Bryson Payne

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Bryson Payne (@brysonpayne) is the author of the book Teach Your Kids to Code: A Parent-Friendly Guide to Python Programming, (2015) from No Starch Press, and instructor for the online course Teach Your Kids to Code: Learn to Program Python at Any Age, (2015) at

Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Campus Technology, and CIO magazine, Dr. Payne has been programming computers for more than 30 years; he sold his first paid program to RUN Magazine (Commodore 64) for their "Magic" column in 1985, for $10.

He previously taught middle school math and programming and continues to work extensively with K-12 schools to promote technology education, using 3D printers, robots, drones and coding. Bryson lives north of Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife, two sons, and two cats.