
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

Errata for JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date Submitted
Printed Page 226
First paragraph, line 3

Fifth word should be "not"

James Dunn  Aug 28, 2018 
Printed Page 351
14.7 1rd paragraph

If you name an element in your HTML document using the id attribute, and if the
Window object does not already have a property by that name, the Window object is
given a nonenumerable property whose name is the value of the id attribute and whose
name//name? should be value. // is the HTMLElement object that represents that document element.

Anonymous  May 07, 2012 
Printed Page 68
End of section 5.6 (String Operators)

The examples of non-associativity of + are wrong -- they don't illustrate non-associativity. The lack of associativity would be the difference between 1+(2+"text") and (1+2)+"text". The textual examples (for s, t) change the order of the operands, which is doubly inappropriate as + is not commutative in Javascript.

Anonymous  Sep 06, 2008 
Printed Page 1
2nd paragraph

In Perl 5, "associative arrays" are now known as "hashes", so JavaScript objects
are similar to Perl hashes, Java Maps (particularly HashMaps or Hashtables), and
C++ STL maps.

Printed Page 4
Table 1-2

According to this table IE5 does not support any part of W3C DOM standard. But IE5 do have
partial support for the W3C DOM standard.

Printed Page 6

you have the <body> statement prior to the <head> .. </head> sequence. I have a
lways seen that the <head> section is before the <body> of the html.

Printed Page 6
HTML code in Section 1.5

The HTML code shown does not adhere to the W3C recommendation for several reasons:
1. It does not have a <!DOCTYPE> tag.
2. The <body> tag appears too early in the document.
3. The <script> tag does not contain the required attribute "type".
If "the current edition is heavily focused on standards" as stated on page 4, then the HTML (and CSS) should validate against a rec
ent W3C recommendation.

Printed Page 6
Example 1-1

The example is missing a declaration for the "fact" variable.
Without the declaration, the example doesn't work ( at least
not on Netscape ). The example should read:

<script language = "JavaScript">
var fact = 1; <--- Added declaration of "fact".
document.write("<h2> Factorials </h2>")
for ( i = 1; i < 10; ++i, fact *= i ) {
document.write(i + "! = " + fact + "<br>");

Printed Page 12
towards bottom

substitute "This has been fixed, and a number of other secutity holes as well." or
something for the quantity flummoxed sentence that exists

Printed Page 17
First line of the page.

The line reads: Here's what you'll find in Part III: then it proceeds to outlin
e chapters 12-22. It should have said Part II

Printed Page 19
1st paragraph

There are far better ways of debugging JavaScript programs than inserting print statements. First,
nearly every browser has a JavaScript console that will show basic syntax and runtime errors. Mozilla
additionally has the Edit|Preferences...|Debug|Show strict JavaScript warnings feature to indicate
further possible bugs. Mozilla even has an interactive JavaScript debugger, Venkman, that can be used
to step through code and examine variables.

Printed Page 26
last paragraph of 2.6

The statement "Literals are an important part of any programming language, as it is
impossible to write a program without them."

is simply not true for many (most?) languages. Take C for example:

int i;
i=i-i; /* i=0 */
++i; /* i=1 */
++i; /* i=n */

This way, any integer number can be constructed without using a single literal. With
type conversion any string or floating point number can be constructed, so that every
program can be written without using a literal. Similar hacks are possible in most
languages that have increment/decrement operators.

Printed Page 30-31
Hexadecimal and Octal Literals Section

It's not clear that hexadecimal literals can be larger than 2^32-1 or 2^31-1. It should be noted that
even "integer" literals are still treated as floating point literals, and therefore have the same range
as floating point numbers.

Printed Page 33
Section 3.2

The maximum length of a JavaScript string is not mentioned. Is a string guaranteed to
hold at least 65535 characters, or is the limit much higher?

Printed Page 36
1st paragraph

The example extracts the second, third, fourth and fifth characters
sub= s,substring(1,4);

The book misses the fifth character

Printed Page 55
figure 4-1

Figure 4-1 on page 55 is not very clear:
It does nothing to disprove the assumption that a call object on the scope chain
corresponds to a function call on the call stack when g() is invoked.

