every book is a startupâ€Â, que los lectores aporten sus experiencias y sugerencias para ediciones posteriores. La segunda es su disponibilidad bajo licencia Creative Commons. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Jul 11, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: El libro que necesitaba cuando estaba en la universidad
En el plan de estudios de casi cualquier carrera el álgebra es un obstáculo ineludible. Lamentablemente no abundan los buenos profesores capaces de hacerla interesante y sàson legión los recitadores de enunciados que resultan tan didácticos como si dieran la clase en japonés.
Y no es casual que eligiera este idioma porque es desde el Imperio del Sol Naciente de donde nos llega este libro que en forma de historieta nos introduce en temas fundamentales de esta materia como las funciones, ecuaciones, matrices y vectores. Full Review >
Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development
Diego's rating:
On Jun 10, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Introducción ideal para comenzar a programar en IOS 5
El éxito de los productos cuyo nombre comienzan con I hacen que quienes quieran hacer carrera como desarrolladores tengan sào sàsaber a programar para el Iphone/Ipad.
En ese sentido este libro es una herramienta imprescindible. Comenzando por los fundamentos de la versión Apple del lenguaje C (OBJETIVE-C), Las herramientas de desarrollo Xcode y las APis de Cocoa Touch. Full Review >
Web 2.0 Programming with Django and Turbogears
Diego's rating:
On May 7, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: El mejor punto de partida
Cuando uno se decide a dar el paso de usuario de software libre a programador y pide consejo sobre el lenguaje de programación con el cual iniciarse, la respuesta suele ser casi unánime. Python.
Este libro va un paso más allá ya que pretende demostrar (y lo logra) que Python es capaz también de desarrollar aplicaciones web 2.0 Full Review >
UI Patterns for Mobile Applications
Diego's rating:
On Apr 11, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Una imagen vale más que mil palabras
If you're a programmer without any aesthetic sense, or a novice designer this work should not miss in your library. Personally I confess that I want to buy multiple copies and send them to some developers of applications for Linux. Full Review >
Case Studies and Algorithms to Get You Started
Diego's rating:
On Mar 25, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
In short, if you want to make your computer more than kill Martians go to buy it. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Mar 3, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: La industria editorial en el siglo XXI
Linux y Software Libre
Best of TOC 2012 por O’Reilly Radar Team. O’Reilly Media
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La relación de la mayor parte de la industria editorial con respecto a las nuevas tecnologÃÂas y al cambio de las costumbres de los lectores ha sido tratar por todos los medios de perpetuar los actuales modelos de negocio. En ese sentido también actuaron las discográficas y la industria del espectáculo.
Por suerte no todos piensan igual. En este libro nos encontramos con una serie de artÃÂculos recopilados desde el portal O’reilly Radar en el que se pasa revista a la actualidad del negocio, a las tecnologÃÂas disponibles y al futuro. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Feb 15, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Una obra necesaria
This book come directly from the editorial board of Microsoft, is an indispensable tool for bloggers, journalists specialized in technology and especially for textbook authors. Full Review >
Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in JavaScript
Diego's rating:
On Feb 2, 2012 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Un buen libro si uno sabe lo que está comprando
It is a book to learn how to start but having no prior knowledge on the subject. Full Review >
Building Web Applications with IIS, SQL Server, Active Directory, and Exchange Server
Diego's rating:
On Dec 10, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
In short, the book of Austrian Arno Hollósi is a must for those who advocate collaboration between proprietary software with open source and those who work or want to do with Microsoft Web technologies work. Full Review >
Converting Flash Animations to HTML5
Diego's rating:
On Nov 3, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
Ian McLean's book can not be faulted in terms of the clarity of the explanations, his big problem is redundancy. Full Review >
Building iOS Applications with ActionScript
Diego's rating:
On Sep 30, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Developing iOS Applications with Flex 4.5 por Rich Tretola. O’reilly Media
Definitely a book that should be included with Adobe Flex Full Review >
A Designer's Guide to Visual Development
Diego's rating:
On Sep 6, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
A book that does what it says in the title Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Aug 25, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote: Every Book Is a Startup por Todd Sattersten. O’Reilly Media
In some months is work will be a must for those who want to start or continue in the publishing business in the XXI century text. Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Aug 9, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
Ideal for juicing book to Windows 7 Full Review >
Diego's rating:
On Jul 16, 2011 Diego Gonzalez wrote:
This book is the ideal starting point to learn to use Adobe Flash CS5.5 Full Review >