Ken Kousen

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July 23, 2024

Managing your manager

In this three-hour hands-on course, Java Champion Ken Kousen shares the tips and tricks he’s learned in 30+ years interacting with managers at all levels, from beginners to C-level executives. Along ...

July 24, 2024

Reactive Spring and Spring Boot

Join expert Ken Kousen to gain the foundation you need to take advantage of reactive programming, the Reactive Streams specification (a widely adopted industry standard), and the WebFlux module. You're a ...

August 5, 2024

Making New Java Features Work For You

Join expert Kenneth Kousen to discover what new features are available and how to combine them to build robust, powerful Java applications. Hands-on learning with interactive sandboxes All exercises and labs ...

September 9, 2024

Spring AI

Combining the OpenAI API with Java and the Spring Framework Course outcomes Connect to LLM tools like ChatGPT message chains, prompt templates, and output parsers using Spring AI Take advantage of ...

September 13, 2024

Integrating AI in Java Projects

Join expert Ken Kousen to explore how to leverage Java's modern features, such as the HttpClient classes, Java records, and text blocks, to interact seamlessly with RESTful AI services like those ...

September 16, 23 & 30, 2024

Spring and Spring Boot in 3 Weeks

Join acclaimed developer, trainer, and consultant Ken Kousen (Kousen IT, Inc.) for a three-part series that will get you up and running with Spring and Spring Boot. Through hands-on exercises and ...

September 17 & 18, 2024

Functional Programming in Java

Working with streams, lambda expressions, and method references in Java SE8 and beyond Today’s software developers are embracing functional programming (FP) in droves, whether it’s to write concurrent programs or to ...


Ken Kousen is the President of Kousen IT, Inc., through which he does technical training, mentoring, and consulting in all areas related to Java, specializing in Android, Spring, Kotlin, Groovy, and Gradle. He is the author of the "Kotlin Cookbook", "Modern Java Recipes", and "Gradle for Android", all from O'Reilly Media, and "Making Java Groovy" from Manning.

Ken is a Java Champion and a regular speaker on the No Fluff, Just Stuff conference tour, and has spoken at many international conferences. He is also a multiple winner of the JavaOne Rock Star award. Over the past decade he has taught thousands of developers in business and industry. In addition to owning several technical certifications, his academic background includes two BS degrees from M.I.T., an MS and a Ph.D. from Princeton, and an MS in Computer Science from R.P.I.