
Java Security

Errata for Java Security

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xiv-xv
The following text was added to the Preface

"How to Contact Us:

We have tested and verified the information in this book to the best
of our ability, but you may find that features have changed (or even
that we have made mistakes!). Please let us know about any errors you
find, as well as your suggestions for future editions, by writing to:

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Anonymous    Feb 01, 2000
Page x
1st paragraph

Changed "Activator" to "Plugin"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page xi
2nd paragraph

Changed the last sentence to "The information in this book is based
on the 1.2 FCS release."

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page xi
Added this paragraph

For the most part, we assume that developers using this book will be
using the Java 2 platform, and our primary focus will be on the Java
Development Kit (JDK) from Sun Microsystems. However, for developers
using 1.1, we will provide full details of what's available in 1.1 and
what has changed in Java 2; in some cases, this information has changed
so radically that the information is relegated to an appendix.
Complicating all of this is that while overall there are few
differences between the 1.2 beta releases of the JDK and the Java 2
platform, many of those important differences occur in the security
APIs. Unlike the first printing of this book, which focused on the 1.2
beta 3 release, this printing covers the API as it exists only in the
Java 2 platform.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page xiv
3rd indented paragraph

Changed "(but not often used)" to "(and are deprecated)".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 14
4th and 5th paragraphs

Changed "-usepolicy" to ""

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 15

sidebar, last paragraph now reads:

Beginning in 1.2 beta 3, the Launcher class was incorporated into
the virtual machine itself, but the syntax to use it changed in
the last few beta releases. In FCS, the correct syntax is:

piccolo% java Cat /etc/passwd

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 23

2nd paragraph now reads:

... and readObject() methods. The writeObject() method is
responsible for writing out all data in the class; it typically uses
the defaultWriteObject() method to write out all non-transient data
and then its writes the transient data out in any format it desires.
Similarly, the readObject() method uses the defaultReadObject()
method to read the data and then must restore the corresponding
transient data. It's your decision how to save and reconstitute the
transient data so that its ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 23

3rd paragraph now reads:

The last clause of the last sentence should be
--no data can be stored or reconstituted by any default methods.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 29
2nd paragraph

Changed "zip" to "JAR" (added to the JAR file containing...)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 36
8th paragraph

Changed "otherslocated" to "others located"
Change "" to "rt.jar"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 39
After the continuation of the last paragraph on page 38 has

concluded added:

An instance of the URLClassLoader class may also be obtained via one of
these methods:

public static URLClassLoader newInstance(URL[] urls) [filled-star dingbat]
public static URLClassLoader newInstance(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) [filled-star dingbat]
Create and return a URL class loader. The difference between these
methods and constructing a URL class loader directly is that
the class loader returned from these methods will call the security
manager's checkPackageAccess() method before it attempts to define a
class; this is the optional step 2 that we referred to earlier. In
1.2, only class loaders obtained in this way will perform that
optional step (unless, of course, you write your own class loader
that performs that step).

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 39

Changed the first two sentences to:

In 1.2, the URLCLassLoader class fails to handle multiple HTTP-based
URLs correctly. It is hoped that this will be fixed someday; if it
is not and ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 40
Deleted the final bullet on the page (the one that begins "In the

URLClassLoader class, the invokeClass()...").

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 41
code example

The code segment incorrectly defined the jrl instance variable twice.
The correct code now reads:

Class self = Class.forName("JavaRunner");
JavaRunnerLoader jrl = new
JavaRunnerLoader(args[0], self.getClassLoader());
ThreadGroup tg = new ThreadGroup("JavaRunner Threadgroup");

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 41
The code segment incorrectly defined the jrl instance

variable twice. Corrected the definition of jrl to read:

Class self = Class.forName("JavaRunner");
JavaRunnerLoader jrl =
new JavaRunnerLoader(args[0], self.getClassLoader());

Anonymous    Sep 01, 1999
Page 43
To the final ListVariableTerm entry, add one new signature. Also add

new text to the end of the corresponding ListVariable paragraph, so that
the entire thing looks like this:

protected final Class defineClass(String name, byte data[], int offset, int length)
protected final Class defineClass(String name, byte data[],
int offset, int length, ProtectionDomain pd) [filled-star dingbat]
Create a Class object from an array ... the bytes actually define
the desired class. We'll look more at protection domains in
Chapter 5; if you use the signature without a protection domain,
a default (system) domain will be provided for the class.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 46
2nd and 3rd paragraphs

Changed "findLocalClass()" to "findClass()"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 47
last 4 paragraphs

In the last paragraph with a paragraph tag, changed "these two
new methods" to "this new method"

Changed both ListVariableTerm paragraphs by replacing them with this new
paragraph (still a ListVariableTerm format) and changed the corresponding
ListVariable paragraph to:

protected final Class defineClass(String name, byte[] buf, int offset,
int length, CodeSource cs) [filled-star dingbat]
Define a class that is associated with the given code source. If
the code source is null, this method is the equivalent of the
defineClass() method in the base ClassLoader class. We'll defer
showing an example of this method to Chapter 5, when we discuss
code source objects.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 48
Removed the ListVariableTerm entry

protected CodeSource getCodeSource(URL url, Object signers[])

as well as the ListVariable paragraph immediately following it. Hence, the
top of page 48 now has the continuation of the paragraph that was
changed on page 47 and then the next regular paragraph:

showing an example of this method to Chapter 5, when we discuss
code source objects.

As our first example of a class loader, ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 48-49
code example

Changed the line that reads

protected Class findLocalClass(String name) {

protected Class findClass(String name) {

changed the lines that read

CodeSource cs = getCodeSource(urlBase, null);
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs, null);


cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, null);

Deleted all the following lines:

publc void checkPackageAccess(String name) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 49
2nd and 3rd paragraphs

Changed "findLocalClass()" to "findClass()"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 50
4th paragraph

Changed the middle of that paragraph so that it reads:

... even in 1.2. In 1.2 if you want to make the check for package
access, you can do that by calling the checkPackageAccess() method
of the security manager in the same way that we called the
checkPackageDefinition() method, but that will only prevent you
from access classes that aren't found by the system class loader.
Alternately in 1.2, you can use the newInstance() method of the
URLClassLoader class which makes such a check, or you can override
the loadClass() method itself to provide such a check as we showed
earlier. In 1.1, of course, you ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 50
5th paragraph

Changed "findLocalClass()" to "findClass()"

Changed the last sentence to begin
Note that classes loaders that are created by calling the
constructor of the URLClassLoader class do not make such a call;

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 53-54
code example

Changed the line that reads
protected Class findLocalClass(String name) {
protected Class findClass(String name) {

Changed the line that reads
return defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs, null);
return defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, null);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 54
code fragment at the bottom of the page

Changed the lines that read
url[0] = new URL("");
url[1] = new URL("");
urls[0] = new URL("");
urls[1] = new URL("");

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 55
paragraph continuation from page 54, add a last sentence

... approach we've outlined above. In addition, the present
implementation of the URLClassLoader will not work with multiple
HTTP-based URLs, so for the present, you must write your own class
loader to handle that case.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 56-58
code example

Deleted the line (line 5) reading
CodeSource cs;

Deleted the line (line 14) reading
cs = getCodeSource(urlBase, null);

Changed the line reading
protected Class findLocalClass(String name) {
protected Class findClass(String name) {

Change the line reading
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs, null);
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, null);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 58
last paragraph

Changed "findLocalClass()" to "findClass()"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 60
first paragraph, added the word final

public final ClassLoader getParent() [filled-star dingbat]

Immediately preceeding the HeadB header (Loading resources), added the

This URL class loader is known as the system class loader, and it
may be retrieved via the following method:

public static ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the system class loader -- that is, the class loader that
was used to load the base application classes. If a security
manager is in place, you must have the getClassLoader runtime
permission to use this method (see Chapter 5).