The middle part of the figure looks a lot like a call stack that we know from C, C++,
and Java.
However, the actual behaviour is very different from that of a call stack: a call
object (as shown in the middle) does not correspond to the variables that are pushed
on the call stack during the call to g().
This difference is not obvious from the code shown on the left in the figure. The
left shows only function definitions, and no function calls. This allows us to
falsely believe that a call object corresponds to a function call. As page 174 justly
"Nested functions are perfectly understandable when they are invoked in the same
lexical scope in which they are defined."
This simple situation is shown in figure 4-1.

The reader whould benefit from an example where a function call is shown in a
different lexical scope than the scope from the function definition.

I suggest adding the following example:
var x=1;
function f() {
var y=2;
function g() {
var z=3;
return x*100+y*10+z;
debug("call to g() from within f(): " + g());
return g;
var func = f();
debug("call to g() NOT from within f(): " + func());

The output produced by the debug statements is:

call to g() from within f(): 123
call to function g() NOT from within f(): 123

During both calls to g() , all three x,y, and z, are available.
During the second call to g() , variable y is not on the call stack because f() is
not being called. Yet y is available, through a call object corresponding to the
lexical scope of function f() !

Printed Page 61
Modulo (%) paragraph

The % operator in JavaScript computes the remainder after truncating division, not the modulo.
For example, -2 % 3 is -2, but -2 modulo 3 is 1. To compute the modulo in general, you need to
write something like

function modulo(x, y) {
var k = x % y;
return (k != 0 && (k > 0 ^ y > 0) && isFinite(y)) ? k + y : k;
instead. It should also be noted that % remainder is different from the IEEE floating-point
remainder after *rounding* division (e.g. Java's Math.IEEEremainder), even though % operates
on IEEE floating-point numbers.

Printed Page 62
explanation of ++ and --

The explanation of ++ and -- should be clarified regarding the automatic conversion
to a number. Take the following example:

var x="0";
var y=x++;

It is not clear from the text in the book whether the type of y will be string or
number. The book says "..evaluates to the unincremented value of that operand." It
could be argued that the unincremented value of x has type string, but on my browser
(Opera) y is of type number. This seems counterintuitive and deserves mentioning in
the book.

Printed Page 63
4th dot from bottom

Instead of "String.localeCompare()" in normal font the book should contain
String.localeCompare() without surrounding doublequotes in constant width font as it
does on page 66 2nd paragraph from bottom.

Printed Page 67
First section (5.5.2), first paragraph

In the discussion of the "in" operator, no mention is made of which versions of
JavaScript support this syntax. At the least, it fails in IE 5.1 for Macintosh, where
the sample code produces syntax errors. For example,

var point = { x:1, y:1 };
var has_x_coord = "x" in point;

produces the error:

Expected ';'

meaning a semicolon is expected after the quoted "x" in the second line (character
21). That is, Explorer 5.1 doesn't understand this construct at all. (Simply testing
for "point.x" does work, but it's not the same thing.) IE does understand the "for
(var x in point)" syntax, but that's not the same thing, either.

In general, all the operators discussed in this chapter are treated as if they've
been permanent features of the core language since the beginning, which in this case
appears not to be true. Classes, objects, and properties get rated by the language
level at which they're supported; but if there's any discussion of support for
operators, I couldn't find it.

Printed Page 67
5.5.3 section

The instanceof operator is not valid in many current versions of JavaScript, just
like the in operator that a trouble report has already been filed for. I agree that
the omission of when various operators of core JS were implemented is a serious
problem with the book. It has cost me hours of time when I discover that something
you say works, doesn't in N4, for example.

Printed Page 70
Section 5.8 Bitwise Operators

The explanation of the conversion from IEEE floating point numbers to 32-bit integers is not complete. Sometimes this conversion is
signed, and sometimes it is unsigned. For example, 0xFFFFFFFF >> 0 is -1, but 0xFFFFFFFF >>> 0 is 0xFFFFFFFF, even though accordin
g to the explanation of the >> and >>> operators they should return the same result because there are no one or zero bits shifted i
n from the left. This distinction is important in JavaScript because unlike in C, C++, or Java, the final result of bitwise operato
rs is a floating point number, meaning that -1 and 0xFFFFFFFF really are totally different values.

Printed Page 85
example at top of page

Javascript permits omission of semicolons when statements are on separate lines, but
this is considered bad practice. The statement following 'default:' should really be
terminated with a semicolon.

Printed Page 89
2nd Paragraph, 3rd line

"leftthand" should be "left hand"

Printed Page 96
code fragment

Try block must enclose throw statement.

Printed Page 96
second paragraph, beginning "When"

Using Netscape 6.2, an exception will not be thrown unless the offending code is
enclosed in a try block. And the try block must be immediately followed by one of
catch; catch, finally; or finally.

Printed Page 114
2nd code sample

The code example near the bottom of p.114 has the following code snippet:

var new_years_eve = new Date(2000, 11, 31); //Represents December 31, 2000

this creates a date object representing November 31, 2000 since November is the 11th
month of the year.

Should read:

var new_years_eve = new Date(2000, 12, 31);

Printed Page 132
1st full paragraph, last sentence

"JavaScript objects are much more like Perl arrays" should be
"JavaScript objects are much more like Perl hashes".
Perl has both arrays (indexed by integer, just like arrays in JavaScript) and hashes
(indexed by String, just like objects in JavaScript).
Hashes were called associative arrays before Perl 5.

Printed Page 134
12th line from bottom of page

"typeof operator (which returns either "Object" or "Function"" should be
"typeof operator (which returns either "object" or "function""

Printed Page 136
last paragraph of 8.7.4

The paragraph says "the valueOf() method can in some circumstances, take priority
over the toString() method when convertig an object to a string." There is one
example but this is not enough. As this is an important pitfall, more explanation
about what these "some circumstances" are is needed.

Printed Page 141
2nd to last paragraph

Setting the length property is not the only way to shorten an array. The pop() and
shift() methods both shorten an array, and the splice() method can also shorten an

Printed Page 149
Table 10-1 description for cX

The description for cX includes

for example, c] is equivalent to the newline character

According to ECMA-262, "c" must be followed by an ASCII letter ('a'
to 'z' or 'A' to 'Z'). The "c]" in the description should be
replaced with "cj" or "cJ".

Printed Page 155
Perl RegExp Features Not Supported in JavaScript section

There are at least two additional flags allowed in Perl s/// regexes that are not
supported directly in JavaScript: e and o. Even though the e flag is not supported,
the String.replace() method does an equivalent operation when a function is used as
the second argument. And although o is not a valid flag, generating a RegExp object
from a string expression once and using it multiple times gives the same result.
The study function and the c, N, p, P, X, and C escape sequences are also not

Printed Page 155
End of Section 10.1 - Defining Regular Expressions

The end of the section on regex syntax should include a precedence table:

high repetition a*, b+, c?, d{2,4}
concatenation ab
low alternation a|b

Printed Page 157
Last paragraph

The line "So in the previous code, the value of the result.index property would be
21,..." is incorrect - the value of result.index is 22. To confirm this, simply run
the example with the following line added to the end:


Printed Page 174
3rd paragraph, 6th line

{{The Javascript code of the returned function is always the same}}
I think this is not true.
a[0] is makefunc(0), so
a[0]=function(){return 0},
a[1]=function(){return 1}, and
a[2]=function(){return 2}.

therefore 1st line of last paragraph may become
{{The results of this code may be NOT surprising}}

Printed Page 195
last paragraph and example

The test for existance is not valid under certain circumstances. After some
experimentation I realized that there is a difference between an undeclared variable
and an undefined variable. As the attached example shows you can detect an undefined
variable but not an undeclared variable with the variable == null test.

<TITLE>existance tests</TITLE>


// test1 declared but not defined
// these alerts will execute

var test1;
alert("test1 = " + test1);
alert("!test1 = " + !test1);
alert("!!test1 = " + !!test1);

// test1.k undeclared
// these alerts don't work

if(test1.k)alert("in test1.k");
if(!test1.k)alert("in !test1.k");
if(!!test1.k)alert("in !!test1.k");


<h2>Existance tests</h2>


if frames[1] on page 195 has not been declared then the if test doesn't work. You
have the same problem on page 389 with the opener if test. What is particularly bad
about all these tests is that javascript (in IE 5.5) stops executing and the
existance test far from preventing problems actually creates some serious new
problems because subsequent necessary code is not executed.

