Reviews by David Hayden

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Intermediate Python Programming - No Longer for Sale

Intermediate Python Programming - No Longer for Sale

Tools and Tips for Developers

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Jun 6, 2014 David Hayden wrote: Enjoyed Data Types and Python DBAPI Coverage
Overall I recommend the video for learning intermediate data types, Python DBAPI, and some other concepts. However, I was left wondering if some of the topics could have been replaced with more appropriate topics. If you look at the table of contents, some of the topics seem to get a bit off the beaten path so-to-speak. The presenter, however, did a great job of presenting the topics and I look forward to other videos from him. Full Review >

Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 21, 2014 David Hayden wrote: Excellent to Help Teach Children Python
Great overview of Python to help teach children. Covers all the basic data types and builds upon the knowledge gained to develop reusable functions, classes, and modules for use in applications and games. If you're a visual learner or working with children who prefer videos for learning, it's a great resource. Full Review >

Flask Web Development

Flask Web Development

Developing Web Applications with Python

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 15, 2014 David Hayden wrote: Great First Book on Flask!
Excellent book on using Flask for web development for those new to Flask. Went from no knowledge on Flask to understanding how to use Flask to build websites after finishing the book and working through the code samples. Flask is a very unopinionated web framework that is both fun to learn and use for websites. Full Review >

Head First JavaScript Programming

Head First JavaScript Programming

A Brain-Friendly Guide

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 9, 2014 David Hayden wrote: Great Beginner Book
If you are new to JavaScript, Head First JavaScript Programming is a fantastic first book. Follow this book with another great book, Head First HTML5 Programming, which is one of my personal favorites on learning JavaScript in the browser. It will take your skills even further. Once you finish those 2 books, dive into a good book on jQuery to round out your knowledge! Full Review >

The Modern Web

The Modern Web

Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jun 20, 2013 David Hayden wrote: Great Overview!
Excellent overview of current and future technologies for developing for the web. If you're trying to catch up on various technologies and best practices on HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, etc., this is the book. It touches just about everything you want to know and goes just deep enough to help you understand importance and implementation. Full Review >

Mac Hacks

Mac Hacks

Tips & Tools for unlocking the power of OS X

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Apr 14, 2013 David Hayden wrote: Something for Everyone
If you are new to OS X and looking for ways to better understand and control your Mac, you will enjoy the book. I really liked the security- and network-related hacks covered in Mountain Lion Hacks, Lock Down that Mac, and Networking Hacks. Check out the list of the hacks in the table of contents to see if you are interested in the content. Full Review >

Coding with Coda

Coding with Coda

Beautiful Development in One Window

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Mar 12, 2013 David Hayden wrote: Overview of UI and Preferences
The book would have been better titled "Overview of Coda" as opposed to "Coding with Coda" as it mainly provides a quick overview of the UI, preferences, and new features. If you are struggling with understanding the UI of Coda and its preferences, Coding with Coda provides a detailed list of Coda preferences and their meaning. Full Review >

DOM Enlightenment

DOM Enlightenment

Exploring JavaScript and the Modern DOM

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 1, 2013 David Hayden wrote: Great Book for Learning DOM Fundamentals
An insightful and easy-to-read book about manipulating and traversing the DOM with JavaScript as opposed to an abstract library like jQuery. This is a great look at fundamentals and very useful for better understanding JavaScript libraries, like jQuery, Zepto, etc. Full Review >

Learning from jQuery

Learning from jQuery

Building on Core Skills

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 17, 2013 David Hayden wrote: Good Book for Non-Programmers Using jQuery
I see this book being a good transition for non-programmers that use jQuery in their web designs and want to know more about how jQuery works under the covers as well as better understand the JavaScript they do write. It's a way for them to dip their toes into the JavaScript waters using what they know - jQuery. Full Review >

CSS3: The Missing Manual

CSS3: The Missing Manual

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jan 24, 2013 David Hayden wrote: Great Beginner Book
If you are just learning CSS and even HTML, this is a great beginner book. It teaches you the role of CSS in web design, how to use CSS to style various areas of your web pages, and how to use CSS to create page layouts and responsive web designs. Each chapter ends with 1 or more tutorials to put your knowledge to the test! Full Review >

CLR via C#

CLR via C#

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 15, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Great C# Reference Book
A lot of books explain the C# language from a very high level, but few dive deep to expose compiler trickery, myths, gotchas, and real-world use. If you want to take your knowledge of C# to the next level, check out CLR via C#! Full Review >

Async in C# 5.0

Async in C# 5.0

Unleash the Power of Async

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 21, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Great Book. Needs More Examples
Overall, it is a really good book. I love the topic, the writing style, and the information. I just wish there were more examples, especially ASP.NET MVC examples. Full Review >

Programming ASP.NET MVC 4

Programming ASP.NET MVC 4

Developing Real-World Web Applications with ASP.NET MVC

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Oct 14, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Good Breadth of Topics
The book really shines in the breadth of topics covered. Lots of good coverage of ASP.NET MVC and related topics as well as best practices, design patterns, and programming principles. The topics are pretty terse, so those who enjoy exposure to a wide variety of subjects and proven practices with short and sweet examples will enjoy the book the most. Full Review >

Version Control with Git

Version Control with Git

Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 27, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Lots of Detail on Git
This book will get you up and running with the basic concepts of Git to make you productive immediately while also giving you an excellent reference book with lots of detail on the inner-workings and less obvious features of Git. Includes a nice overview of GitHub for those interested in the social coding aspects of GitHub. Full Review >

Head First HTML and CSS

Head First HTML and CSS

A Learner's Guide to Creating Standards-Based Web Pages

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 12, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Excellent Beginner Book on HTML and CSS
Great introduction to HTML and CSS for beginners interested in designing web pages. Teaches the very basics without needing any experience or pre-existing knowledge. Starts from scratch and slowly builds on the basics to teach you best practices and principles! Highly recommended for the beginner who enjoys the writing style found in Head First books! Full Review >

C# 5.0 in a Nutshell

C# 5.0 in a Nutshell

The Definitive Reference

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 22, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Great Reference Book for C# and .NET
Warms you up with the fundamentals of C# and then diligently takes you through the new features in C# 3, 4, and 5. Teaches you the concepts and then provides plenty of samples to get you comfortable with both the theory and programming. Keep at an arm's reach of your development PC! Full Review >

Orchard CMS: Up and Running

Orchard CMS: Up and Running

ASP.NET Website Development Made Easy

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Jun 22, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Great Idea, Just Not Delivered Well...
Although the overall concept is fantastic, the book tries to do too much in 132 pages and in my humble opinion will frustrate both developers wanting to learn to extend Orchard and end users who just want to create Orchard Websites without doing any development. The development examples are not much more than what you can find online in the Orchard Documentation, and the steps for downloading, installing, and configuring modules in the gallery as well as enabling built-in features are missing a lot of steps and guidance. Full Review >

Programming iOS 5

Programming iOS 5

Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 18, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Solid Reference Book
Great reference book for when you need more in-depth, fundamental knowledge on topics that are only briefly discussed in other books. I wouldn't recommend it as your first iOS developer book, but more as a companion or reference book as you learn iOS development. Full Review >

Using Drupal

Using Drupal

Choosing and Configuring Modules to Build Dynamic Websites

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 2, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Solid Beginner Book!
Without any experience with Drupal, I was able to learn the fundamentals of Drupal and create various content types, nodes, themes with regions, and leverage existing Drupal modules in my practice websites. Full Review >

The Art of SEO

The Art of SEO

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Apr 8, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Something for Everyone
Whether you're a business owner wanting to better understand SEO, a web designer or web developer wanting to better optimize your websites for SEO, or an espiring SEO guru, you'll be happy with the book. Full Review >

Building HTML5 Games with ImpactJS

Building HTML5 Games with ImpactJS

An Introduction On HTML5 Game Development

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 21, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Great Introduction to Impact
Learn how to create a game using the Impact JavaScript Game Engine from start to finish. Build sprites and sprite sheets; game levels; and monsters, heros, and weapons that interact in your first game! Full Review >

Head First Mobile Web

Head First Mobile Web

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 13, 2012 David Hayden wrote: Something for Everyone!
I was surprised and delighted with just how much this book covers. There is something for everyone in this book as it discusses mobile web development from quite a few angles: responsive web design, jQuery Mobile, device detection and databases, developing hybrid web apps using PhoneGap Build, etc. Full Review >

JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 20, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Great Introduction to jQuery
A really nice introduction to jQuery that teaches you the concepts, how to apply those concepts with real-world tutorials, and then leverage available plugins for rapid development. Perfect book for beginners that want more than just the documentation-type snippets, but not all the visual "effects" you get from a Head First Book. Highly recommended. Full Review >

