
JXTA in a Nutshell

Errata for JXTA in a Nutshell

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date Submitted
Printed Page x
example code: jxtaexamples.jar

Errors found while compiling example code.
Error on line 149, missing comma after mkGroupID()
in argument list

restoNet = netpg.newGroup(
mkGroupID() // Assign new group ID
implAdv, // The implem. adv
"RestoNet", // Name of peergroup
"RestoNet, Inc."); // Description of peergroup
Error on line 10 and 11 of the import section

Should Read:

Printed Page 5
First paragraph under "Why JXTA?"

This paragraphs mentions "the auctioning example we used at the beginning of this
chapter". Firstly, there is no auctioning example mentioned at the beginning of the
chapter. I assume this is in reference to the sample application throughout the
book--but since I've not yet been introduced to the auctioning example at this point,
I don't really understand why a centralized service isn't appropriate in this type of

I'm sure I'll figure it out as I continue to read the book, but at this point I'm
left confused and thinking that I missed something.

Printed Page 19
Para 5

The description of the "-d" option to the "join" command does not match the
description in "man join". The "join -d group0" command does not work as described
in the example on this page.

Printed Page 19
Last but one para

Para starts "n this command.." but should probably be "In this command".

Printed Page 52
The presentation of 'getRemoteAdvertisements' describes the method as having 5

parameters. The code on p. 55, and the documentation on p. 179 both show this method
as having a sixth parameter, where the sixth (last) parameter is of type

Printed Page 56
Example Java code, line 13

"restoNetAdv = netpg.getPeerGroupAdvertisement();"
should be:
"restoNetAdv = restoNet.getPeerGroupAdvertisement();"

since we would like to get the advertisement of the newly created group rather than
the default net peer group.

Printed Page 61
line 51

the try block which gets the discovery and pipe services for the RestoNet peergroup
re-throws an exception, but the joinRestoNet() procedure does not declare Exception
to be thrown. The code should read:

} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error getting services from RestoNet");
return false;

Printed Page 89
line 9: 'RestoNet:RestoPipe*' should be 'RestoNet:RestoPipe:*' (2nd colon


Printed Page 147
The comment beginning at line 30 in the sample code correctly explains that

the hash must always be done in the same order, thus the code does not just enumerate
through all the elements in the document but must do them in a specific order.
However, once it gets each element in the document, it uses an enumeration to go
through each document element. The same reasoning should apply here - the parts of
each document element must also be obtained and hashed in the same order. It looks as
though the code as written works if and only if both of the enumerations created
from the 'Price' & 'Brand' elements have a single element. This is confusing;
please clarify why this works if it does and/or correct the example if it does not.

Printed Page 276
chpgrp - The example of creating & joining a group here, like the example on p.

19 is wrong/misleading. You cannot from the JXTA shell join a group that has just
been created from that shell. Attempts to do so result in an error messaging stating
that the group cannot be jointed until the shell is re-started. So, the two commands:
JXTA> join moi
JXTA> join mygroup
must be preceeded with 'exit' commands, and re-invocations of the shell.

{282/283} The examples for 'join' and 'leave' have the same issue as the one reported
for 'chpgrp' on page 276.

Printed Page 291
set, setenv - The syntax of these commands is shown as

set env to env from
setenv env to env from

but the uses of / meanings of the args are not explained or discussed, and
the only example is of the form

set var1 doc

What are the other args, and how are they used?