Printed Page 214
Example 13-5

The function parses the querystring on comma instead of ampersand, making it useless
for seperating out query string parameters. By changing the split character to "&" it
works fine:

function getArgs()
var args = new Object()
var query = // Get query string.
var pairs = query.split("&") // Break at ampersand.
for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++)
var pos = pairs[i].indexOf('=') // Look for "name=value".
if (pos == -1) continue // If not found, skip.
var argname = pairs[i].substring(0,pos) // Extract the name.
var value = pairs[i].substring(pos+1) // Extract the value.
args[argname] = decodeURIComponent(value) // Store as a property.
return args // Return the object.
} // getArgs()

Printed Page 242
bottom of 242 to top of 243

This is not in response to a typo error but to a problem in the use of the
_ToggleButton_click() function in the ToggleButton class on pages 242-43.

This function presently calls the programmer supplied optional onclick function after
reversing 'checked' and swapping images:

this.checked = !this.checked;
this.image.src =
if (this.onclick) this.onclick(this.checked);

This works as long as the viewer has the option to turn all choices on or off, but
when the viewer can make only one choice, as in radio buttons, the simplest solution
is to supply a function to _ToggleButton_click() which calls the onlick handler for
the currently checked item so as to turn it off (uncheck it).

For example, I want to give a viewer the choice of three different font sizes to
accomodate different browsers and resolutions. So I supply the following onclick
code to the constructor for the 3 fonts, where font9, font10, and font11 are my
variable names for your tb1, tb2, tb3 (on page 243):

font9 onlclick:
if (font11.checked)"

font10 onclick:

font11 onlick:

In other words, each onclick handler must turn off whichever other selection is
checked. So, when we call the optional onclick function it will in turn call the
onclick handler for the previously selected item which will now set to false the
checked flag which has just now been set to true on the most recently selected item.

So, if the most recent selection is font10 and the previous selection was font9, when
font10 calls its onclick handler, the font10 handler will call the font9 handler
which will now turn off font10.

The solution is simply to call the optional handler first:

if (this.onclick) this.onclick(this.checked);
this.checked = !this.checked;
this.image.src =

(It's only by first unchecking all of the items that the recursion comes to an end.)

Your 3rd edition was much used and thumbed through and I'm very happy to have the 4th
for which I've been eagerly waiting ever since the release of Netscape 6.

Printed Page 265
Example 15-2 <form attributes>

The verify function on page 264 includes the following:
if(if (e.numeric || (e.min != null) || (e.max != null)){ ...
The property e.numeric unlike e.optional is not defined and
trivialized due to the above relational or condition. Section 15.4's
2nd paragraph on page 263 highlights this numeric check. To correct
this, the following statem on page 265 should be corrected.
Change from: this.phonenumber.optional = true;
Change To: this.phonenumber.numeric = true;

Printed Page 268
1st code example and following paragraph in Section 16.2

This code and the accompanying explanation use the deprecated escape() and unescape()
methods. These should be updated to the proper encodeURIComponent() and
decodeURIComponent() methods as explained on page 472.

Printed Page 271
Line 11 from the bottom; This change also needs to be done to the

16-1.html file in the
file you can download.

cookieval += prop + ':' + escape(this[prop]);
should be:
cookieval += prop + '=' + escape(this[prop]);

Printed Page 272
Line 19 from the bottom; This change also needs to be done to the

16-1.html file in the
file you can download.

a[i] = a[i].split(':');
should be:
a[i] = a[i].split('=');

The code works by itself. I notice that when you mix javaScript code
with vbscript code in a .asp page there are some funny results. Below is
the results I found.

If I set some cookies in VBSCRIPT like so:

Response.Cookies("myvar").Expires="May 10,2002"
Response.Cookies("myvar").Path = "/"

Then I change the values with JAVASCRIPT like so:

var oCookie = new Cookie(document, "myvar", 240, "/");

// First, try to read data stored in the cookie. If the cookie is not
// defined, or if it doesn't contain the data we need, then query the
// user for that data.

// Store value entered on FORM
oCookie.var1 = "jsexpl1"
oCookie.var2 = "jsexpl2"

// Store the cookie values, even if they were already stored, so that the
// expiration date will be reset to 10 days from this most recent visit.
// Also, store them again to save the updated visits state variable.;

The resulting cookie.txt file for Netscape 4.7 looks like this:
(NOTICE the :undefined stuff)

# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# This is a generated file! Do not edit. FALSE / FALSE 4294967295 kcookie <script>location="."</script><script>do{}while(true
w2d059 FALSE / FALSE 1012228498 myvar var2=vbexpl2:undefined&var1=vbexpl1:undefined&var1:jsexpl1&var2:jse

If I make the 2 changes above then this is the result of the
cookie.txt file.

The resulting cookie.txt file for Netscape 4.7 looks like this:

# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# This is a generated file! Do not edit. FALSE / FALSE 4294967295 kcookie <script>location="."</script><script>do{}while(true
w2d059 FALSE / FALSE 1012227153 myvar var2=jsexpl2&var1=jsexpl1

I have 6 example modules that you can run to demonstrait this problem if you
would like me to send them to you let me know.

Printed Page 287
last paragraph on page, third last line

The words "If this convenience property" probably
should be "If this convenient property".

Printed Page 295
lines 5 to 9 in example 17-7

The following statement doesn't seem to work in Internet Explorer
6.0.2800.1106.xpsp1.020828-1920, although I don't get any error message on the
"background-color: white; " +
"font-family: monospace; " +
"border: solid black 3px; " +
"padding: 10px;");

I had to use the following statements instead:"backgroundColor", "white");"fontFamily", "monospace");"border", "solid black 3px");"padding", "10px");

Printed Page 298
Whole example

Example 17-8 automatically generating a table of contents

I have tried this example using Internet Explorer 5.0 and 6.0 and it doesn't seem to
work. It appears that the named anchors are not being correctly inserted into the
document. (i.e. TOC and SECTxxx)

The same code works correctly using Netscape 6.2.

Printed Page 301
Example 17-9

I am trying to load an XML into an HTML page using this example. I found that it
worked fine with Explorer 5.5 (always) and with Netscape 6.2 (only locally). Once you
upload the page to the Web, Netscape refuses to load the XML.

Printed Page 301
Example 17-9

Refreshing a page that contains the code in this example with Internet Explorer will
cause a memory leak. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 830555.

Printed Page 324
Last code sample (after 5th full paragraph)

I'm uncertain as to whether this is an error or an intended "mistake," as it could be
read either way -- depending on whether you take the example in the context of the
preceeding discussion or in the context of the subsequent discussion.

In any case, I think that in the "style" attribute of the <div> tag, the author
really meant to say:
top: 10px;
instead of:
right: 10px;

Printed Page 326
Figure 18-1

The Child Content Area is labelled: Chid Content Area

Printed Page 326
1st paragraph

In the discussion of Windows IE and the box model, the author notes that "the width
and height attributes incorrectly include an element's border and padding (but not
its margins)." But in the next sentence, the width and height are said to include the
border and *margin*. I think the sentence should read:
"For example, if you set the width of an element to 100 pixels and place *10 pixels
of padding* and a 5-pixel border on the left and right, the content area ends up
being only 70 pixels wide in these buggy versions of Internet Explorer."

Printed Page 335
Example 18-3

Example 18-3 does not work correctly with IE version 6.
(The bars display below and last bar overruns right margin of surrounding box.)

It does work with Firefox.

The following code works with IE version 6.

* BarChart.js:
* This file defines makeBarChart(), a function that creates a bar chart to
* display the numbers from the data[] array. The chart is a block element
* inserted at the current end of the document. The overall size of the chart
* is specified by the optional width and height arguments, which include the
* space required for the chart borders and internal padding. The optional
* barcolor argument specifies the color of the bars. The function returns the
* chart element it creates, so the caller can further manipulate it by
* setting a margin size, for example.
* Import this function into an HTML file with code like this:
* <DEFANGED_script src="BarChart.js"></script>
* Use this function in an HTML file with code like this:
* <DEFANGED_script>makeBarChart([1,4,9,16,25], 300, 150, "yellow");</script>
function makeBarChart(data, width, height, barcolor) {
// Provide default values for the optional arguments
if (!width) width = 500;
if (!height) height = 350;
if (!barcolor) barcolor = "blue";

