
Java 5.0 Tiger: A Developer's Notebook

Errata for Java 5.0 Tiger: A Developer's Notebook

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date Submitted
Other Digital Version 16
1st paragraph at the end of 1st sentence

In the sentence: "'re used to seeing StringBuilder used."
StringBuilder probably must be replaced by StringBuffer.
Explanation: a new class StringBuilder is introduced hence the class that is already in use is to be known - StringBuffer.

Alex  Jun 18, 2009 
Printed Page 11
First paragraph

Contrary to the first sentence, "public Point3D getLocation()" looks perfectly normal
to me. Am I missing somthing, or is the code missing an annotation referred to in the
last sentence: "It's accomplished through the annotation, covered in detail in
Chapter 6."

I don't see an annotation in the code, nor is there one in the downloadable sample

Printed Page 12
1st Paragraph

"Basic Multilingual Plan"
should read:
"Basic Multilingual Plane"

"the basic multilingual plane, or BMP for short"

Printed Page 15
last paragraph

"...Java has a gaping hole that Tiger finally fills -- the ability to create type-
safe arrays and lists..."

arrays are type-safe already

Printed Page 23
2nd complete code snippet (don't count the one starting on page 22)

The "Iterating Over Parameterized Types" section on page 19 explains that for/in
loops will not be covered until Chapter 7.

However, a for/in loop is bewilderingly tossed out there in the second code sample on
page 23, with no explanation to the reader as to what it is.

Printed Page 27
Last paragraph before "What about..." section

Here, there's an example of an illigal cast

List<Integer> ints = new LinkedList<Integer>();
List<Number> nums = ints;

Text says:

"While this may look OK at compile-time, at runtime there are simply two lists..."

If the cast were legal wouldn't it be translated at compile time to something like:

List ints = new LinkList();
List nums = ints;

Unless I'm missing something covered in a later chapter, it seems that there would
only be ONE list.

Printed Page 30
1st paragraph

the sample code
public interface List<E>
should be probably changed to
public interface List<?>

Since it's written in next paragraph "Since you've declared the list as a

Or the sentence should be changed to "...List<E>..."

Printed Page 31
last line and last code

The code snippet of "biggest" is wrong. The code cannot be compiled.
You need to declare type variables like this:

public static <T, U> int biggest(Box<T> box1, Box<U> box2)

Printed Page 33
second code snippet

The paragraph between the 2 code snippets suggest that the two are equivalent, but
they are not. By using <A> as type for both arguments, snippet 2 restricts the
arguments to be of exactly the same type, so sum(new Box<Integer>, new Box<Integer>);
is legal but sum(new Box<Double>, new Box<Integer>); is not. Both, however, are legal
for snippet 1. So the equivanlence for snippet 1 should really be
public static <A extends Number, B extends Number> double sum(Box<A> box1, Box<B>
box2) {
for (Iterator<B> i = box2.contents.iterator();...)

Printed Page 38
The description of valueOf method and warning.

valueOf method generated by the javac compiler is a static method. Therefore there is
no way of override.

The description in the "WARNING" is not correct. The static vauleOf method and name
method (defined in Enum class) are mirror images of each other.

Printed Page 45
2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence

"the switch statement (in a different unit)..."
Should it be
"the if statement (in a different unit).

Printed Page 48-50
The explanation of Set of Nums is incorrect and example 3-5 is wrong.

Printed Page 49
First paragraph (after end of code listing)

Sentence states "These are all features, and are all represented by powers of two."
The features are not all represented by powers of two. CEDAR, AB_ROSETTE,
AB_TOP_BORDER, and IL_DOTS should be represented by something like 0x08, 0x20, 0x80,
0x100. Otherwise, the bit-wise operations will fail to test for the proper feature.

Printed Page 50
1st snippet of code

public static EnumSet of(E e[, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5]);
public static EnumSet of(E e[, E e2[, E e3[, E e4[, E e5]]]]);

Printed Page 65
1st paragraph

should be:

Printed Page 80
3rd and 5th code snippets

out.printf("Description of object array: %s
", obj);
out.printf("Description of object array: %s
", objectArray);

Printed Page 88
Section titled "Suppressing Warnings"

With Tiger, @SuppressWarnings annotation is not supported by the javac compiler.
Therefore the section titled "Suppressing Warnings" on page 88 through page 90 should
be suppressed or rewritten.

Printed Page 91
The paragraph after Example 6-5, 4th line

"the compiler then automatically creates member variable with the same name" is not
correct, because the compiler doesn't generate such variables.

Printed Page 103
3rd line in example testGetAnnotation(PrintStream out)

There is no type "MethodElement" in java.lang.reflect.
"MethodElement element"
should be:
"Method element" or "AnnotatedElement element"

Printed Page 117
Margin note

It's not at all clear what the margin note refers to. I can't see
any reference to LinkedList<string> in the code in Ex. 7-5, 7-6, or
7-7 that the note could refer to.

Printed Page 120
first code example

list is named 'wordList' but you're iterating over 'args'

Printed Page 121
first paragraph

The sentence "However, this rather simple task is impossible with for/in, because the variable that is used to do all the work, i, is inaccessible in a for/in loop." is completely wrong. It is easy (and IMHO better programming practice) to use for/in to accomplish this "impossible" task, as shown below. Two methods, one using a counted loop (the book's approach), the other using for/in, are presented below for comparison (and in case anyone wishes to actually test or benchmark them, as I did before writing this):

public static String countedJoin(List<String> wordList) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0, len = wordList.size(); i < len; i++) {
if (i < len - 1) {
result.append(wordList.get(i)).append(", ");
} else {
return result.toString();

public static String iterableJoin(Iterable<String> words) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String currentSeparator = "";
for (String word : words) {
currentSeparator = ", ";
return result.toString();

My issues with the book's stated position are:

1) it is factually incorrect, as the above iterableJoin(...) shows,
2) it encourages poor programming:
2a) iterableJoin(...) can be used with more argument data types (List, Set, array, etc., and ANY object that can deliver an iterator),
2b) countedJoin(...) performs very badly if the argument is a LinkedList!
2c) iterableJoin(...) is shorter, faster, and IMHO clearer.

Please let me add that I have a high regard both for O'Reilly in general and for this book! It's just that this particular example is really unfortunate, both in its misinformation and its use of a wrong approach to the task at hand.

Printed Page 142
3rd paragraph

Nowhere in the section called "Handling Uncaught Exceptions in Threads" does it mention that these exceptions must be "unchecked" exceptions ( derived from java.lang.RuntimeException, maybe others ). You will get compiler errors if you attempt this method with the more normally used "checked" exceptions.

Printed Page 146
2nd paragraph

Thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyDefaultHandler( ));

should be

Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyDefaultHandler( ));

Printed Page 153
4th paragraph

The description of the convert method uses the word "direction" whereas the convert method's first parameter is called "duration".
The description needs to be modifed to suit the parameter name.

Printed Page 173

"(BMP) Basic Multilingual Plan"
should read:
"(BMP) Basic Multilingual Plane"

"the basic multilingual plane, or BMP for short"