Hence, to set up a delegation class loader, you can use this call:

jrl = new JavaRunnerLoader(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader())

instead of the methods we showed earlier.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 60
last few paragraphs

Changed all occurences of "getLocalResource" to "findResource" [in the
ListVariableTerm and the middle of the final paragraph].

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 61
2nd set of ListVariableTerm paragraphs

Changed "getLocalResources" to "findResources".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 61
Immediately before the "Summary" header, added the following

Loading Libraries

In 1.2, a new method exists in the ClassLoader class:

protected String findLibrary(String libname) [filled-star dingbat]
Return the directory from which native libraries should be loaded.

This method is used by the System.loadLibrary() method to determine the
directory in which the hative library in question should be found. If
this method returns null (the default), then the native library must be
in one of the directories specified by either the java.library.path or
java.sys.library.path properties; typically, these properties are
set in a platform-specific way (e.g. from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on
Solaris or the PATH on Windows). That mimics the behavior that
applies in 1.1 and earlier releases.

However, a 1.2 custom class loader can override that policy and require
that libraries be found in some application-define location. This
prevents a user for overriding the runtime environment to specify an
alternate location for that library, which offers a slight security
advantage. Note that if the user can write to the hardwired directory
where the library lives that this advantage no longer exists: the user
can simply overwrite the existing library instead of change an
environment variable to point to another library; the end result is the

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 82
Table 4-4, added as the last entry

checkPermission(Permission p) Thread.stop() Stopping a thread could
corrupt state of the
virtual machine.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 83
After the 2nd paragraph (before the headline) added

In 1.2, the Thread class also calls the checkPermission() method of
the security manager whenever the stop() method is called, since
stopping a thread is an inherently dangerous operation (which has
led the stop() to method become deprecated). For backward
compatibility, this permission is normally granted even to untrusted
classes, but an end-user may change her environment so that the
security manager throws an exception whenever the stop() method is

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 84
Fixed the font for some method entries in Table 4-5.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 91
In the last paragraph

Changed "-usepolicy" to ""

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 92
Changed the first ListVariableTerm paragraph to

public CodeSource(URL url, Certificate cers[]) [filled-star dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 93
Deleted the ListVariableTerm entry

public final PublicKey[] getKeys()
Return a copy ... (or maliciously).

and replaced it with these two entries

public final Certificate[] getCertificates() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the array of certificates that were used to construct
this code source object. The original certificates are not
returned so that they cannot be modified accidentally (or

public boolean implies(CodeSource cs) [filled-star dingbat]
Determine if the code source implies the parameter according
to the rules of the Permission class (see later in this
chapter). One code source implies another if it contains all
the certificates of the parameter and if the URL of the
parameter is implied by the URL of the target.

Removed the 4th paragraph (the one immediately preceeding the
Permissions header) and replaced it with this paragraph:

In Chapter 3, we didn't bother to create code sources, which meant
that our classes were assigned to a default code source. For the
time being, we'll create code sources in an URL-based class
loader simply based on the URL that we used to construct the class
loader; these classes will all be unsigned classes as a result.
In Chapter 12, we'll show how you can get the correct
certificates with which to construct a code source object for a
signed class.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 98
In the code lines associated with list item 4,


RuntimePermission r1 = new RuntimePermission("exit");
RuntimePermission r2 = new RuntimePermission("package.access.*");


RuntimePermission r1 = new RuntimePermission("exitVM");
RuntimePermission r2 = new RuntimePermission("");

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 99

Changed the last clause of the first sentence to read:

"and r2 represents permission to access classes in the java package."

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 99
In the first paragraph under item 5 in the list, changed

"topLevelWindow" to "showWindowWithoutWarningBanner"; changed
"systemClipboard" to "accessClipboard", and change "eventQueue"
to "accessEventQueue".

In the first code line, changed "topLevelWindow" to

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 99
List item 6

In the first sentence of the paragraph, changed "three different classes"
to "two different classes". In that paragraph, changed
"Authenticator.setDefault" to "setDefaultAuthenticator" and changed
"Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication" to

Deleted the second paragraph (the one beginning "In addition, the ability
to create multicast...") altogether.

Rewrote the third paragraph (the one that begins "Finally, the ability to
create a listener...") as follows:

In addition, this class encapsulates various URL-related permissions.
Permission to specify a stream handler in the URL class is named

Deleted the first code line:

NetPermission n1 = new NetPermission("multicast");

Changed the second code line to

NetPermission n1 = new NetPermission("requestPasswordAuthentication");

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 99-100
List item 8

Changed the third sentence from

has one valid name: enableSubstitution. If granted, this permission


has two valid names: enableSubstitution and
enableSubclassImplementation. The first of these permissions

Then added the following sentence at the end of the paragraph:

The latter permission allows the ObjectInputStream and
ObjectOutputStream classes to be subclassed, which would
potentially override the readObject() and writeObject() methods.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 100
List item 9


single name (access)


single name (supressAccessChecks)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 101
The second italicized method used to read:

public abstract String getName()

It now reads:

public final String getName()

Anonymous    Sep 01, 1999
Page 107

This line of code used to read:

if (adminAdded && (adminMask & xyz.mask) != xyz.mask)

It now reads:

if (adminAdded && (adminMask & xyz.mask) == xyz.mask)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 2000
Page 107
In the code example

Changed line 13 from

if (addedAdmin && (adminMask & xyz.mask) != 0)


if (addedAdmin && (adminMask & xyz.mask) != xyz.mask)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 107
Immediately before the "The Permissions Class" header, added

If you implement your own PermissionCollection class, you must also
keep track of whether it has been marked as read-only. There are two
methods involved in this:

public boolean isReadOnly() [filled-star dingbat]
Return an indication of whether the collection has been marked as

public void setReadOnly() [filled-star dingbat]
Set the collection to be read-only. Once the read-only flag has
been set, it cannot be unset: the collection will remain read-only

A permission collection is expected to throw a security exception from
its add() method if it has been marked as read-only. Note that the
read-only instance variable is private to the PermissionCollection
class, so subclasses will have to rely on the isReadOnly() method to
test its value.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 108
Deleted from the 5th paragraph ("In addition to the methods that

are inherited...") to the "The Policy Class" header.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 109
In the 7th paragraph (beginning "Getting and setting the policy"),

change "Policy.getPolicy" to "getPolicy" and change "Policy.setPolicy"
to "setPolicy".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 109
In the 4th ListVariableTag paragraph, changed "evaluate" to


public abstract Permissions getPermissions(CodeSource cs) [dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 109
In the final paragraph, changed "" to


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 110
In the first sentence, changed "package-protected" to "file in the sun


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 111
In the List #1 item, changed the first "-usepolicy" to

", which must be used in conjunction with the option."

Changed the first command line to:

piccolo% java Cat /etc/passwd

Changed the next two "-usepolicy" to "" [both in
the ListText... paragraph between the first and second command line

Changed the second command line to:

piccolo% java Cat /etc/

Changed the paragraph beginning "Note that you may also specify..." to
"Note that you may also simply specify the
flag with no additional arguments, in which case..."

