
Internet Forensics

Errata for Internet Forensics

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date Submitted
Printed Page Index

From a reader:

Please include the following topics in the index -

419 advance payment scam, 50
APNIC (Asian-Pacific Network Info Center), 12
ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers), 12
A records, 16
accept header, 119
Adobe Illustrator, 151
answer section, 15
arguments, 93
authority section, 15
ASCII text 46, 54,60
authoritative servers, 11

base 64, 46, 60
base 256, 57
bayesian analysis/littering, 49
binary executables, 46
bioinformation, 145
black box, 89-90
blacklists; Spamhaus Block List (add page 205)
block list, 205

canonical name, 16, 17
CGI parameters, 180
CGI scripts, spam (add page 54)
character sets, email (add page 161)
cold fusion, 116
content boundary string, 43
controller web site, 112
content-type header, 160
content transfer encoding header, 46
content disposition header, 46
cygwin package, 48
cyrillic alphabet, 162

daemon, 41
decouple, 112
dig (add page 156)
dig; -x options, 16
digital signatures 149-150
directory listings (add 82)
distribution kit, 163
dodgy dossier affair, 141
donotlog, 123
dotted-quad notation, IP addresses (add page 57)

.emacs file, 72
proxy server, 42
entity tags, 105
exit node, 133
epoch, the, 109
Exploits Block List, 205
external proxy servers, (add page 130)

Freehand Macromedia, 151
Free Haven Project, 133
form validation, 67
FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name), 53

Global Font Lock Mode, 72
GMT, 37
Google; related syntax, 144
grep, searches and, (add 106)

Harvard, 114
HELO string, 37
headers; -x prefix, 43
hide-referer action, 131
hide-user-agent action, 131
homograph, 55
Honeynet Project (add 43)
hostnames, DNS and, (add 36)
host IP adress, 36
host, 53
host header, 120
HTTP header; rquin attribute, 64

Illustrator, Adobe, 151
IMG tag 185
image rolloevers, 67
internationalization, 161
internet Haganah, 213
index, 82
indexer option, 83
intermediary sitex, 110
iScrub, 149

key/value pairs, 109

layers, 155
latin alphabet, 162
local proxy, 130
localhost, 42, 130
log format record, 122
looking glass server, 27
low order hits, 11, 50
Lucene, 170
lukn algorithm, 92

Macromedia Freehand, 151
Macromedia Dreamweaver (add 182)
manpage, 17
Mail Transfer Agent, 35
messageID, 36
Metadata Scrubber, 149
meta tag, 64, 162
MIME format, 45
modified submit button 63

National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance, 206
network root server, 28
network telescope, 201
Network Time Protocol, 37
NSA (National Security Agency) 51, 201
numeric response code, 65

octet stream, 46
onion routing network, 133
open source text search tools, 170
operation ore, 212

.pif file extension, 59
padding URLs, (add 47)
parsing, HTML forms and (add 20)
peer-to-peer, 139
P3P, 105
P2P, 139
Platform for Primary Preferences, 105
port numbers, 53, 62, 130
protec B worm, 48
protocol, 36, 53

question section, 15
quoted printable encoding, 160

recipient host, 36
Red Hat Fedora, 20
reference header, 120
related: syntax, 144
remove hidden data plug-in, 149
reverse lookups (add 164)
Robot Exclusion Standard (add 79)
rogue executables, 7
robots.txt (add 86, 126)
root privileges, 84
RIPE 12, 23
rule-based filtering, 49

screen dump, 62
Security Warrior, 49
selective manipulation, 150
server header, 106
server log analysis, 125
server tokens, 115
server signature, 115
server specific ID, 41
SHMOO group, 55
server-side script 65, 89
Set cookie header, 107, 117
SOA (Start of Authority), 15, 127
SpamMimic, 51
statistical filtering, 49
strings, (add 36, 48, 142)
Swish-e, 170

tar file, 97
terms of service agreement, 210
Thunderbird, 49
time to live, 25
timestamp, 36, 37
Tor (add 211)
traceroute (add 157)

Unicode, 55
unzip -l option, 47
URL path, 53
User-Agent string, (add 124)

Venn diagram, 198, 199
ruim editor, 72
.pif file extension, 59

watermarks, 150
war-driving, 204
Webglimpse, 170
web ecraping, 80
witty worm, 201
whitespace characters, 58
wget 76, 207;
-q option, 77
-nv option, 77
-o option, 77
-p option, 77
-s option, 102, 181
-o option, 103
-h option, 78
-k option, 79
Workshare Protect, 149

x-cache, 105

Nellie McKesson
Nellie McKesson
Nov 11, 2011 
Printed Page 99

It's not quite an error, but an observation related to the interpretation of:
'Amarat' - witch in Romanian means poor/sad/used but most frequently used as stupid
'Parola' - means password in Romanian
As such with much confidence that scripts was edited by a Romanian (not the first case presented in the book).

Other than that the books is a wonderful read.


Anonymous  Sep 04, 2008 
Printed Page 86
Second paragraph

should be:
