Reviews by Blaize Kaye

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Becoming a Better Programmer

Becoming a Better Programmer

A Handbook for People Who Care About Code

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 11, 2014 Blaize Kaye wrote: "Becoming a Better Programmer" by Pete Goodliffe; O'Reilly Media
I think that for someone early in their career as a programmer, Goodliffe's "Becoming a Better Programmer" may be a good investment. It covers a number of topics that are of direct and indirect importance to working programmers, from error handling and working with unfamiliar code bases through to more nebulous issues such as teamwork and professional ethics. Full Review >

Lean UX Workshop

Lean UX Workshop

Aligning Business, Design, and Technology

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Nov 9, 2014 Blaize Kaye wrote: "Lean UX Workshop" by Jeff Gothelf
I wasn't quite sure what to expect from Jeff Gothelf's "Lean UX Workshop" but having worked my way through the videos I can say that it was a phenomenal use of, approximately, 3.5 - 4 hours. Full Review >

Responsive Typography

Responsive Typography

Using Type Well on the Web

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 5, 2014 Blaize Kaye wrote: "Responsive Typography" by Jason Pamental
Pamental's "Responsive Typography" is another one of O'Reilly's series of short and narrowly focused books covering some particular aspect of web technology and/or design. In this case, no surprises here, the focus of the book is on using typography well online. Full Review >

Full Stack Web Development with Backbone.js

Full Stack Web Development with Backbone.js

Scalable Application Design with 100% JavaScript

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 1, 2014 Blaize Kaye wrote: "Full Stack Web Development with Backbone.js" by Patrick Mulder
Patrick Mulder's short (it runs just under 200 pages) book on Backbone.js takes you through the basics of building a full stack web application in JavaScript. Given the scope the book's coverage is broader than it is deep and it does a good job of touching on all of the basic components of putting together a fully fledged web application. Full Review >

Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization

Bandit Algorithms for Website Optimization

Developing, Deploying, and Debugging

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 10, 2014 Blaize Kaye wrote:
Full Review >

The Modern Web

The Modern Web

Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 18, 2014 Blaize Kaye wrote:
I think that the best way to approach Peter Gasston's "The Modern Web" is as a first step in coming to grips with the technologies that comprise modern front-end web development. Full Review >

Testable JavaScript

Testable JavaScript

Ensuring Reliable Code

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 2, 2013 Blaize Kaye wrote: "Testable JavaScript" by Mark Ethan Trostler
While there are a number of JavaScript programming manuals that teach the basics of the language, there is a real need for texts aimed at working JavaScript programmers who would to take take their practice in a more professional direction. "Testable JavaScript" by Mark Ethan Trostler does a fine job of addressing this particular concern. Full Review >

Functional JavaScript

Functional JavaScript

Introducing Functional Programming with Underscore.js

Blaize's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jul 17, 2013 Blaize Kaye wrote: Functional programming with JS and the underscore library.
In his new book, Fogus attempts the twofold task of introducing his audience to functional programming in general, and demonstrating how one can achieve a functional style using Javascript and the underscore.js library in particular. Full Review >

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Featured Review

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

John Brady wrote:
Javascript: The Definitive Guide
Javascript: The Definitive Guide (Sixth Edition) is an excellent addition to the bookshelf of anyone… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0