Changed the third command line to:

piccolo% java Cat /etc/passwd

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 112
In the List paragraph tagged 3, changed "-usepolicy" to


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 114
In the code example, immediately preceeding the final close

brace, added the line:

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "stopThread";

At the end of the 1st paragraph, added the sentence:

All other classes will also be able to call the stop() method on a

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 114
Changed the ListVariableTerm paragraph from

public ProtectionDomain(CodeSource cs, Permissions p) [dingbat]


public ProtectionDomain(CodeSource cs, PermissionCollection p) [dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 115
The three bulleted paragraphs required the following changes

First bullet:
o The defineClass() method accepts a protection domain as a
parameter. In this case, the given protection domain is assigned
to the class. This case is typically unused, since that method
exists only in the ClassLoader class and not in the
SecureClassLoader class.

Second bullet:
o The defineClass() method accepts a code source as a parameter.
In this case, the getPermissions() method of the
SecureClassLoader is used to determine the protection domain for
the code source. By default, this just uses the getPermissions()
class of the Policy class to find the permissions that are
defined for the given code base. However, a secure class loader
(including, of course, a URL class loader)
has the option of overriding the getPermissions() method to
enhance the set of permissions that a particular class might
have. We'll see an example of this in Chapter 6, when we discuss
network permissions in the class loader.

Third bullet: changed "evaluate()" to "getPermissions()".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 115
Changed the 2nd ListVariableTerm paragraph from

public Permissions getPermissions() [dingbat]


public PermissionCollection getPermissions() [dingbat]

In the associated ListVariable paragraph, change "permissions" to
"permission collection".

(117:) At the beginning of the fourth line, changed "Test" to
"AccessTest". In figure 5-2, change "Test.init()" to

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 119
Deleted the text beginning with the paragraph starting "That

facility is possible with these two methods..." through the first two
paragraphs of the page 120. Replaced that section with this text:

That facility is possible with these two methods of the access
controller class:

public static Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction pa) [filled-star

public static Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction pae)
[filled-star dingbat]

Execute the run() method of the given object, temporarily
granting its permission to any protection domains that are below
it on the stack. In the second case, if the embedded run() method
throws an exception, the doPrivileged() method will throw a

The PrivilegedAction and PrivilegedExceptionAction interfaces
contain a single method:

public Object run() [filled-star dingbat]
Run the target code, which will have the permissions of the calling

The different in the two interfaces is that the run() method in
the PrivilegedExceptionAction interface may throw an arbitrary
exception. Note the unfortunate overloading between this method
and the run() method of the Thread class and Runnable interface,
which return void; a class cannot implement both the Runnable and
PrivilegedAction interface.

The PrivilegedActionException class is a standard exception, so
you must always be prepared to catch it when using the
doPrivileged() method. If the embedded run() method does throw an
exception, that exception will be wrapped into the
PrivilegedActionException, where it may be retrieved with this

public Exception getException()
Return the exception that was originally thrown to cause the
PrivilegedActionException to be thrown.

Let's see how all of this might work with our network monitor

public class NetworkMonitor {
public NetworkMonitor() {
try {
class doSocket implements PrivilegedExceptionAction {
public Object run() throws UnknownHostException,
IOException {
return new Socket("", 4000);
doSocket ds = new doSocket();
Socket s = (Socket) AccessContoller.doPrivileged(ds);
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
Exception e = pae.getException();
if (e instanceof UnknownHostException) {
// process host exception
else if (e instanceof IOException {
// process IOException
else {
// e must be a runtime exception
throw (RuntimeException) e;

Two points are noteworthy here. First, the code that needs to be
executed with the privileges of the NetworkMonitor class has been
encapsulated into a new class -- the inner doSocket() class.

Second, the exception handling is somewhat new: we must list the
exceptions that the socket constructor can throw in the run()
method of our embedded class. If either of those exceptions is
thrown, it will be encapsulated into a PrivilegedActionException
and thrown back to the network monitor, where we can retrieve the
actual exception with the getException() method.

[Continue with the paragraph reading "Let's examine the effect
these calls have" but change "these calls" to "this call". In that
paragraph, also change "beginPrivileged()" to "doPrivileged()".]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 120
paragraph 4: Change "beginPrivileged()" to "doPrivileged()".

Changed the code example to the following:

public class PayrollApp {
NetworkMonitor nm;

public void init() {
class doInit implements PrivilegedAction {
public void run() {
nm = new NetworkMonitor();
doInit di = new doInit();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 121
1st paragraph: Changed "beginPrivileged()" to "doPrivileged()".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 136
2nd paragraph: Changed "beginPrivileged()" to "doPrivileged()"

[both occurances in the paragraph.]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 136
2nd-to-last paragraph: changed "in check" to "inCheck"; that word

should be in Courier font.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 138

2nd paragraph now reads:

In 1.2, this variable and method are deprecated. The correct
operation to perform in a 1.2-based security manager is to place
the calls to the InetAddress class in a class that can be used by
the doPrivileged() method. In addition, the InetAddress class in
1.2 no longer calls the getInCheck() method.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 139
Changed the end of the 2nd paragraph by adding the following

support machine are trusted and other classes are not. Note that
if you are going to use this technique in 1.2 that it is quite
possible that the class loader will not be your multi loader -- it
might be one of the internal class loaders that is use to load
extension or API classes. In that case, instead of throwing a
security exception when the class cast fails, you should simply
call the super.checkWrite() method, which will do the correct
thing in 1.2.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 142
code example

At the beginning of the example, (as line 1), added the following

private ClassLoader getNonSystemClassLoader() {
Class c[] = getClassContext();
ClassLoader sys = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) {
ClassLoader cl = c[i].getClassLoader();
if (cl != null && !cl.equals(sys))
return cl;
return null;

Changed line 9 from

ClassLoader loader = currentClassLoader();


// In 1.1, use currentClassLoader() instead
ClassLoader loader = getNonSystemClassLoader();

Changed lines 22 to 32 from

try {
} finally {


try {
class testHost implements PrivilegedExceptionAction {
String local, remote;
testHost(String local, String remote) {
this.local = local;
this.remote = remote;
public Object run() throws UnknownHostException {
InetAddress hostAddr = InetAddress.getByName(local);
InetAddress remoteAddr = InetAddress.getByName(remote);
if (hostAddr.equals(remoteAddr))
return new Boolean("true");
return new Boolean("false");
testHost th = new testHost(host, remoteHost);
Boolean b = (Boolean) AccessController.doPrivileged(th);
if (b.booleanValue())
} catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {
// Must be an UnknownHostException; continue and throw

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 143

2nd paragraph, the 2nd sentence now reads:

For a 1.1-based security manager, you would set the inCheck
variable to true, execute the calls that are in the run() method of
the testHost class, and then set inCheck to false. You would also
need to make this method and the getInCheck() methods

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 144

1st paragraph: changed the last sentence to read:

In Java 1.2, you can use the doPrivileged() method of the access
controller from within the class loader to attempt to open the

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 144-145
In the code example: Changed the last paragraph of 144, the

subsequent entire code example, and the first paragraph of 145 to be

This implementation requires us to override the getPermissions()
method of the SecureClassLoader class as follows:

protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource cs) {
if (!cs.equals(this.cs))
return null;
Policy pol = Policy.getPolicy();
PermissionCollection pc = pol.getPermissions(cs);
pc.add(new SocketPermission(urlBase.getHost(), "connect");
return pc;

As long as we use the correct code source to define the class,
then when the class loader resolves its permissions, the
appropriate socket permission will be added to its user-defined
set of permissions.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 145
2nd paragraph

Changed the sentence

In 1.2, the default behavior of the security manager is to implement
the model we'll describe in this section.


