
Java Swing

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date Submitted
Printed Page xxii
In the paragraph continuing off the previous page

"Third, Swing makes a very clear distinction between the data a
component displays..."

I think the extra 'a' between data and components is a misprint.

Printed Page 1

In sections 2.2 and 2.3 the images are in wrong order. This apply to the
book on Safari.

Printed Page 11
At the end of the last sentence in the first paragraph, is appended.

Printed Page 23
Line 14 of

addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());

When I compile, BasicWindowMonitor is failed to be recognized. I looked for
documentation in your book and at for this method and
failed to locate information on it.

I added the following code to the main method;

WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

...which seemed to work fine.

I admit I am new to the language; but going over and over the syntax makes
me feel that I didn't enter anything in error. I found the same issue with as well.

Printed Page 23
Line 14 of

addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());

When I compile, BasicWindowMonitor is failed to be recognized. I looked for
documentation in your book and at for this method and
failed to locate information on it.

I added the following code to the main method;

WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

...which seemed to work fine.

I admit I am new to the language; but going over and over the syntax makes
me feel that I didn't enter anything in error. I found the same issue with as well.

Printed Page 23
In the code example on line 15, the compiler gives an error

message for:
addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());

it says:

"class 'BasicWindowMonitor' not found.

The book needs to be updated for JDK version 1.2.2 - 001
(the latest download fron sun)

Note that this is the first code example in the book AND IT DOSN'T

Printed Page 24
Throughout the book, the author makes use of a class called

BasicWindowMonitor. It is easy to assume that it is part of the
Swing/AWT APIs. This is not the case. The author makes very brief mention
of the class of page 24. It states there that this is a very simple class
to write and the author then presents the code. The author then uses the
code throughout the book.

If you start reading the book in the middle as I did (I know Swing and
needed the book as a reference), you get confused about this class (where
is it defined? ...)

It is NOT MENTIONED IN THE INDEX. The index was the first place I looked
when I wanted to know what BasicWindowMonitor was. I found no reference
to it.

Printed Page 29
Caption of Figure 2-5, bottom of page

"WJavaindows (right) look-and-feel" should be "Windows (right) look-and-feel"

Printed Page 35
I have discovered that the latest JAVA release 1.3 doesn't work with your

example SimpleInternalFrame (or the next example, SiteManager). The
internal frame does not display. The code works fine with JDK1.2.2.

Is there an easy fix or work around? Does this represent a mistake by
JavaSoft or is it some sort of direction change?

Printed Page 36
Near top demo

>From a previous reader:

"[35] I have discovered that the latest JAVA release 1.3 doesn't work with
example SimpleInternalFrame (or the next example, SiteManager). The
internal frame does not display. The code works fine with JDK1.2.2.
Is there an easy fix or work around? Does this represent a mistake by
JavaSoft or is it some sort of direction change?"

Possible Simple solution (i.e. it worked for me):

if (internalFrame == ... <snipped code> {

... <more snipped code>

internalFrame.setBounds(50,50,200,100); // from book
internalFrame.setVisible(true); // added
desktop.add(internalFrame, new Integer(1)); // from book
SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(internalFrame); // added

... <snipped code>


Using the "setVisible(true)" the Internal Frames appeared on my
desktop. However, the inner area of the internal frame was the same color
as my desktop when it should have been light grey. I noticed that if I hit
the LnF buttons this condition would disappear. Therefore I simply added
the code from the LnFListener that updated the UI to force the
internalFrame to display correctly from the outset.


I don't know if this is the "correct" fix, or what unintended consequences
this may cause your programs should you try this. I only know it seems to
work for the example on pages 35-36 of the book at present.

Printed Page 36
source code

If you run SimpleInternalFrame as it is, it won't show up the
internal frame. You need to add

Printed Page 36
actionPerformed method

a call to internalFrame.setVisible(true) is never made. The child window will not be visible in the latest version of Swing it this call is not made.

