Reviews by Dave Cottlehuber

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Understanding Computation

Understanding Computation

From Simple Machines to Impossible Programs

Dave's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 8, 2014 Dave Cottlehuber wrote: The Missing Link: What the Computer Science Professors Left Out
If you're a self-taught programmer, or a hobbyist who wants to learn more about the theoretical side of computer science, without drowning in research papers, I cannot recommend a better book. Full Review >

Realm of Racket

Realm of Racket

Learn to Program, One Game at a Time!

Dave's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 19, 2013 Dave Cottlehuber wrote: Rachet up with Racket
This book is firmly targeted at younger people relatively new to programming, but gives a solid grounding that many other books don't. The initial pace is slow, but it moves quickly along and most entry-level programmers will find themselves needing to follow closely the later chapters. Full Review >

Getting Started with D3

Getting Started with D3

Creating Data-Driven Documents

Dave's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Sep 1, 2013 Dave Cottlehuber wrote: nothing to see here, move along
This O'Reilly book is part of the "Getting Started" series, which I have to say I don't really find valuable other than for a quick flick through a new topic. Full Review >

Inside Windows Debugging

Inside Windows Debugging

A Practical Guide to Debugging and Tracing Strategies in Windows®

Dave's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 14, 2012 Dave Cottlehuber wrote: The whole kit and kaboodle
This book is awesome. It will become your bible for windows debugging, and covers both theoretical aspects such as how the kernel & userland fit together in Windows, details on how 64 bit & 32 bit cohabit etc, and real-world expertise on debugging strategies for remote, local, and virtual machine scenarios. Full Review >

Perl Pocket Reference

Perl Pocket Reference

Programming Tools

Dave's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 8, 2012 Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
Full Review >

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

Dave's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 17, 2011 Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
Full Review >

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Featured Review

Jump Start Bootstrap

Carsten Jorgensen wrote:
Great introduction to Responsive Web Design
Jump Start Bootstrap is a quick and easy read and a great introduction to Responsive… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0