
The Enterprise Cloud

Errata for The Enterprise Cloud

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

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PDF Page 265

I do not recall any recent interpretation of DaaS as "Data as a Service." The term is almost universally understood today as "Desktop as a Service." (this follows several other errata along the same lines--was trying to get a sense of whether or not the term was used in the book)

Ari Davidow  Aug 27, 2014 
PDF Page 42
1st line

Suggest that WPaaS is an obsolete term that has been replaced by DaaS, and is being deployed in a growing number of configurations, both by software vendors (e.g., Microsoft, w/MS 365) and a growing variety of Managed Hosting and SaaS providers.

Ari Davidow  Aug 27, 2014 
PDF Page 41
Table 6

Suggest that "Host legacy customer applications and maintain app operations" is an increasingly common Public SaaS Cloud Deployment option--see Microsoft 365 (albeit a hybrid operation in many ways), new SAP programs, the growing use of DaaS to deploy desktop applications, etc. for two very different, but significant ways in which this is becoming common.

Ari Davidow  Aug 27, 2014 
PDF Page 35,
Table 4, "CRM as a Service" p. 35 vs. p. 40

As suggested in an earlier erratum, the author now includes CRM in a list of "Typical examples of SaaS) in 1st par. on p. 40 (vs. entry re: CRM as a Service, p. 35, table 4)

Ari Davidow  Aug 27, 2014 
PDF Page several
see enclosed

Just got a copy of "The Enterprise Cloud" which I am reading, and also evaluating for my "Cloud Computing" class at Brandeis.

A couple of quick notes:

1. Typo? p. 20 of my PDF, bottom of page, "Although the mainframe was physically very __?__, it wasn't...." Are we missing a word or phrase here? "very large"?

2. Typo? p. 30, "Key Take Away:" "Custom is always possible..." perhaps, "Customization is always possible..." or "A custom solution is always possible...."?

3. DevOps? I cannot find any mention of the new "DevOps" role in the book so far. Perhaps by another name? Obviously, the way that IT roles are changing =is= a subject that the book mentions periodically, but it does seem that giving a name to the people who perform this large-scale automation using tools like puppet and chef might want to be explicit somewhere?

4. Order of services in table 3, p. 34. In most (all?) other
discussions, the services are generally described in this order: IaaS (infrastructure only; while sometimes used for App, SaaS creation; most often serving as a more general IT data center replacement), PaaS (now you have a specific set of tools and env. that are maintained for you; esp. popular as a platform for creating SaaS), SaaS (you have access to the end user application and minor customization). Any reason to change this order, especially since it is adhered to elsewhere?

5. Typo? In Table 4, p. 35 (CRM aaS): "This CRM services is actually a PaaS offering by definition." Editing awkwardness? (And, since most texts refer to as SaaS, not sure how useful a claim that "CRM services are actually ... PaaS ... by definition." If the author is making this claim, it deserves some justification.

6. Discussion: Same table, "Email-as-a-Service": Hosted Exchange, even GMail, are becoming a major category. Worth mentioning these common services by name to anchor the concept?

7. Discussion: Same table. No explicit mention of DaaS? Perhaps as part of the VDI entry, with some explanation of how DaaS differs from VDI (if it does). DaaS is too common a term to ignore, no?

8. Discussion: I am seeing a lot of Security aaS--worth calling out in this Table?

9. Community Cloud. Query. Is there an example of a Community Cloud taking off outside of the Federal government/FedRAMP? This may be a government-specific solution? As the author notes, "Trends over the past few years show little adoption of this community model...." Certainly do not appear to have seen it in healthcare and/or financial services

10. Table 5. An awful lot of the services listed as "not typically
available" in the public cloud are highly visible AWS (and I believe, Google IaaS) services. Are these really so rare, starting with ability to select from multiple backup options, ability to customize OS templates (AMI creation??), ability to manage multiple groups of VMs with separate admins (and what is IAM for, I ask?), ability to select from multiple tiers of storage (really?), etc.

11. P. 38, typo, 3 lines from bottom, "The configuration of these
hypervisor is normally...." suggest that hypervisor wants to be
pluralized. Next line is mangled, suggesting some edits that went bad. Suggest wants to read, "The configuration of these hypervisor=s= is normally not accessible to cloud consumers." (Several words dropped.)

That's it so far. looks like an interesting book. Do let me know if a
forum is opened up to discuss as the Early Release proceeds.

Although there is a release date listed as August 14, it does feel as though there is more editing work to be done? Also, the print area width is too wide, and Helvetica seems like an odd book type choice....

Many thanks,

Ari Davidow  Aug 26, 2014