In 1.2, the default behavior of the security manager is to allow the
checkAccess() method to succeed in all cases unless the target
thread is a member of the system thread group or the target thread
group is the system thread group. In those cases,
the program must have been granted a runtime
permission of modifyThread or modifyThreadGroup (depending on which
checkAccess() method is involved) for the operation to succeed.
Hence, any thread can modify any thread or thread group except for
those that belong to the system thread group.

In the 3rd paragraph, deleted the phrase "this is a model implemented by
the SecurityManager class in 1.2.". So the paragraph reads

We'll show an example that implements a hierarchical notion of
thread permissions which fits well within the notion of the virtual
machine's thread hierarchy (see Figure 6-1). In ths model, a ...

In the last paragraph, changed the last sentence to read

The 1.2 default security manager checks for the modifyThread and
modifyThreadGroup permissions as we described above.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 148
second paragraph: changed "two caveats" to "three caveats".

Immediately preceeding the "Implementing Package Access" header, added
this paragraph:

Finally, remeber that in 1.2, the stop() method of the Thread class
first calls the checkPermission() class of the security manager to
see if the current stack has a runtime permission of "stopThread".
For backward compatibility, all protection domains have that
permission by default, but a particular user may be changed that
in the policy file.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 148
Changed the last three paragraphs (including the continuation onto

page 149) to read

A final area for which the default security manager is sometime
inadequate is the manner in which it checks for package access and
definition. In 1.1, the default security manager rejects all package
access and definition attempts.

In 1.2, the situation is somewhat complex. For package access, the
security manager looks for a property defined in the
file named package.access. This property is a list of comma
separated package names for which access should be checked. If the
class loader uses the checkPackageAccess() method (and remember that
many do not) and attempts to access a package that is in the list
specified in the file, then the program must have a
runtime permission with a name of
accessClassInPackage.<package name>. For defining a class, the
operation is similar; the property name in the file is
package.definition and the appropriate runtime permission has a name
of defineClassInPackage.<package name>. This model works well, but
it requires that the file and all the java.policy
files be co-ordinated in their attempts to protect package access
and definition.

For that reason, and also to provide a better migration between
releases (and because it's the only way to do it in 1.1), you may
want to include the logic to process some policies within your new
security manager. In that way, users will not need to make any
changes on their system; in this case, the user will not have to put
the appropriate RuntimePermission entries into the java.policy files
by hand.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 149
In the code example

Changed the entire example to read

public void checkPackageAccess(String pkg) {
// In 1.1, don't call the super class, which will automatically
// reject the operation

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 150-152
Table 6-3


checkAccess() [both signature] RuntimePermission("thread")

to these two entries

checkAccess(Thread t) RuntimePermission("modifyThread");
checkAcecss(ThreadGroup tg) RuntimePermission("modifyThreadGrou


checkExit(int status) RuntimePermission("exit")


checkExit(int status) RuntimePermission("exitVM")


checkRead(FileDescriptor fd) RuntimePermission(""


checkRead(FileDescriptor fd) RuntimePermission("readFileDescriptor")


checkWrite(FileDescriptor fd) RuntimePermission("fileDescriptor.write


checkWrite(FileDescriptor fd) RuntimePermission("writeFileDescriptor"


checkMulticast() [both signatures] NetPermission("multicast")


checkMulticast() [both signatures] SocketPermission(maddr.getHostAddress
(), "accept,connect")


checkTopLevelWindow(Object w) AWTPermission("topLevelWindow")


checkTopLevelWindow(Object w) AWTPermission("showWindowWithoutWar


checkPrintJobAccess() RuntimePermission("print.queueJob")


checkPrintJobAccess() RuntimePermission("queuePrintJob")


checkSystemClipboardAccess() AWTPermission("systemClipboard");


checkSystemClipboardAccess() AWTPermission("accessClipboard");


checkAwtEventQueueAccess() AWTPermission("eventQueue");


checkAwtEventQueueAccess() AWTPermission("accessEventQueue");


checkPackageAccess(String pkg) RuntimePermission("package.access."
+ pkg)
checkPackageDefinition(String pkg) RuntimePermission("package.define."
+ pkg)


checkPackageAccess(String pkg) RuntimePermission("accessClassInPac
kage." + pkg)
checkPackageDefinition(String pkg) RuntimePermission("defineClassInPac
kage." + pkg)


checkMemberAccess(Class c, int which) RuntimePermission("reflect.declar
ed." + c.getName())


checkMemberAccess(Class c, int which) RuntimePermission("accessDeclared

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 152
1st bullet, changed to

o The checkAccess() methods only check for the given permission if
the target thread (group) is in the system thread group.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 152
At the bottom of the page, added a new bullet

o Thread permissions may follow the thread hierarchy rather than the
default all-or-nothing policy.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 153
In the code example, immediately before the last line, added

public void checkAccess(Thread t) {
.. follow implementation given above ..
public void checkAccess(ThreadGroup tg) {
.. follow implementation given above ..

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 159
2nd-to-last paragraph: Changed "-usepolicy" to

"" [three instances.]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 160
Deleted the 2nd paragraph (the one beginning "A second change")

and the rest of the section through the next header ("The Secure Java

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 161
1st paragraph: Changed "-usepolicy" to "".

At the end of the 1st paragraph, change "checkExit() method" to
"checkExit(), checkPackageAccess(), and checkPackageDefinition()

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 164
In the second to last paragraph, first line, deleted the word "is"

[First we must prove that the author ...]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 180
Table 8-1: Added the following lines

KeyStore JKS
CertificateFactory X509
SecureRandom SHA1PRNG

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 183
In the last paragraph before the ListVariableTerm entries, change

"method" to "methods". [contain a number of useful methods we'll
review here;]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 184
At the end of the 2nd paragraph [after "clear, put, or remove."]

added the following sentence:

In 1.2, however, the argument string is clearProviderProperties,
putProviderProperty, and removeProviderProperty, respectively.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 190
The ListVariableTerm (for getAlgorithmProperty) now has a

hollow-star dingbat.

Deleted the footnote.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 191
At the end of the output, added the following four lines


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 192
In table 8-4, replaced the middle column with the following


insertProvider. + provider.getName()
removeProvider. + provider.getName()
- not called -
- not called -
getProperty. + key
setProperty. + key

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 193
3rd paragraph: changed "three" to "six" [six new engine

classes in 1.2,]. Changed "six" to "nine" [nine core Java engine

In Table 8-5, added the following three rows:

KeyStore KeyStoreSpi KeyStoreSpi
CertificateFactory CertificateFactorySpi CertificateFactorySpi
SecureRandom SecureRandomSpi SecureRandomSpi

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 231
The last sentence before the "The X509Certificate Class" section

now reads "Fortunately, the next class allows us to import
certificates." [delete "both" and "to export".]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 231
Immediately preceeding the "The X509Certificate Class" section,

inserted the following new section:

The CertificateFactory class

If you need to import a certificate into a program, you do so by using
the CertificateFactory class (
That class is an engine class, and it has the following interface:

public static CertificateFactory getInstance(String type) [filled-star
public static CertificateFactory getInstance(String type, String provider)
[filled-star dingbat]
Return a certificate factory that may be used to import
certificates of the specified type (optionally implemented by the
given provider). A CertificateException will be thrown if the
given factory cannot be found or created; if the given provider is
not found, a NoSuchProviderException will be thrown. The default
Sun security provider has one certificate factory that works with
certificates to type X509.

public String getProvider() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the provider that implemented this factory.

public String getType() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the type of certificates that this factory can import.

public final Certificate generateCertificate(InputStream is) [filled-star
Return a certificate that has been read in from the specified
input steram. For the default Sun security provider, the input
stream must be an X509 certificate in RFC 1421 format (that is, a
DER-encoded certificate that has been translated into 7-bit ASCII
characters); this is the most common format for transmission of
X509 certificates.

public final Collection generateCertificates(InputStream is) [filled-star
Return a collection of certificates that have been defined in the
given input stream. For the default Sun provider, the input stream
in this case may have a single RFC 1421 formatted certificate, or
it may contain a certificate chain in PKCS#7 format.

public final CRL generateCRL(InputStream is) [filled-star dingbat]
Define a certificate revocation list from the data in the input

public final Collection generateCRLs(InputStream is) [filled-star dingbat]
Define a collection of CRLs from the data in the input stream.

Note that the CertificateFactory class cannot generate a new
certificate -- it may only import a certificate found in a file. This
is one reason why its hard to provide a certificate authority based
solely on the standard Java API. In the next section, we'll see an
example of reading a certificate through this interface.

The CertificateFactory is an engine class, so it has a companion SPI
class -- the CertificateFactorySpi class -- that can be used if you
want to implement your own certificate factory. Implementing such a
class follows the familiar rules of engine classes: you must define a
constructor that takes the type name as a parameter and then for each
of the public methods listed above, you must implement a corresponding
engine method with the same parameters. Certificates are complicated
things, and parsing their encoding is a complicated procedure, so we
won't bother showing an example of the engine class.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 232
Deleted the 2nd paragraph ["The X509Certificate class looks like

an engine class..."] and all the text until the last paragraph on the
page that introduces the three bullets. Hence, the text reads

public abstract class X509Certificate extends Certificate implements
Provide an infrastructure to support X509 version 3 formatted

An X509 certificate has a number of properties...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 234
code example:

Changed the 5th line from

X509Certificate c = X509Certificate.getInstance(fr);


CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(fr);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 234-235
Deleted the entire section "Importing and Exporting


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 237
Changed "RevokedCertificate" to "X509CRLEntry" in the last sentence

of the third paragraph and the next ListVariableTerm as follows:

Revoked certificates themselves are represented by the X509CRLEntry
class (

public abstract class X509CRLEntry implements X509Extension [dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 237
Deleted the last paragraph ("Like the X509Certificate class, the

X509CRL class...") and the code at the bottom of the page.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 238
Deleted the first paragraph and the subsequent ListVariableTag

definition. Changed the beginning of the next paragraph so that it

Instances of the X509CRLEntry class are obtained by the getInstance()
method of the CertificateFactory. Once the class has been
instantiated, ...

Hence, the text from 237 to 238 reads:

public abstract class X509CRL implements X509Extension [dingbat]
Provide the support for an X509-based certificate revocation list.

Instances of the X509CRLEntry class are obtained by the getInstance()
method ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 238
Deleted the ListVariableTerm (and its associated ListVariable)

that reads

public abstract boolean isRevoked(BigInteger serialNumber) [dingbat]
Indicated whether or not ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 238
Last ListVariableTerm entry: changed "RevokedCertificate" to


public abstract X509CRLEntry getRevokedCertificate(BigInteger bn)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 239
Before the actual paragraph on this page ("When all is said and

done,..."), inserted the following:

There is one more method of the X509CRL class, which it inherits from
its superclass, the CRL class (

public abstract boolean isRevoked(Certificate c) [filled-star dingbat]
Indicate whether or not the given certificate has been revoked by
this CRL.

When all is said and done,...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 239
Changed the code example

Changed line 5 from

c = X509Certificate.getInstance(data);


CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
c = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(bais);

Changed lines 10-12 from

X509CRL crl = X509CRL.getInstance(crlFile);
BigInteger bi = c.getSerialNumber();
if (crl.isRevoked(bi))


cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509CRL");
X509CRL crl = (X509CRL) cf.generateCRL(crlFile);
if (crl.isRevoked(c))

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 240
code example

Deleted lines 9-10

} catch (X509ExtensionException xee) {
// treat as no crl

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 243
2nd paragraph: Changed "Java Activator" to "Java Plug-In".

Last paragraph, changed the final sentence to:

The IdentityScope class has been deprecated in 1.2.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 245

4th paragraph: Changed the final sentence to read:

First, however, let's take a brief look at the notion of the identity
to whom a key belongs.

Then added this paragraph.

In Java's key management model, the association between a key and
its owner is application specific. There is an Identity class in
Java that was used for this purpose in 1.2, but it has been deprecated
(because, among other things, it used the wrong Certificate class).
However, there is still one interface that can be useful in your
own applications that use keys: the Principal interface.

Then deleted the Identities header and the next two paragraphs. Most of
the "Identities" section must be moved into Appendix B; changes in that
section will be listed later. For now, after the paragraph that was just
added, keep the "Principals" subsection (make sure that the sidebar is
attached to something in that section). Deleted the entire subsection
"The Identity Class", and also the subsection "signers". Note that we're
deleting an entire HeadA section, so the cross-reference at the
beginning of the chapter must have that entry removed as well.

Hence, the text flows as follows:

This framework is the ultimate goal of this chapter. First, however,
let's take a brief look at the notion of the identity to whom a key

In Java's key management model, the association bewteen ... that use
keys: the Principal interface.

[Still a HeadB]

Classes that are concerned with identities...

... discussion of principals, ending with the 7th paragraph on
page 246 ...

There are other methods listed in the Principal interface -- namely
... implemented correctly for all your classes, not just those that
implement the Principal interface.

[HeadA -- from page 253]
The KeyStore Class

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 246
4th paragraph: Changed "Identity class we're about to introduce" to

"the deprecated Identity class" [This paragraph is in the middle of the
flow that we just discussed].

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 255
In the first ListVariable term deleted "abstract"

public class KeyStore [dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 255
Deleted the 4th ("Although they share the features of a provider

interface...") paragraph through the ListVariableTerm for the
getInstance() method (plus the corresponding ListVariable paragraph).
Replaced them with the following:

The KeyStore class is an engine class; there is a corresponding
KeyStoreSpi class that you can use to write your own keystore (more
about that a little later). By default, the Sun security provider
implements a keystore called JKS (for Java KeyStore). Hence,
instances of the KeyStore class are predictable obtained via this

public static final KeyStore getInstance(String type) [filled-star
public static final KeyStore getInstance(String type, String provider)
[filled-star dingbat]
Return an instance of the KeyStore class that implements the
given algorithm, supplied by the given provider, if applicable.
In the Sun security provider, the default algorithm name is

If you do not want to hard-wire the name of the keystore algorithm
into your application, you may use this method to return the string
that should be passed to the getInstance() method:

public static final String getDefaultType() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the default keystore algorithm for the enviroment. This
value is obtained by looking for a property called keystore.type
in the file.

Then continued with the paragraph "When the keystore object is

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 255
Changed the final ListVariableTerm entry from

public abstract void load(InputStream is, String password) [dingbat]


public final void load(InputStream is, char[] password) [dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 256
Changed the 1st ListVariableTerm entry from

public abstract void store(OutputStream os, String password) [dingbat]


public final void store(OututStream os, char[] password) [dingbat]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 257
Before the 5 ListVariableTerm entries at the top of the page, added

these 2 entries (so that there will be 7 ListVariableTerm entries all

public final String getType() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the name of the algorithm that this keystore implements.
public final String getProvider() [filled-star dingbat]
Return the name of the provider that supplied this keystore

In the remaining ListVariableTerm entries on this page (5 at the top and
2 at the bottom), changed the word "abstract" to "final".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 257
In the 8th paragraph (beginning with "The keystore holds two types

of entries...") delete the 2nd sentence. The paragraph now reads

The keystore holds two types of entries: certificate entries and key
entries. A certificate entry is an entry that contains...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 258
Changed the first ListVariableTerm from

public abstract PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String alias, String password


public final Key getKey(String alias, char[] password) [dingbat]

Changed the final ListVariableTerm paragraphs from

public abstract void setKeyEntry(String alias, byte privateKey[],
Certificate chain[]) [dingbat]
public abstract void setKeyEntry(String alias, PrivateKey pk, String
password, Certificate chain[]) [dingbat]


public final void setKeyEntry(String alias, byte key[], Certificate
chain[]) [dingbat]
public final void setKeyEntry(String alias, Key k, char[] password,
Certificate chain[]) [dingbat]

In all other ListVariableTerm paragraphs on this page, changed "abstract"
to "final". This applies as well to the 1st ListVariableTerm paragraph
on page 259.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 259
code example

Changed line 4 from

KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance();


KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());

Changed lines 12-13 from

System.out.println("The private key for " + args[0] +
" is " + ks.getPrivateKey(args[0], args[1]));

char c[] = new char[args[1].length()];
args[1].getChars(0, c.length, c, 0);
System.out.println("The private key for " + args[0] +
" is " + ks.getKey(args[0], c));

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 262
After the 1st paragraph, added the following

Implementing a keystore requires that we write a KeyStoreSpi class,
just as any other engine class. For most methods in the KeyStore
class, there is a corresponding abstract engine method in the
KeyStoreSpi class that you must provide an implementation for. A
complete list of these methods is given in Table 11-?.[simple table,
2 columns]

[Table Title]
Table 11-?. Engine methods in the KeyStoreSpi class

[Cell Heading]
KeyStore Class KeyStoreSpi class

[Cell Body]
aliases engineAliases
containsAlias engineContainsAlias
deleteEntry engineDeleteEntry
getCertificate engineGetCertificate
getCertificateAlias engineGetCertificateAlias
getCertificateChain engineGetCertificateChain
getCreationDate engineGetCreationDate
getKey engineGetKey
isCertificateEntry engineIsCertificateEntry
isKeyEntry engineIsKeyEntry
load engineLoad
setCertificateEntry engineSetCertificateEntry
setKeyEntry engineSetKeyEntry
size engineSize
store engineStore

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 262
1st code example


public Date getCreationDate(String alias) {


public Date engineGetCreationDate(String alias) {

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 262
2nd code example (really a list of methods). Each one of these

were changed by prepending the word engine to them and capitalizing
the next letter (the first one changes name as well):


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 262
3rd code example

Changed the 1st and 2nd lines from

public void setKeyEntry(String alias, PrivateKey pk,
String passphrase, Certificate chain[])


public void engineSetKeyEntry(String alias, Key key
char[] passphrase, Certificate chain[])

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 262
4th code example (really a list of methods, changed as they were



Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 262-263
final paragraph: Changed "load()" to "engineLoad()" [3 instances]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 263
code example

Changed the first line from

public void load(InputStream is, String password)


public void engineLoad(InputStream is, char[] password)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 263
2nd paragraph, changed "load()" to "engineLoad()".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 263
code example

Changed the first line from

public int size()


public int engineSize()

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 265
Removed the first code line, slightly changed the 1st paragraph, and

combined the next paragraph into the 1st paragraph. In sum, the start of
this section ("Installing a KeyStore class") reads like this:

In order to use an alternate keystore implementation, you must install
your new class into a security provider. If necessary, you'll need to
establish a convention...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 267
Added another ListVariableTerm and another ListVariable paragraph

to the final entry on the page:

public final byte[] sign()
public final int sign(byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len) [filled-star
Create the digital signature...

In the first of these methods, the signature is returned from
the the method. Otherwise, the signature is stored into the
outbuf array at the given offset, and the length of the
signature is returned. If the output buffer is too small to hold
the data, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 269
code example

Changed line 11 from

KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance();


KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());

Changed line 15 from

PrivateKey pk = ke.getPrivateKey(args[0], args[1]);


char c[] = new char[args[1].length()];
args[1].getChars(0, c.length, c, 0);
PrivateKey pk = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(args[0], c);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 270
code example

Changed line 25 from

KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance();


KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 273
code example

Changed lines 20-22 from

X509Certificate x509 = X509Certificate.getInstance(
new ByteArrayInputStream(b));
certificate = x509;


CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X509");
certificate = cf.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(b));

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 274
1st code example

Changed lines 6-9 from

KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance();
ks.load(new FileInputStream(
System.getProperty("user.home") +
File.separator + ".keystore"), args[1]);


KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
char c[] = new char[args[1].length()];
args[1].getChars(0, c.length, c, 0);
ks.load(new FileInputStream(
System.getProperty("user.home") +
File.separator + ".keystore"), c);

Changed line 12 from

PrivateKey pk = ks.getPrivateKey(args[0], args[1]);


PrivateKey pk = (PrivateKey) ks.getKey(args[0], c);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 275
code example

Changed line 2 from

ks = KeyStore.getInstance();


ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());

Changed line 10-27 from

String signer = ks.getCertificateAlias(c);
if (signer != null) {


try {
String signer = ks.getCertificateAlias(c);
if (signer != null) {
System.out.println("We know the signer as " + signer);
for (Enumeration alias = ks.aliases(); alias.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String s = (String) alias.nextElement();
try {
sCert = (X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(s);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (name.equals(sCert.getSubjectDN().getName())) {
issuerCert = sCert;
} catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
throw new CertificateException("Invalid keystore");

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 279
code example

Changed line 18 from

protected Class findLocalClass(String name) {


protected Class findClass(String name) {

Changed lines 32-35 (keep in bold) from

Object ids[] = (Object []) classIds.get(urlName);
CodeSource cs = getCodeSource(urlBase, ids);
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs, ids);


Certificate ids[] = (Certificate) classIds.get(urlName);
CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(urlBase, ids);
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs);

Deleted line 40


Changed lines 47-47 from

CodeSource cs = getCodeSource(urlBase, null);
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs, null);


CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(urlBase, null);
cl = defineClass(name, buf, 0, buf.length, cs);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 280
code example

Deleted lines 3-4

} finally {

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 281
code example

Changed lines 6-8 (keep in bold) from

Object ids[] = je.getIdentities();
if (ids != null)
classIds.put(className, ids);


Certificate c[] = je.getCertificates();
if (c == null)
c = new Certificate[0];
classIds.put(className, c);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 283
5th ListVariableTerm entry: Added a new ListVariableTerm so that

the entry looks like this:

protected abstract byte[] engineSign()
protected int engineSign(byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len) [filled-sta r dingbat]
Create the signature based on the ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 289
2nd paragraph: changed "early access 1.2 release of" to "early access

2 release for JDK 1.2 of"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 293

Changed 1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph to read:

There are five new engine classes in the JCE: the Cipher, KeyAgreement,
KeyGenerator, Mac, and SecretKeyFactory engines.

