
Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual

Errata for Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed Page 17
Last paragraph

The last paragraph suggests that you can have access to the digital book via Safari Books online for free. However, whilst there is a free trial, the service costs ?29.99 for unlimited access and ?14.99 for limited access (for first six months).

Anonymous  Nov 16, 2011 
Printed Page 79
2nd paragraph

The link from map.html to index.html does not work. The link appears to be formatted correctly, but I can't seem to find the cause of the problem. I opened what is supposed to be the final version of map.html, but it does not include the link information. Is there something else I should check to determine the cause of this broken link since the final version is incomplete?

Anonymous  May 28, 2013 
Printed Page 96
First paragraph, 3rd bullet point from the top of the page

The text reads:

"Press Ctrl+1 (Command-1) for the Heading 1 Style, Ctrl+2 (Command-2)..."

When the Mac option is executed, it doesn't change the paragraph format, placing one of the H1, H2 etc. tags at the beginning and end of the paragraph. Instead, it inserts the new tags at the location of the cursor. (ie. <h4></h4>) and breaks the single paragraph into two.

Laurie Williams  Jan 21, 2014 
Printed Page 790
Item 6 through 10

Tutorial: Creating a template from an existing file. Chapter 20. Item 6 says to select text "Tips Title" and "Subtitle goes Here", that doesn't exist in my template (which is exactly the same as the original file). In Item 10 is says there is an item "Related Tips" and a bulleted list I don't see either of these things on my page. Please clarify.

Anonymous  Nov 14, 2012 
Other Digital Version 848
step 3 and 4

On page 848- I have followed this proceedure in detail several times to import a database- but i get the following error.


SQL query:

-- Database: `cosmofarmer`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `categories`
CREATETABLE`categories` (

`categoryID` mediumint( 8)unsigned NOTNULLAUTO_INCREMENT ,
`categoryName` varchar( 64)CHARACTERSET utf8 NOTNULL ,
PRIMARYKEY (`categoryID`)

MySQL said:
#1046 - No database selected

What you need to do is download from the site an older version of SQL then try importing again

colin pettipas  Feb 16, 2012 
Printed Page 848
step 3 and 4

On page 848- I have followed this proceedure in detail several times to import a database- but i get the following error.


SQL query:

-- Database: `cosmofarmer`
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `categories`
CREATETABLE`categories` (

`categoryID` mediumint( 8)unsigned NOTNULLAUTO_INCREMENT ,
`categoryName` varchar( 64)CHARACTERSET utf8 NOTNULL ,
PRIMARYKEY (`categoryID`)

MySQL said:
#1046 - No database selected

What you need to do is download from the site an older version of SQL then try importing again

colin pettipas  Feb 16, 2012 
Printed Page 922

After following the steps in, "Operators Standing By", when I came to step #19 at the end and tried to preview in browser, i I received an error message: ( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in C:\wamp\www\cosmo_shop\index.php on line 55
After examining in code view I noticed an unclosed parentheses on line 55:
$totalPages_rsProducts = ceil($totalRows_rsProducts/$maxRows_rsProducts = 12;
This problem was solved by typing the closing parentheses bracket between the "12" and the semicolon.

David Hanson  Jan 14, 2012