Blake Meike

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Blake Meike is a passionate engineer, code poet and, as of very recently, a founding member of Twitter University. Before coming to Twitter, as an Android Evangelist for Open Source Trainers, Marakana, Blake taught nearly a thousand people the science of writing Android apps that aren't toys. He has more than 20 years of coding experience, most of it with Java, building systems as large as Amazon's massively scalable AutoScaling service and as small as a pre-Android OSS/Linux and Java based platform for cell-phones. He is co-author of O'Reilly's bestselling "Programming Android" and Wiley's new "Enterprise Android". He holds a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Dartmouth College and lives in San Francisco Bay Area.

Check out my latest book, Enterprise Android. It lays out a solid, reliable and secure way of managing enterprise data in a mobile environment: