
Programming C#

Errata for Programming C#

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date Submitted
Printed Page 347
Last paragraph. Program example.

ArrayList fileNames = GetFileList();
List<FileInfo> fileNames = GetFileList();

Same program example is found in page 355. As a part of complete source code. But there is no error on that.

Roman Suzuki  Feb 19, 2010 
Printed Page xvii
Near bottom of page

"... and the discussion on the C# and the .NET Framework ..."

should be

"... and the discussion on C# and the .NET Framework ..."

Printed Page 6

paragraph 6, name of the second author
should be read as Hoang instead of Hoag.

Printed Page 12
3rd paragraph

... has no user interface (UI)

I think it should be ... has no Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Printed Page 17
First paragraph

The reader is asked to save the file as Hello.cs if not using Visual Studio .NET, but
on the prior page (for the Visual Studio .NET case) the reader is asked to rename the
class to HelloWorld and to rename the Class1.cs file as HelloWorld.

Printed Page 36
2nd paragraph

"The second way to create an unconditional branch is with one of the unconditional
branch keywords: goto, break, continue, return, and throw. Additional information
about the first four jump statements is provided later in the chapter..."

There is no additional information about the 'return' keyword.

Printed Page 39
Example 3-8

Missing code?

On page 38, the program spec says that if the temp is higher than 32 degrees, the
program should assure you that there is no ice. The code on page 39 does not satisfy
that requirement. There seems to be a blank line 2 lines up from the class's closing
brace, where an else clause probably belongs to account for the temp > 32 case.

Printed Page 43-45
Code Sections

I would classify this as a minor formatting problem
but there appears to be no such option above.

The indentation of various code sections on these pages
is either slightly confusing and/or does not follow
the pattern of the code elsewhere in the book. For example,
in 3-10 and 3-11, the code in the body of Main is indented only
one character, but the return statements are indented
four characters. Some of the code in 3-12 is indented
6 characters.

Printed Page 44
Box at top of page

I class this as serious simply because you state something that is completely wrong
(though I can see it as an easy mistake!).
Example 3-14 on page 43 shows code to output numbers to 100, tabing right at end and
repeating every 10 numbers.
The box after this shows some examples of whitespace, which are valid, but then ends

Because single for and if statements do not need braces, we can also rewrite the same
listing as:

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Console.Write("{0} ", i);

if (i % 10 == 0)
Console.WriteLine(" {0}", i);

However, without the braces in the for-loop, the variable, i, in the following if-
statement is out of scope! A subject you actually show by example in the code of
example 3-14 on the previous page!!
I'm sure you can see what I mean... because of the semi-colon at the end of the
single statement of the for-loop, you would get a line of 1 - 99, and then... well,
actually, this wouldn't compile, would it??

Printed Page 71
Third paragraph

On pages 70 and 72, the property is accessed in order to retrieve
the current time.

However, on page 71 the third paragraph says "Examine the highlighted line in Main(),
where the DateTime object is created by calling the static method Now(). Now()
creates a DateTime object on the heap and returns a reference to it."

The highlighted line might _cause_ Now() to be called, but it's not in that code
line, so without an explanation of properties, which hasn't occurred yet, the careful
reader is left confused

Printed Page 71

3rd paragraph the text refers to static method Now()
in the DateTime class library. It should in fact refer to a static member
property Now as used in the source in Example 4-3. The DateTime class does
not have a static method called Now().

Printed Page 72
2nd constructor in example

I puzzled for a long time about the presence of two contructors for the same class in
this example. How can a class have more than one constructor? How would the C#
compiler decide which contstructor to use? I finally deduced (and confirmed by asking
a friend) that the compiler would have to use the number or type of arguments in the
method to decide. Finally, on page 87, the concept of overloading methods is

Perhaps my confusion could have been avoided if a brief note about overloading
methods had been included prior to the example (or, alternately, if a different
example had been used).

