Reviews by Bill Osuch

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The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1

The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1

Amazing Vehicles

Bill's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Nov 26, 2013 Bill Osuch wrote: Book review: The Lego Build-It Book, Volume 1, Amazing Vehicles (Kuipers & Zamboni, O’Reilly Media)
The Lego Build-It Book, Volume 1, Amazing Vehicles is the perfect resource for our situation. In this 132-page book, the authors show you how to build 10 different vehicles from one Lego kit. You can build several types of cars, a rescue truck, go-kart, and more. The instructions are presented in the same style as an "official" Lego manual, with each page showing an inventory of pieces needed and step-by-step instructions. Full Review >

Kindle Fire: Out of the Box

Kindle Fire: Out of the Box

Bill's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 21, 2012 Bill Osuch wrote: Book Review: Kindle Fire: Out Of The Box (O’Reilly)
The Kindle Fire, like a lot of devices these days, does not come with a user manual. Kindle Fire: Out Of The Box covers the basics of setting up and using your Fire. Full Review >

Make: Ultimate Kit Guide

Make: Ultimate Kit Guide

Bill's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jan 6, 2012 Bill Osuch wrote: 21st century toy catalog!
If you're interested in hacking (and by that I don't mean programming, I mean cobbling together various wires, circuits, bits and gizmos to form something new and innovative) then you've probably come across MAKE magazine. The folks at MAKE have released a special edition: MAKE Ultimate Kit Guide 2012. Full Review >

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Lean Enterprise

Wayne Werner wrote:
Lean Enterprise - The Book You Need!
Even its unfinished form, I give this book an easy 4/5. Yes - it's that… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0