Reviews by Daniel Molnar

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Agile Data Science

Agile Data Science

Building Data Analytics Applications with Hadoop

Daniel's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Apr 15, 2014 Daniel Molnar wrote: You could say I'm a sucker for bashing, but hell no, was I just curious.
Agile is something of an overused buzzword now and it seems to be the case now. Agile here equals with just installing a dozen frameworks after each other and skim another programming or markup language in a row spiced with some algos and stats. You gonna be exposed to SQL, NoSQL, Python, Avro, Pig, Flask, Bootstrap, Jinja, D3.js, nvd3.js, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, GitHub, dotCloud, S3, Elastic Mapreduce, Google Analytics, Mortar Data, ElasticSearch, Wonderdog, TF-IDF and Naive Bayes, all in 178 pages. Thinking positively this is the quickest possible intro for a workflow with all typical phases, although weapons of choice seem arbitrary, never a why, never a pro or a con nor any alternatives. If you're lazy to understand the landscape and want a pre-cooked menu that you can cook, but can't change the recipes, go for it. Full Review >

Python for Data Analysis

Python for Data Analysis

Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython

Daniel's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 9, 2013 Daniel Molnar wrote: Handle with care — I will stick to pandas tutorials presented in IPython notebooks.
Mea culpa, but I was waiting for THE Pandas book given its author. I believed that pandas deserve a good intro book with decently built examples and learning curve, but I was wrong. This book is a very uneven kind of batched together webreference chapters. Most of the material is not meant for beginners sometimes even can get kind of scary. No pun intended, it smells like good intent, bad execution for me. As a starter Chapter 2 contained non-working code snippets while Chapter 3 exposed such inner workings that could confuse readers. Why is this here, I mean all editors went on strike? Truth to be told the 2nd edition fixed some of the most annoying bugs. Strictly appendix stuff is edited in as the main course. Handle with care — I will stick to pandas tutorials presented in IPython notebooks. Full Review >

Strata Conference Santa Clara 2012: Video Compilation

Strata Conference Santa Clara 2012: Video Compilation

Daniel's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 7, 2012 Daniel Molnar wrote:
Full Review >

C.J. Date's Database Design and Relational Theory: Normal Forms and All That Jazz Master Class

C.J. Date's Database Design and Relational Theory: Normal Forms and All That Jazz Master Class

Daniel's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 1.0

On Jun 24, 2012 Daniel Molnar wrote:
Full Review >

Machine Learning for Hackers

Machine Learning for Hackers

Case Studies and Algorithms to Get You Started

Daniel's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Apr 17, 2012 Daniel Molnar wrote:
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The Linux Command Line

The Linux Command Line

A Complete Introduction

Daniel's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 20, 2012 Daniel Molnar wrote: Review: William E. Shotts Jr.: The Linux Command Line – A Complete Introduction (O’Reilly Media)
I approached this book as an aging hacker who started out network computing on DEC VAX and VMS, but spent more than a dozen years in Windows-close business environments, and now gets back to its roots with a programming habit turning serious. My UNIX experience got rusty during the years,… Full Review >

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Featured Review

Randal Schwartz on Learning Perl

Matt Hulse wrote:
Review: Randal Schwartz on Learning Perl (Video)
Randal Schwartz, author of O'Reilly's Learning Perl (The Llama book), presents a 2 day video… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0