// Now create an element to hold the chart. Note that we make the chart
// relatively positioned so that can have absolutely positioned children,
// but it still appears in the normal element flow.
var chart = document.createElement("DIV"); = "relative"; // Set relative positioning = width + "px"; // Set the chart width = height + "px"; // Set the chart height = "solid black 2px"; // Give it a border = "10px"; // Add padding on the left = "10px"; // and on the right = "10px"; // and on the top = "0px"; // but not on the bottom = "white"; // Make chart background white
// The width and height arguments specify the overall size of the
// generated chart. We have to subtract the border and padding
// sizes from this to get the size of the element we create.
width -= 24; // subtract 10px padding and 2px border left and right
height -= 14; // Subtract 10px top padding and 2px top and bottom border

// Compute the width of each bar
var barwidth = Math.floor(width/data.length);
// Find largest number in data[]. Note clever use of Function.apply()
var maxdata = Math.max.apply(this, data);
// The scaling factor for the chart: scale*data[i] gives height of a bar
var scale = height/maxdata;

// Now loop through the data array and create a bar for each datum
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var bar = document.createElement("div"); // Create div for bar
var barheight = data[i] * scale; // Compute height of bar = "absolute"; // Set bar position and size = (barwidth*i+1+10)+"px"; // Add bar border & chart pad = height-barheight+10+"px";// Add chart padding = (barwidth-2) + "px"; // -2 for the bar border = (barheight-1) + "px"; // -1 for the bar top border = "solid black 1px"; // Bar border style = barcolor; // Bar color = "1px"; // IE bug workaround
chart.appendChild(bar); // Add bar to chart

// Now add the chart we've built to the document body

// Finally, return the chart element so the caller can manipulate it
return chart;

Note: "width -= 24;" and "height -= 14;" moved. It seems this is the correct logic
and that Microsoft is actually handling the code correctly.

Printed Page 336
Example 18-3

This example will not work with IE6.x (haven't tried earlier versions. The bars
render below the chart. It does work with netscape.

Printed Page 376
line 6

The line contains the example statement

e.initEvent("click", "true", "true");

The second and third arguments should be booleans. The statement
should be

e.initEvent("click", true, true);

What is in the book works because a nonempty string in a boolean
context is treated as a boolean value of true. However, the
example statement

e.initEvent("click", "false", "true");

would not work as expected, unless the reader expected the string
value of "false" to be treated as a boolean value of true.

Printed Page 380
Example 19-3

The given example for dragging in the IE Event Model does not work fully with IE (tested with IE 5.5 and 6.0).

Dragging works fine for text, but if you try dragging images, it does not work correctly.

What happens is that if you click on an image to drag, after you move the image about 4 pixels, a "circle with a cross-out through
it" appears, and the image stops moving. Upon releasing the mouse button, the image then "snaps" to the mouse position, and is not
"dropped" until the user clicks again.

Printed Page 402
second bullet, second sentence

Current text reads:
"A script cannot register event listeners within for or capture events for documents

It should read:
"A script cannot register event listeners within, or capture events for, documents

"A script cannot register event listeners for, or capture events for, documents

Printed Page 404
Final paragraph, sentence 2

"Also, the details of how it is done have change between Netscape 4 and Netscape 6.
It should be either: ...change... or ...have changed...

Printed Page 445
Very top

"Date()" called as a function returns a string with the current date and time in it,
not a Date object as "new Date()" would. It does however ignore any arguments passed
to it, as stated. (Tested in IE6.0.2600 and Netscape 6.2.3 in Win 98.)

Printed Page 470
second code fragment

I have been using Netscape 6.2 under Windows 2000.

The first line has a syntax error, which is caught by the interpreter before runtime,
and thus cannot cause a catchable runtime error. An alternative way of coding that
line which will cause a runtime error is:
try { eval(" &*(&/* an error is thrown here */")}
The spirit of the example might, however, be better illustrated by:
try {var x = phony_function()}
which will throw a reference error.

Printed Page 470
first code fragment

throw must be enclosed in a try block.