Printed Page 38
2nd half of page

JDK 1.4.1: The floating JInternalFrame windows with the site list and the individual
page frames get created but are NOT VISIBLE when the app is run. You need to add an
"" method in both the addSiteFrame and addPageFrame methods. See below:

public void addSiteFrame(String name) {

public void addPageFrame(String name) {

Note: I am new to Swing and would not have figured this out if I had not looked at
the postings of errata from other folks. Thanks to them, this fix was quick and

Printed Page 38
addPageFrame method & getCurrentFrame method

I am new at Java and jumped into Swing, so I admit, maybe I did something

Anyway, When I wrote out the code, it compiled w/o erros. But when I ran
the program, only the buttons showed.

I also had this problem earlier with the look and feel stuff. So anyway,
to fix it I added the "setVisible(true)" method to all of it. Then the
stuff showed up.

I looked at your code examples and they didnt work either. So they were
wrong in the book and in the examples. At least on my machine. I am
running 1.3 so maybe something in the vision got changed.?

Printed Page 46
In Table 3-1, the enabled property is not shown as bound, yet it

generates a PropertyChangedEvent if it is changed (according to the Sun
Java 1.2 doc).

Printed Page 49-50
Code Example

The code shoes that to add a AbstractAction (in this case you extend it and
call it Sample Action) that you use the 'add' method. It probably works in
1.2 but in 1.3 Java they now want you to use the 'setAction' method. But
what you really need ot do is create a control and use the setAction on
that, then add add that to it.

It took some work, but here is what I came up with that seems to work:


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class ActionExample extends JPanel {

public JMenuBar menuBar;
public JToolBar toolBar;

public ActionExample(){

SampleAction exampleAction = new SampleAction("Download", new
ImageIcon("action.gif") );

// create a meu bar and give it a bevel border
menuBar = new JMenuBar();
menuBar.setBorder(new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED) );

// create a menu and add it ot the menu bar
JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu");

JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Download Item");


// creat a toolbar and give it an etched border
toolBar = new JToolBar();
toolBar.setBorder(new EtchedBorder() );

JButton button = new JButton("My Button");



class SampleAction extends AbstractAction {

// this is our sample action. I tmust have an actionPerforemd() method,
// which is called when the action should be invoded.
public SampleAction(String text, Icon icon){
super(text, icon);

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
System.out.println("Action [" + e.getActionCommand() + "] performed!");

public static void main(String s[]){
ActionExample example = new ActionExample();

JFrame frame = new JFrame("Action Example");
frame.addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());
frame.getContentPane().add(example.toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);



Printed Page 50

As someone else has pointed out, the "ActionExample" demo example doesn't
work in JDK1.3 as written. The most straightforward fix I have found is to
change the toolBar.add... to:

toolBar.add(new JButton(exampleAction));

The JDK 1.3 documentation is a bit misleading here, for the add interface
for JToolBar it states:

add(Action a)
Adds a new JButton which dispatches the action.

Well, does it take an "Action" or a "JButton"? The description is a bit
confusing. As it turns out it takes either, but only the JButton seems to
work right.

Just to be pedantic, you might want to pass a JMenuItem to the menu instead
of an Action...

Printed Page 50
When Running under JDK 1.3.0, the name of the

Action is not displayed when clicking on the toolbar. Also the
getActionCommand gives a "Null" value. A JButton has to be created and
button.setAction(exampleAction) has to be called. Then the newly created
JButton has to be added to the toolbar.

Also see the Java 1.3.0 API documentation under JToolbar.add()

To get this to work properly you must call the setActionCommand of the
JButton returned by the add(action) method of toolbar:

JButton toolButton = toolBar.add(exampleAction);

Printed Page 50

add to previous comments:
Also the string sent to SampleAction is not displayed on the toolbar button
(just the icon). To fix this, call the setText() method of the
JButton. This also sets the action command string so that line can be
removed - unless you want the action command to be something other than the
button text.

JButton toolButton = toolBar.add(exampleAction);

Printed Page 59
4th paragraph

The JComponent class does NOT have a "public void pack()" method.

