
Learning Java

Errata for Learning Java

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 31
top example

I spent hours installing and playing with the JBuilder3.5
software (on Windows) obtained from the book's CD.
I went through the tutorial supplied with Jbuilder and was
able to make their tutorial Hello World sample program

However, when it comes to making the book's example programs
operate on JBuilder3.5, there is no instruction on
how to get book examples to work with JBuilder3.5.

What are the steps required to make
which is a book example compile and execute with the supplied
Software JBuilder3.5? JBuilder is so complicated and featured,
that a first time user has no clue how to get book examples
running with it.

A user ought to be able to have instant success compiling
and running all these book examples. The examples and the supplied
JBuilder are not integrated as a training experience. The two ought
to install and be instant turn key success.

Please tell me how to compile book examples with JBuilder in a step by step

Note from the Author or Editor:
valid complaint but can't fix until a next edition

Page 40
Second paragraph

The end of the second paragraph reads "The particular Graphics object we are
passed in the paintComponent() method..."

Should read "The particular Graphics object we are passing in the
paintComponent() method..."

Page 116-121
A float variable or data member requires a floating point value,

or something that may be promoted to a float, such as an int. In Java, a
literal floating-point value, such as 1.0, is actually stored as a
double, not a float, and can not be implicitly converted to a float.
For example, the following declaration will not compile:

float length = 1.0;

However, the following will compile, using an appending 'f' to convert
1.0 to a float:

float length = 1.0f;

There are 10 errors of this type.

Page 129
In the end of first paragraph, it says

"In the previous example, print() has been overloaded to support two
reference types: Object and String."

In the previous example, print() was overloaded to also support char
[]. (All arrays are reference types.)

Therefore it should read something like:
"In the previous example, print() has been overloaded to support three
reference types: Object, String, and char []."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Please change from: "In the previous example, print( ) has been overloaded to support two reference types: Object and String."


"In the previous example, print() has been overloaded to support the types Object and String."

Page 153
The code segment

TextUpdateable receiver;

should probably read:

TickerTape receiver;

Or else you are creating an instance of an interface.

Note from the Author or Editor:

Page 179
5th paragraph, last sentence

"We can create these objects using the Class object"

Pls put a period at the end of sentence.

Page 282
The code example after fourth paragraph reads:

FileInputStream foois = new FileOutputStream( fooFile, true);

It should read:

FileOutputStream foois = new FileOutputStream( fooFile, true);

Same is true on the next line.

Note from the Author or Editor:

Page 293
Third paragraph, start of 5th line

"server server" type for "server"

Page 295
3rd paragraph

"Working with mutlicast sockets is very much like working with datagram

Or multicast sockets.

Page 391
Third paragraph

"At the other extreme, we can forsake Java's strong typing and use the
reflection API to create a completely dynamic hookup between an event source
It'sand its listener."

There's an extra "It's" in the third word from the end.

Page 404
Code, mid way down, following blank line

"// put the controls the content pane"

Should be:

"// put the controls in the content pane"

Page 429
First paragraph

"This examples shows a frame window with a single button."

"examples" should be singular.

Page 448
2nd paragraph

"For a very little typing...."

should be:

"For very little typing...."

Page 461
Fourth paragraph, line 1

"Often you wont event need to worry..."

Should read:

"Often you won't even need to worry..."

Page 478
Fourth paragraph

Controls whether the component expands to fill the space alloted to it.

int gridheight, gridwidth
Controls the number of rows or columns the component spans.

int anchor
Controls the position of the component if there is extra room within the
space alloted to it.

Pls change 'alloted' to 'allotted', 2x.

Page 485
Several lines from the bottom

"...effective overall weight for
each for each row and each column..."

Should read:

"...effective overall weight for
each row and each column..."

515) Last line from the bottom:

"won't even ... until we try to try to display ..."

Should read:

"won't even ... until we try to display ..."
