Reviews by Andrew Reynolds

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Programming PHP

Programming PHP

Creating Dynamic Web Pages

Andrew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 17, 2014 Andrew Reynolds wrote: Pretty Hot Potatoe
Given that today is St. Patrick's Day here in Ireland I'll try to avoid any more potatoe references.... Learning PHP is designed to quickly get you up and running in your efforts to develop with PHP. Probably a redundant statement there but it's been said now so let's get on with it. Pretty much everything that I'd expect to find in such a book is here from lexical structure, classes and databases (with NoSQL thrown in for good measure). Full Review >

RESTful Web Services Cookbook

RESTful Web Services Cookbook

Andrew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 17, 2014 Andrew Reynolds wrote: RESTful Web Services Cookbook
Don’t expect it to hold the answer to every question that you’ve ever formed in your head regarding the web and design. This book exists to help with day-to-day design and implementation questions in the confines of RESTful design for web services. Full Review >

Hacking Web Apps

Hacking Web Apps

Detecting and Preventing Web Application Security Problems

Andrew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Nov 14, 2013 Andrew Reynolds wrote: Think your web app is safe? Think again!
Got a website? Maybe it's just displaying a few static pages, maybe it's running a pretty fancy web app. You're proud of what you've made, it looks nice and it's bulletproof right? Wrong. In Hacking Web Apps, Mike Shema shows how security on your average site is an illusion. Full Review >

Software Requirements 3

Software Requirements 3

Andrew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 19, 2013 Andrew Reynolds wrote: Makes you feel for Analysts!
Although it’s been a long time since I studied SSADM, I've worked in the IT industry for some 18 years now and I remember the painful lessons learned in Trinity College all those years ago - and the even more painful lessons learned from ambiguous or incomplete requirements in the years since. The authors of this Software Requirements, Third Edition have clearly felt this pain too and have sought to minimise the amount of painful lessons learned by following good methodologies, learning from mistakes and learning how to work with the customer and all relevant stakeholders. They then kindly shared this knowledge in the form of this offering from Microsoft Press. Full Review >

Designing for Behavior Change

Designing for Behavior Change

Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics

Andrew's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Sep 10, 2013 Andrew Reynolds wrote: A fascinating read
Whether you are designing for behavior change or just curious about how the mind works, this book has something for everyone. Full Review >

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Featured Review

The Twitter Book

Andrea Altenburg wrote:
Excellent Book!
At only 244 pages, this book is not intimidating to anyone who is interested in… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0