Printed Page 76
4th paragraph

The Time class referred to in the sentence

"For example, you might add the following static constructor to Time:"

comes after almost 4 pages of text and code examples that are completely unrelated to
the Time example.

It might be more clear to instead state

"For example, you might add the following static constructor to the Time class used
in Example 4-4:"

Printed Page 77
3rd paragraph "Using Private Constructors"

It is confusing to find a discussion of private (non-static) constructors sandwiched
in between sections on static constructors and static fields.

It would be more clear to include this section in or around the tip "Resist the
temptation" on page 75.

Printed Page 81
Second paragraph

"The idiom is to declare that objects you are using ..."

should be

"The idiom is to declare the objects you are using ..."

Printed Page 94
1st paragraph after example code

The sentence:

"As the example shows, the RightNow.Year value can be changed, for example, to 2003"

lists a year that doesn't match the year used in the example code.

Should be:

"As the example shows, the RightNow.Year value can be changed, for example, to 2006"

Printed Page 97
[Safari section 5.1] Figure 5-3

(Too serious to call it a typo!)

Figure 5-3 is supposed to show a picture of the refactored hierarchy described on the
bottom of page 96 and top of page 97.

Instead, it duplicates the picture in Figure 5-2!!

Printed Page 104
Example 5-2: public class button

The code doesn't build correctly, the following errors occur in the Button class:
'' is inaccessible due to its protection level
'ConsoleApplication8.Window.left' is inaccessible due to its protection level

If I replace this:
public virtual void DrawWindow()
Console.WriteLine("top: {0}, left: {1}", top, left);

with this:
public virtual void DrawWindow()
the problem goes away

Printed Page 113
1st paragraph

"Boxing is implicit when you provide a value type where a reference is expected and
the value is implicitly boxed."

should read

"Boxing is implicit when you provide a value type where a reference is expected."

Printed Page 113
code example

For the explanation after the code example to make sense, the following line in the

Console.Writeline("The object value = {0}", i);

should be

Console.Writeline("The object value = {0}", i.ToString());

Printed Page 133
output of Example 7.1 program

One line of the output of the program reads:
In MyFunc loc: 50, 100
but my progam does not produce this. Instead it produces:
Loc1 location: 50, 100

The reason is, the myFunc function's Console.WriteLine is printing it out with the
text "Loc1 location".

Printed Page 147
Bottom of page

This is a continuation of Example 8-2. At the bottom of this page, you see "using
System;" again, and at this point, all remaining code seems to be a duplication of
the previous pages.

Also, when the example on pages 144 thru 147 (until the "using System;" line) is
keyed in, the sample program does not product the output that is exemplified on pg.
151. The ordering is different.

Printed Page 180-182
Tip on 182; ListBoxTest constructor on 180

The tip box on 182 advises that the "params" keyword should
be used since "you cannot know how many strings will
be added". It seems to me that the "params" keyword
is meant to be used as a more restrictive version of
the va_list found in C, and that it would be more appropriate
to take the "params" keyword out. Thus, the constructor
should be declared as "public ListBoxTest(string[] initStrings)",
which says I am passing in an array of strings of unspecified
length. Am I missing something? I don't understand why
params is needed.

Printed Page 186
13th line

The line currently reads "return this[findString(index)];

I believe it should read "return strings[findString(index)];

Returning this[] I think would cause an infinite loop since you would forever keep
calling the indexer

Printed Page 192-193
Sentence that runs starts on bottom of 192 and goes to 193.

"ICollection provides four properties: Count, IsSynchronized,
and SyncRoot."

That should be three properties.

Printed Page 193
3rd Paragraph

Book states:
The IComparable interface is similar, but it defines Compare() on the object to be
compared rather than on a helper class.

