Reviews by Beady Geraghty

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HTML5 Mobile Web Development

HTML5 Mobile Web Development

Beady's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 16, 2011 Beady Geraghty wrote: Review: HTML5 Mobile Web Development by Jake Carter
SummaryThis product consists of the recording of 10 classes on developing mobile application using HTML5. Through the development of several applications, the instructor teaches and illustrates HTML5 features. Even though the demonstrations are mostly done on iphone and ipad, the material is applicable to other mobile platforms. Where dfferences exist,… Full Review >

HTML5: Up and Running

HTML5: Up and Running

Dive into the Future of Web Development

Beady's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Nov 15, 2010 Beady Geraghty wrote: Review : HTML5: Up and Running by Mark Pilgrim
Summary This book is a guide to the new features in HTML5. It is suitable for anywho who is somewhat familiar with HTML. After reading chapter 2 and 3, readers will have a general idea about the new features in HTML5. Each subsequent chapter is devoted to explaining in detail… Full Review >

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Java Cookbook

Surachart Opun wrote:
Good Practice Book with JAVA
It is a book that will help readers learn from real-world examples. Readers or some… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0