Printed Page 82
example 4-2

I just started at page 81 chapter 4 "Labels and Icons" and
the first example on page 82 didn't work because the class
BasicWindowMonitor doesn't exist.

Printed Page 85
The example in Figure 4-3 does not produce the described behavior

When I press a mnenomic key, the focus is transferred to the corresponding
TextField as described, but the mnemonic letter is also inserted in the
TextField that was focused before.

This is an absolutely inacceptable behavior (it also occurs with menu
mnemonics in any JTextComponent).
We have tested this with the JSDK 1.2 shipped with JBuilder 3.0 dating
the 25.05.99, and older versions.

If there is a workaround for this error, or if there is a swing-version
that doesn't produce this errer, we'd be very happy to hear about.

Printed Page 95
example on this page

The example on this page doesn't work because it expects a main method.

Printed Page 113
The last paragraph states:

"...the button's armed property remains set to true after
the button is clicked."

However, when the JButtonEvents example is run using JDK 1.2.2 on
a Windows 95 system, the armed property _is_ reset to
false after each button click.

Printed Page 116
FancyButton constructor

On page 106 the rolloverEnabled property is explained, the explanation says
that calling setRolloverIcon will cause this property to be set to true.
The call to setRolloverEnabled( true ) in the FancyButton constructor should
then be unnecessary.

Printed Page 169
within the block for public ListModelExample () {

when you create a new list, the program reads:

list = new JList ();

Instead, it should create a JList using the data model it has just
instantiated in the line above:

list = new JList (model);

Printed Page 182
in function valueChanged

function tries to illustrate that if value is adjusting ( more events coming in )
then wait for the end. So the code should compare to a true value not false:
currently reads if( e.getValueIsAdjusting == false ) return ; should be if(
e.getValueIsAdjusting == true ) return

Printed Page 225

Figure 8-6 has the caption "Figure 8-6. JLayeredFrame example", but there is
no such thing as a layered frame. I believe the caption was meant to read
"JLayeredPane example".

Printed Page 257

The third sentence of the first paragraph reads:

"Like its superclass, JLayeredPane has a null layout manager."

It should read:

"Like its superclass, JDesktopPane has a null layout manager."

Printed Page 270
inside AddFrameAction.actionPerformed()

The SampleDesktop example doesn't work as expected (at least not on my
installation). No new Internal Frames appear when commanded from the menu
bar. I inserted the line


into this function, and that fixed the problem.

Printed Page 274
I used the code listing on pages 269-274 of the Java Swing

text as a basis for a mdi application. The application uses
the client property "JDesktopPane.dragMode" with value "outline",
which allows only the outline of JInternalFrames to be rendered
as they are being dragged. The code that implements the tiling
behavior on page 274, in particular the line
desk.getDesktopManager().resizeFrame(f,x,y,w,h) causes the
internal frames to behave incorrectly (i.e. only the outings are
redrawn). I reported this problem to the sun development team
under bug id 4255613. The response from sun was that instead of
invoking resizeFrame on the JDesktopPane, use the methods
provided directly by JInternalFrame. Therefore, the code snipped
from page 274 should be changed to be f.reshape(x,y,w,h).

Printed Page 289
Figure 10-6

In the text it is said that any arbitary component can be used as the
message for a dialog. An example is given of a calendar component.
It is very frustrating to see a picture of just the component you need, and
not be able to find the source of this small, but very standard and useful
example. (not in 'JAVA Swing' or anywhere on
It would be less frustrating to have used an example component which was
covered somewhere else in the book.
(or better, to use this 'select date' component somewhere in one of your
example programms.)

Printed Page 295
In the OptPaneComparison class example

1. Compile and run the example.
2. From the Dialog menu, select "Constructor".
3. Click okay to dismiss the dialog window.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, but this time clicking on "okay" will
not dismiss the dialog. If you click on "cancel" it will.
In fact, every other time you bring up the dialog in this way
"okay" will work and "cancel" will not. On the other times,
"cancel" will work and "okay" will not.