In that paragraph, changed the 3rd sentence to read

In addition to implementations of the new engines, the SunJCE
security provider gives us a key factory and a key pair generator
for Diffie-Hellman (DH) keys as well as a new engine for working
with keystores.

In Table 13-1, added the following entries

Mac HmacSHA1
Mac HmacMD5
KeyStore JCEKS

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 294
Removed the 2nd set of ListVariableTerm entries

public interface RSAPrivateKey extends PrivateKey
public interface RSAPrivateKeyCrt extends PrivateKey
public interface RSAPublicKey extends PublicKey
This set of interfaces ...

Note that the footnote has been deleted as well.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 297
To the first set of ListVariableTerm entries added the following

public final void init(int strength)
public final void init(int strength, SecureRandom sr)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 298
To the 2nd set of ListVariableTerm entries added the following

public final void engineInit(int strength, SecureRandom sr)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 299
In the 3rd set of ListVariableTerm entries, deleted

public class DESParamaterSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec

but kept the DESKeySpec and the associated text. In the ListVariable
paragraph, changed "These classes" to "This class".

In the next ListVariable paragraph, deleted the sentence "Note that
there is no corresponding parameter specification for this algorithm."

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 300
Replaced the ListVariableTerm entries

public class RSAPrivaeKeySpec implements KeySpec
public class RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec implements KeySpec
public class RSAPublicKeySpec implements KeySpec
These classes implement ...

with the following set of entries

public class IvParameterSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec
This class implements an initialization vector. Initialization
vectors are used in many algorithms; notable in DES.

public class RC2ParameterSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec
public class RC5ParameterSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec
These classes implement the algorithm parameter specifications
for RC2 and RC5 encryption.

public class SecretKeySpec implements KeySpec
This class implements a key specification for the new class of
secret keys.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 300-301
Table 13-2

In the 2nd entry, changed "DESParameterSpec" to "IvParameterSpec" in
columns 1 and 3.

Replaced the final 3 entries (about RSA keys) with the following:

RC2ParameterSpec byte[] getIV() RC2ParameterSpec(int effective)
int getEffectiveKeyBits() RC2ParameterSpec(int effective,
byte[] iv)
RC2ParameterSpec(int effective,
byte[] iv, int offset)

RC5ParameterSpec byte[] getIV() RC5ParameterSpec(int version,
int rounds, int wordSize)
int getRounds() RC5ParameterSpec(int version,
int rounds, int wordSize,
byte[] iv)
int getVersion() RC5ParameterSpec(int version,
int rounds, int wordSize,
byte[] iv, int offset)
int getWordSize()

SecretKeySpec byte[] getEncoded() SecretKeySpec(byte[] key,
String Algorithm)
SecretKeySpec(byte[] key,
int offset, String Algorithm)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 305
To the second set of ListVariableTerm entries, added the following

public final void init(int op, Key k, AlgorithmParameters ap)
public final void init(int op, Key k, AlgorithmParameters ap,
SecureRandom sr)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 306
In the first (ListVariable) paragraph, changed "algorithm

parameter specification" to "algorithm parameter specification or
algorithm parameters". Changed "DESParameterSpec" to "IvParameterSpec".
The whole last sentence reads

In these cases, the intialization vector must be passed to the
init() method within the algorithm parameter specification or
algorithm parameters; the IvParameterSpec class is typically used
to do this for DES encryption.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 307
code example

Changed line 6 from

DESParameterSpec dps = new DESParameterSpec(iv);


IvParameterSpec dps = new IvParameterSpec(iv);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 309
Deleted the entire first paragraph (the one that begins "An

alternate choice to using an initialization vector...).

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 310
In the last paragraph, changed the first occurance of the word "is"

to "it":

The rationale behind this system is that it allows the ...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 311
In the first paragraph after the "Implementing the Cipher Class

header", the first word is now "As".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 312
In the 4th set of ListVariableTerm entries, added the following

public void engineInit(int op, Key key, AlgorithmParameters ap,
SecureRandom sr)

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 313
code example

Before line 18

public byte[] engineUpdate(byte in[], int off, int len) {

added the following:

public void engineInit(int i, Key k, AlgorithmParameters ap,
SecureRandom sr) throws InvalidKeyException,
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException(
"Algorithm parameters not supported in this class");

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 317
code example

Deleted line 3


Deleted line 11


Immediately after line 13


added (same indentation level)


Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 317
Deleted the entire 3rd paragraph (the one beginning "Note that in

this example, we've sent 8 arbitrary...")

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 318
code example

Deleted line 9


Changed line 12 from

c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);


c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec((byte [])

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 321
In the last set of ListVariableTerm entries, added one new entry

changed the other three entries, and add a sentence to the end of the
ListVariable entry so that they appear as follows:

public final void init(Key k)
public final void init(Key k, SecureRandom sr)
public final void init(Key k, AlgorithmParameterSpec aps)
public final void init(Key k, AlgorithmParameterSpec aps, SecureRandom
Initialize the key agreement engine. The parameter specifications
(if present) will vary depending upon the underlying algorithm; if
the parameters are invalid, of the incorrect class, or not
supported, an InvalidAlgorithmParameterException is generated. This
method will also perform the first phase of the key agreement

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 322
Changed the first ListVariableTerm entry and its ListVariable text


public final Key doPhase(Key key, boolean final)
Execute the next phase of the key agreement protocol. Key
agreement protocols usually require a set of operations to be
performed in a particular order. Each operation is represented
in this class by a particular phase, which usually require a
key to succeed. If the provided key is not supported by the key
agreement protocol, is incorrect for the current phase, or is
otherwise invalid an InvalidKeyException will be thrown.

The number of phases, along with the types of keys they
require, vary drastically from key exchange algorithm to
algorithm. Your security provider must document the types of
keys required for each phase. In addition, you must specify
which is the final phase of the protocol.

In the next set of entries, in the 2nd ListVariable paragraph, changed
"starting with a new set of calls to the doPhase() method" to
"starting with a new call to the init() method".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 324
code example

Changed line 18 from

ka.doPhase(1, kp.getPrivate());



Changed line 28 from

ka.doPhase(2, pk);


ka.doPhase(pk, true);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 325
code example

Changed line 19 from

ka.doPhase(1, kp.getPrivate());



Changed line 27 from

ka.doPhase(2, pk);


ka.doPhase(pk, true);
ka.doPhase(1, k

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 326
1st paragraph: Changed 128 to 512: "a size of 512 will be better

for testing."

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 332
Inserted as a new ListVariableTerm entry between the -storepass and -v


-storetype type
Specify the type of keystore that the keytool should operate
on. This defaults to the keystore type in the
file, which defaults to JKS, the keystore type provided by the
Sun security provider.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 332
Inserted a new >ListVariableTerm entry immediately following the

-storepass entry:

-storetype storetype

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 333
Inserted a new >ListVariableTerm entry following the -noprompt entry

Use the cacerts file to obtain trusted certificates from
certificate authorities that have signed the
certificate that is being imported.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 334
Inserted a new >ListVariableTerm entry immediately following the

-storepass entry:

-storetype storetype

[This happens twice on the page: once at the very top and once at the
very bottom.]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 334
In the list ListVariableTerm, changed "-csr" to "-certreq"

Generate a certificate signing request...

