Reviews by Cristobal Gonzalez

Read Cristobal Gonzalez's Blog

Learning Web App Development

Learning Web App Development

Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques

Cristobal's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 25, 2014 Cristobal Gonzalez wrote: Starting with Javascript technologies
A very interesting introduction to Web App Development with a very popular set of technologies: Mongo, Express, Node, HTML and Javascript. Full Review >

HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps

HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps

Bridging the Gap Between the Web and the Mobile Web

Cristobal's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 11, 2014 Cristobal Gonzalez wrote: A good option if you want to have a global view
In this book by Wesley Hales written on 2012, expect to find a good description about why there are so many web applications with Javascript and different approaches on how to do it. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Building Web Apps with WordPress

Brian Long wrote:

The book contains insightful discussions of working with WordPress and making your app work well–… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0