Should be:
CompareTo() instead of Compare()

Printed Page 226
last paragraph

Next to lastsentence indicates thatone version of substring takes two indices. One
version of substring takes a starting index; the other takes a starting index and a

Printed Page 299
Example 13.1

Following line should be added at the beginning of th example
using System.Drawing;

Printed Page 309
Figure 13-7

According to the source code of the File Copier, only the C driver can be shown in
the interface.

foreach ( string rootDirectoryName in strDrives ) {
if ( rootDirectoryName != @"C:" )


Printed Page 315
At the bottom of the page, continuing to the next page

n.Checked = check will raise the AfterCheck event for the TreeNode n.
The if (n.Nodes.Count != 0) etc. is not needed and generates events that are

If you are a fool like me and decide to change this method so that it starts off with
node.Checked = check as its first statement, you are in an infinite loop and die when
the stack overflows.

Printed Page 336
Figure 13-14

Figure 13-14 does not show the Cab file contents as intended. Instead, it shows the
View menu, very similarly to Figure 13-15.

Printed Page 349
Third paragraph from bottom

"The DataSet has a collection of tables; you care only about the first one because
you've retrieved only a single record," is misleading. You've retrieved as many
*records* as there are rows in the Customers table. You've only retrieved one
*table* however, which is likely what Jesse meant (DataSet.Tables[0]).

Probably was trying to use "elegant substitution" for "tables", but it's best to
stick with "single table" in this sentence to keep techincal terminology correct.

Printed Page 351
5th line of protecte override void Dispose(bool disposing)

"if (components == null)" should be "if (components != null)"
otherwise components.Dispose() will never be called when needed.

Printed Page 402
3rd paragraph

Mentions "United Parcel Service" as one of the options chosen, but that's not a valid
option. The name in the test database is "United Package".

Printed Page 411
Figure 16-3

Figure 16-3 shows the result of 38^4, not 3^4 as described on page 410.

Printed Page 465
4th code line from the bottom

The definition of "theType" should be defined as static.
Otherwise, the code is generated and compiled 200 times- which was certainly not your
intention (otherwise DoSum need not check the value or "theType"- it's always null
this way).

Printed Page 498
code examples right after header "Using SingleCall"

First, the text there doesn't match the original code on page 495. Second,
RegisterWellKnownServiceType isn't a method of RemotingServices. That should be
RemotingConfiguration, i.e.:

...Here's the existing code:

(calcType, "theEndPoint", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton );

Change the object to SingleCall:

(calcType, "theEndPoint", WellKnownObjectMode.SingleCall );

Printed Page 508
Whole section on "Using Monitors"

The section on "Using Monitors" implies that the system of monitors in C# is separate
from the system of locks, and that if you want to use Monitor.Wait and Monitor.Pulse,
you need to use Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit explicitly. This is not the case. To
quote the .NET framework documentation:

"The functionality provided by the Enter and Exit methods is identical to that
provided by the C# lock statement."

In other words:

lock (foo)

Printed Page 541
Error: FileInfotheSourceFile =

Correction FileInfo theSourceFile =
Description: I believe there should be a space between 'FileInfo' and

Printed Page 556
bottom of code

The declarations for the variables should be static as this is a static object
initialized within main();

Just add the static keyword.

Printed Page 572
DeSerialize method

The DeSerialize method (repeated on pages 574 and 577) tries to call
fileStream.Close() after its return statement, which is impossible. The result of
binaryFormatter.Deserialize() should be stored in a local variable and returned after
calling fileStream.Close(). Or a try/finally statement could be used instead,
calling fileStream.Close() in the finally block.

Printed Page 587
Figure 22-5

Figure 22-5 doesn't show the CalcTest program running -- it shows a duplicate of
Figure 22-4 instead

Printed Page 600
2nd paragraph

The in-line code reads
"csc /t:library /out:ProgrammingCSharpDLL.cs Calculator.cs"
but it should read
"csc /t:library /out:ProgrammingCSharpDLL.dll Calculator.cs"
(ProgrammingCSharpDLL.cs should be ProgrammingCSharpDLL.dll).

Printed Page 600
Figure 22-18

The data column in the Registry Editor screen shot reads
but should read

The values are based upon the namespace, not the DLL name
