Reviews by Chetankumar Akarte

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Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Making Native Apps with Standards-Based Web Tools

Chetankumar's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 2, 2012 Chetankumar Akarte wrote: Good to start Android Apps development.
Android is one of the most popular mobile operating system. Google's Android operating system is a compelling addition to the mobile computing space. The market is beginning to flood with Android devices of all shapes and sizes; everyday a new android based mobile enter in the market. The popularity of android is due to good connectivity and high speed data transfer among the globe. World is interconnected with internet. Broadband made data transfer quite simple. Android Mobile engages people, involve and interact more with each other using social networking. That's why mobile and mobile computing booming these days. Android Mobile brings a new revolution and also open new door for enthusiastic developer. Best ideas becoming popular over the nights. So, everyone wish to develop his own android app. Developing Android app needs good knowledge of Java and the Android SDK. You need to dig deep to master mobile development. What If you are novice? Don't worry Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by Jonathan Stark, Brian Jepson is there for you. If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This book practically guides you to turn your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript based web site into an interactive android application. Full Review >

JavaScript Step by Step

JavaScript Step by Step

Chetankumar's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 20, 2012 Chetankumar Akarte wrote: Good to start learning JavaScript
JavaScript is the backbone of any web application development, whether you're adding interactivity web form validating script to a web page or creating an entire JavaScript Ajax based application; JavaScript plays a vital role. Learning JavaScript is a fun. JavaScript Step by Step is an introductory book which definitely helps you in Learning JavaScript. This book starts from basics of JavaScript web programming language. Small JavaScript exercise in this book always refreshes your learning. Good to start learning JavaScript. Full Review >

C.J. Date's SQL and Relational Theory Master Class

C.J. Date's SQL and Relational Theory Master Class

How to Write Accurate SQL Code

Chetankumar's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jan 24, 2011 Chetankumar Akarte wrote: Review – C.J. Date’s SQL and Relational Theory Master Class
Review – C.J. Date’s SQL and Relational Theory Master Class- How to Write Accurate SQL Code Simple and Clean presentation. I really appreciate the way he has used to introduce complex sql logic in the simpler way. To start with this video you must have the basic understanding of SQL.… Full Review >

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Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Jace Ju wrote:
[讀書心得] Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
I think this book has a good summary of common patterns of JavaScript, and readers… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0