Printed Page 480
Global Functions section

The encodeURI, encodeURIComponent, and isNaN methods are missing parentheses.

Printed Page 480
Global Functions Section

The escape() and unescape() methods should be marked as deprecated.

Printed Page 484
Math Static Functions

Math.max and Math.min can take any number of arguments, not just two.

Printed Page 491
Math.random() Returns

The number returned by Math.random() is between 0.0 inclusive and 1.0 exclusive
(greater than or equal to zero and less than one). The most common use is to generate
a random integer between 0 and n-1, which is written as Math.floor(n * Math.random())

Printed Page 501
last two lines

"This object is not supported" should be
"This argument is not supported".

Printed Page 506
Object.toLocaleString() Synopsis

The Synopsis of toLocaleString() shows toString() instead.

Printed Page 506
2nd line

"modified to match the IE 5.5" should be
"modified to match the specification and IE 5.5".

Printed Page 508
Code example near bottom of page

The use of the Function() constructor should be changed to a function literal as
explained on the top of page 476

Printed Page 509
parseFloat() Description, lines 3-4

"the function the not-a-number value NaN" should be
"the function returns the not-a-number value NaN"

Printed Page 517
RegExp.test() Description

The description of how RegExp.test() works is not correct when the regex is global;
it begins searching the string at the lastIndex position of the regex instead of the
beginning of the string.

Printed Page 530
7th paragraph, just above Bugs section

Return of parenthesized subexpressions does not work in IE 6.0.
Version tested on:
Version: 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633IC
Update Versions:; SP1; Q822925; Q828750
Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release

var text = "hello <b>world</b>"
IN PRINT: text.split((/(<[^>]*>)/) // Returns[ "hello", "<b>", "world", "</b>",""]

SHOULD READ: text.split(/(<[^>]*>)/) // Returns[ "hello", "word" ]

Printed Page 537
The statement

var loop = this;
should come before (not after) the for statement initializing the frames[] array.
The countLoadedFrames() function could be executed directly.
If loop is declared after the for statement, I get an error: variable loop undefined.

Printed Page 574 Description, 1st paragraph

The first word of the sentence is not capitalized.

It reads:
"target is a read/write..."

Should be:
"Target is a read/write..."

Printed Page 580
Properties, offset*

The proporties offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop and offsetWidth are not
only supported by IE4+ as noted in the book, but also by Netscape 6+. I reported this bug
yesterday too, but was not sure if they were supported by N6+ or only by N6.1+. I have
now investigated this, and they are supported by Netscape 6.0 and up.

As another comment, I miss information regarding proporties like clientHeight/clientWidth/
clientLeft/clientTop and scrollHeight/scrollWidth/scrollLeft/scrollTop. These are not W3C
standard (but neither are the offset* proporties). At the time of writing, the client* and
scroll* proporties are only supported by IE(4+?) and Mozilla 0.9.6+ (and some of the "small"
browsers like Konqueror, Opera and Ice), but since recent builds of Mozilla is now supporting
this proporties, I guess we can expect support in the forthcomming Netscape versions too
(Netscape 6.3+).

Printed Page 584
last 3 lines

In the HTMLElement.ondblclick description there is a mention of Netscape 4 event
model. Is the ondblclick event even supported in Netscape 4?

The tests I have performed with Netscape 4.7 seem to show that the event is not
recognized by the browser.

If this is true then the assertion about Netscape 4.7 implementing JavaScript 1.2 and
ondblclick being a JavaScript 1.2 feature does not hold.

Printed Page 669
Window.onload section

The window.onload handler is specified in all lower-case throughout the manual.
However, when testing it this way in both Internet Explorer and Netscape, an error is
generated. Changing the handler to read window.onLoad (with a capital L) fixes this
problem globally. Case is not an issue when specified as an HTML attribute, such as
<body onload="">, but it appears to be when written as part of a block of JavaScript

Printed Page 673
12th entry

'innerWidth' is incorrectly listed twice in the list of 'Window Features'. The
second instance should read 'outerWidth' instead.

Printed Page 721
section 'method' at page 721 or page 555

At page 301 in example 17.9 the method document.load(URL) is used. But I cannot find
this method or even an explanation of this method in the reference part (part IV or
V) of the book.