Programming HTML5 Applications

Programming HTML5 Applications

Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in JavaScript

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 30, 2011 David Hayden wrote: It's an Okay Book
The book has good coverage of the programming features in HTML5 like Local Storage, IndexedDB, Files, Offline Applications, Web Workers, and Web Sockets. It even has a primer on JavaScript and JavaScript Tools as well as quick coverage of the new HTML5 Tags. Unfortunately, there are just better books that discuss the same topics in my humble opinion. Full Review >

Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 21, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Good Book for Beginners
If you are a beginning ASP.NET MVC developer that just needs to know the facts and not interested in reading about the development of an end-to-end sample or application throughout the book, you will find Programming ASP.NET MVC 2nd Edition informative. If, on the other hand, you are looking for an ASP.NET MVC book that introduces you to ASP.NET MVC concepts as you develop an application, you may not enjoy the book as much. It really only discusses ASP.NET MVC concepts piece-meal, which means you never truly leverage the features of ASP.NET MVC to build an end-to-end ASP.NET MVC application in the book. Full Review >

Head First HTML5 Programming

Head First HTML5 Programming

Building Web Apps with JavaScript

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Nov 5, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Excellent Introduction to JavaScript and HTML5
An excellent introduction to JavaScript and HTML5. The first 6 chapters is some of the best coverage of JavaScript for DOM manipulation and server-side communications using the XMLHttpRequest Object I have ever read. The last half of the book puts that JavaScript to use teaching Geolocation, Canvas, Video, LocalStorage, and Web Workers. Lots of images, pictures, and other visual effects and games to keep you learning and entertained! Full Review >

Head First jQuery

Head First jQuery

A Brain-Friendly Guide

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 22, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Great for Beginners
If you are truly a beginner at web design and development using jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, etc. and very much a visual learner, I think you will be impressed by Head First jQuery. It truly does start from scratch and assumes little to no knowledge. It's perfect for those completely new to web design and development and those that learn best visually with lots of images, repetition, and playful games. Full Review >

HTML5: The Missing Manual

HTML5: The Missing Manual

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 17, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Excellent Introduction to HTML5
HTML5 The Missing Manual hits that sweet spot to help web designers and developers start integrating HTML5 into their websites. In addition to teaching the new HTML5 Syntax and the semantic meaning of the markup, it also provides a wonderful treasure trove of web design and development resources on the Internet, an insightful perspective on the differences and evolution of HTML5 Markup compared to earlier versions of HTML and XHTML, and a pleasurable pace and writing style that keeps you interested in the material from cover to cover. Full Review >

Gamification by Design

Gamification by Design

Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Sep 5, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Very insightful for those new to gamification!
Developing web and mobile applications is particularly easy compared to developing an ecosystem where visitors and customers are compelled to register and actively participate on that website. Web Designers and Developers are turning to concepts, strategies, and mechanics found in games to help engage audiences on the website. Full Review >

Redis Cookbook

Redis Cookbook

Practical Techniques for Fast Data Manipulation

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Aug 21, 2011 David Hayden wrote: For Those Struggling To Understand the Value of Data Structures in Redis
If you have read the online documentation and samples for Redis and it is still not clear as to the usefulness of the data structures in your applications and how to use them, the Redis Cookbook should help you bridge that gap in your knowledge and give you a far better appreciation for Redis. Full Review >

Introducing Microsoft WebMatrix

Introducing Microsoft WebMatrix

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Jun 23, 2011 David Hayden wrote: Introducing Microsoft WebMatrix Book Review
If you are a beginner or hobbyist programmer with very little experience using the ASP.NET Web Pages Framework and Microsoft WebMatrix, Introducing Microsoft WebMatrix is a gentle, tutorial-based introduction to using the Microsoft WebMatrix to perform common tasks when building simple websites. Full Review >

HTML5 Canvas

HTML5 Canvas

Native Interactivity and Animation for the Web

David's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jun 3, 2011 David Hayden wrote: HTML5 Canvas Book Review - Create HTML5 Games!
My daughter and I have been developing HTML5 Games to help improve our HTML5 and JavaScript skills. Up until now, however, our games lacked the cool game physics, sound management, and other items to make our games truly fun. HTML5 Canvas changed all that! Full Review >

Top Reviewers

Michal Konrad Owsiak, 95 Reviews

Santosh Shanbhag, 64 Reviews

Surachart Opun, 61 Reviews

Doron Katz, 57 Reviews

Shawn Day, 55 Reviews

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MOS 2010 Study Guide for Microsoft Office SharePoint

Rene Modery wrote:
Good resource to prepare for the exam
The Study Guide here is, as the name says, intended to help people prepare for… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0