Printed Page 326
In Figure 11-7 the JTabbedPane figures marked Windows and Motif are


Printed Page 401
Last Paragraph

It says:

If you wish to create a slightly more elegant border, there is code inside
the LineBorder class to round its corners. There is currently no way to
create a LineBorder with rounded corners unless you extend LineBorder and do
it yourself.

??? Is there or is there not...

Printed Page 431
In the fourth paragraph, or second block of source code


should read:


This also occurs in the line starting "item2.set......"

There is no setHorizontalTextAlignmnet, there is a setHorizontalAlignment,
and a setHorizontalTextPosition. The setHorizontalTextPosition fits the
description of what is try to be accomplished.

Printed Page 491
Figure caption

Should read:

... were added as "Names", "In", "Order"

Printed Page 530
starting on bottom of page, on to page 531

This is an erratum for the TableCellRenderer example; I am working from the December
1998 reprint, so this problem may be on a different page or may have been corrected
in more recent editions.

The definition of class VolumeRenderer has the class extending JScrollBar and
implementing TableCellRenderer. The method getTableCellRendererComponent(), required
by the TableCellRenderer interface, returns "this" in all places in the example.
Unfortunatley, this is not how TableCellRenderer works. TableCellRenderer is a
factory, not a component itself. So, the correct class definition should read:

public class VolumeRenderer implements TableCellRenderer {
public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table,
Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
int row, int column) {
JScrollBar bar = new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL);
if (value == null) {
return bar;
if (value instanceof Volume) {
else {
return bar;

The TableCellRenderer must allocate a new JScrollBar for each call, or the table will
display the same object in all of its scroll bar cells.

Printed Page 533
fireEditingCancelled() method

The line that reads
for (int i=listeners.size(); i>=0;i--) {

should read
for (int i=listeners.size()-1; i>0;i--) {

as it does in the next method (fireEditingStopped() )

Printed Page 540

I copied the SimpleTable2 example program from your book. In it you shows how to
set up a JTable with a row header. One of the key statements is


where jt is the Data JTable and headerColumn is the Row Header JTable. All works well
until I click in the rowHeader and use the arrow keys to scroll downwards. The row header
scrolls but the Data Table does not!

This may be an omission in the program or a problem with Java. Do you have a cure?
This would be a means of making the Table scroll when the row header scrolls. Or is this
a java bug that has not been discovered yet?

Printed Page 541
7th paragraph of code

In order to have horizontal scrolling you add the following two lines to
remove auto-resize from the table and row headers.


The second of these two lines should not be there, the header should
autoresize. This causes the funny edge to the screenshot that can be seen
on page 539, and causes other rendering problems in tables of other size.

Printed Page 551
In getColumnClass() method.

getColumnClass() should always return String.class since all of the data in
the data array is of type String. The code as-is results in an
"illegalArgumentException: Cannot format object as a Number" being thrown.

Printed Page 551
3rd code block

You mentioned in your very good TableChart example that the user is able to edit each
cell and then monitor the result of changes in the pie chart.

With this code however you can't do that. Because with JTable you use the
DefaultCellEditor class which does not allow "Number" values be rendered.

Printed Page 576
public void refresh...

The code line

int[] ci = new int[] {-1};

generates the error:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 < 0
at java.util.Vector.elementAt(
at ExpressionTreeModel.fireTreeNodesChanged(
at ExpressionTreeModel.refresh(
at ExprTree1.treeExpanded(
at javax.swing.JTree.fireTreeExpanded(
at javax.swing.JTree.setExpandedState(
at javax.swing.JTree.expandPath(
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

This occurs every time a node is expanded. I changed the line to:

int[] ci = new int[] { 0 };

This fixed the problem.

Printed Page 578
last line

public void insert(MutableTreeNode child, int index)

to append a child, the index should be the node's getChildCount(), NOT getChildCount() + 1, which will cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsE
xception as indices start from 0.

Printed Page 654
2nd & 4th lines

Returns true if the edit is inProgress and super.canRedo() returns true.

Should read:

Returns true if the edit is not inProgress and super.canRedo() returns true.

Printed Page 721
The HTMLExample code example refers to a BasicWindowMonitor class.

This is not a Swing class, and is not listed in the index. It is not
explained here and had me scratching my head, because it is actually
only explained on page 24.

BasicWindowMonitor should be listed in the index.

Printed Page 764

In "The GapContent Class," it now reads:

Initially, the entire array is the gap (actually, GapContent
starts with a single
in the array, but we'll ignore that
detail). As text is inserted (lines 1 and 2), the right edge
of the gap is shifted, staying just beyond that last inserted

I believe that the word "right", above, should be "left".

(Chapter 24) There were three instances of SimpleEditor.this which caused
compilation errors in They should be
changed to IOStyledEditor.this. The changes appear in the
text of Chapter 24, but not in the source code archive.

Enter text. Apply a style to a few words. Backspace into the
styled text.

The first backspace into the styled area of text is ignored.

The second backspace into the styled area of text produces
the following exception:

Exception occurred during event dispatching:
javax.swing.text.StateInvariantError: LabelView: Stale view: javax.swing.
text.BadLocationException: Invalid location
at javax.swing.text.LabelView.loadText(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.LabelView$LabelFragment.getBreakWeight
(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.LabelView.getBreakWeight(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.ParagraphView.layoutRow(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.ParagraphView.rebuildRows(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.ParagraphView.layout(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.ParagraphView.removeUpdate(
at javax.swing.text.BoxView.removeUpdate(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$RootView.removeUpdate
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI$UpdateHandler.removeUpdate
at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.fireRemoveUpdate(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.remove(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit$DeletePrevCharAction.action
at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.mapEventToAction(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.text.JTextComponent.processComponentKeyEvent(Compiled
at javax.swing.JEditorPane.processComponentKeyEvent(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.JComponent.processKeyEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processKeyEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)

This problem was observed on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 and Solaris 2.7,
both running Java 1.2.1.

Printed Page 942
1st Half and Bottom

While compiling the with JBuilder 4.0 (Foundation)
following error messages occur:

"": Error #: 483 : not an enclosing class: SimpleEditor
at line 63, column 52
"": Error #: 483 : not an enclosing class: SimpleEditor
at line 94, column 52
"": Error #: 483 : not an enclosing class: SimpleEditor
at line 98, column 52

You have to change SimpleEditor against IOStyledEditor in line 63, 94, 98
and all is fine.

Printed Page 1031

In the calls to UIManager.put() for icons, the resource names are
incorrectly listed as InternalFrameTitlePane.<some icon>. They should be
InternalFrame.<some icon>. Example: should be InternalFrame.closeIcon, NOT

Also, the zip containing program samples does not include "altMax.gif", as
needed by

Printed Page 1050
The line

protected void initComponentDefaults(UIDefautls table) {

Should be:

protected void initComponentDefaults(UIDefaults table) {

the "l" and "t" in "UIDefaults" are transposed.

(Chapter 26) The source download for the Chapter 26 examples is
not complete.

Also, the final figure (26-14) in the chapter does not come with a
corresponding example.

Printed Page 1117
When I run the Sketch class in chapter 28, I get the following


UIDefaults.getUI() failed: no ComponentUI class for:


at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUIError(

at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUI(

at javax.swing.UIManager.getUI(

at p05.JogShuttle.updateUI(

at p05.JogShuttle.init(

at p05.JogShuttle.<init>(

at p05.Sketch.<init>(

at p05.Sketch.main(

UIDefaults.getUI() failed: no ComponentUI class for:


at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUIError(

at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getUI(

at javax.swing.UIManager.getUI(

at p05.JogShuttle.updateUI(

at p05.JogShuttle.init(

at p05.JogShuttle.<init>(

at p05.Sketch.<init>(

at p05.Sketch.main(


In Java Swing, 1998, "Colophon" page refers to Java Servlet Programming"
instead of the proper book title.