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 336
In the first code example, changed "-csr" to "-certreq"

piccolo% keytool -certreq -alias sdo -file sdoCSR.cer

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 336
Immediately preceeding the "Modifying Keystore Entries" header,

added the following:

We've mentioned in this section that in order to import a
certificate like this that the self-signed certificate of the
certificate authority must already be in the keystore. However,
there's a bootstrapping issue involved in this: how do you get the
initial certificates for the certificate authorities into a

The JDK comes with a set of five pre-installed certificates: four
from VeriSign, which issues certificates at different levels, and 1
from RSA Data, Inc. These certificates are in the cacerts file in
the ${JAVAHOME}/lib/security directory. While those certificates
are not present in your .keystore file, you can still import
certificates into your .keystore file by using the -trustcacerts
option: in that case, as long as the certificate you're importing
has been signed by one of the authorities in the cacerts file,
the import operation will succeed.

Hence, if we'd sent our CSR request in the above example to
VeriSign and the returned certificate from VeriSign was stored in
the sdo.cer file, we could import it with this command:

piccolo% keytool -import -file sdo.cer -alias sdo -trustcacerts

If you want to use the certificates of the certificate authorities
programatically, you may do so by creating a keystore of type JKS,
and loading that keystore from the cacerts file.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 337
Inserted a new >ListVariableTerm entry immediately following the

-storepass entry:

-storetype storetype

[This happens twice on this page]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 338
Inserted a new >ListVariableTerm entry immediately following the

-storepass entry:

-storetype storetype

[This happens three times on this page]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 339
Inserted a new >ListVariableTerm entry immediately following the

-storepass entry:

-storetype storetype

[This happens twice on this page]

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 339
Before the subsection "Miscellaneous Commands", added the following


Importing a 1.1-based Identity database

The keystore in 1.2 is incompatible with the identity database in
1.1, but the keytool is capable of converting between the two. To
convert a 1.1 identity database to a 1.2 keystore, use this

[ListVariableTerm, in Italics]
Convert a 1.1 identity database. This command has the following

[>ListVariableTerm, in Italics]
-keystore keystore
-keypass keypass
-storepass storepass
-storetype storetype
-file db_file
The file name of the 1.1 identity database. The default for
this is identitydb.obj in the user's home directory.

With this command, each trusted entry in the identity database will
be created as a key entry in the keystore. All other entries in the
identity database will be ignored.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 346
Changed the 2nd ListVariableTerm paragraph to

[ListVariableEntry in italics]
A KeyStore type
You must have an entry in this file that lists the default type
of keystore that an application should use. By default, that
type is listed as


If you change the type listed in this entry, the new type will
be used whenever anyone requests the default keystore

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 346
Changed the code associated with the 3rd ListVariableTerm entry



Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 346
In the last paragraph:

Changed "-usepolicy" to ""
[two occurences].

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 347

1st code line now reads:

2nd code line now reads

In the next ListParagraph, changed the sentence

"The -usepolicy argument also initializes a security manager for
the application, so you may use it by itself if you want to use
only the files listed in the file"


"The argument must be used in conjunction
with the; if you want to use only the
files listed in the file, specify without". argument,
which initializes a security manager..."

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 347
In the 2nd ListVariableTerm entry and its associated paragraph,

changed "-usepolicy" to "" [two occurences].

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 347
Deleted the 3rd and 4th ListVariableTerm entries and their

associated paragraphs. The last item before the next subsection "The
java.policy File" now reads "Whether or not the
argument can be used."

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 349
Deleted the last sentence of the 1st paragraph (the one that

begins "As a result, it is not possible to upgrade...").

Changed the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph (the one that begins
"In particular, although the Identity class...") to read:

In addition, the Identity and IdentityScope classes have been
deprecated in 1.2, so you should really move to the keystore
implementation as soon as possible.

The section on Identities from Chapter 11, pages 245-253, was moved
into this appendix. It now starts before the section on "Identity
Scopes", so that after the first two introductory paragraphs, there is
the "Identity" header, the text from chapter 11, and then the "Identity
Scopes" header.

In addition, the text that was moved into this appendix now has some
changes as well. These are listed here with reference to their original
page number:

(245) Deleted the 2nd paragraph of the section (the one beginning
"The classes we'll examine in this section were originally
designed..."). The next subsection -- the one on Principals --
remained as part of chapter 11 (including the sidebar on page 247).
Hence, after the 1 introductory paragraph of this section, the
next thing is the subsection entitled "The Identity Class".

(246) Last ListVariableTerm ("public class Identity...") -- append
a hollow-star dingbat to the end of the line.

(247) Deleted the last paragraph (the one that begins "In 1.1, the
Identity class is an abstract class...").

(248) 4th bullet: Deleted the sentence that begins "This features is
primarily used to support the javakey...".

(248) 5th bullet: Deleted the extra punctuation at the end of the

(248) Deleted the sidebar "Identities and Identity Scopes"

(248) Last paragraph: deleted the last clause of the last sentence,
so that the last sentence reads "You're free to add that feature
to your own identity class."

(249) At the end of all ListVariableTerm entries, appended a
hollow-star dingbat.

(249) 7th ListVariableTerm entry: deleted the ListVariableTerm paragraph

public void addCertificate(

The other ListVariableTerm (that uses
remains, as does the ListVariable paragraph.

(249) 8th ListVariableTerm entry: deleted the ListVariableTerm paragraph

public void removeCertificate(

The other ListVariableTerm (that uses
remains, as does the ListVariable paragraph.

(250) 1st ListVariableTerm entry: deleted the ListVariableTerm paragraph

public[] getCertificates()

The other ListVariableTerm (that uses
remains, as does the ListVariable paragraph.

(250) Changed the first paragraph (that begins "If you have an identity
object") to be this single sentence:

There are two ways to obtain an identity object -- via the
getIdentity() method of the IdentityScope class or by
implementing and constructing an instance of your own subclass
of the Identity class.

(251) Deleted the first ListVariableTerm entry and its associated
ListVariable paragraph.

(251) In the first paragraph of the subsection "The Identity class
and the security manager", deleted the first clause of the 2nd
sentence ("This mechanism has changed somewhat between 1.1. and

... performed by untrusted classes. Table B-1 lists the

In the table (now Table B-1), removed the 2nd column entirely so
that there is only a column for Method and one for Argument in 1.1.
But change the column heading to say simply "Argument".

In the next paragraph, deleted the first two words "In 1.1" and
delete the final sentence (the one that begins "For example, in 1.1
a call to the...").

(252) 1st full paragraph (the one that begins "In common
implementations..."): changed this paragraph to the single sentence:

In common implementations of the security manager, this string
is ignored and trusted classes are typically able to work with
identities while untrusted classes are not.

(253) Table (now Table B-2): Remove the 2nd column entirely, and
changed the heading of the last column to "Parameter".

In the next paragraph, deleted the words "in 1.1".

After this section, continued to the section "Identity Scopes".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 350
ListVariableTerm entry (public abstract class IdentityScope...)

appended a hollow-star dingbat

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 351
For each ListVariableTerm entry, appended a hollow-star dingbat

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 352
2nd-to-last paragraph: Deleted the final sentence (the one that

begins "Changes in the definition of the Identity class between...")

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 356
1st paragraph of the "IdentityScope and the Security Manager"

section, delete the phrase 'in 1.1 and an argument of
"IdentityScopre.setSystemScope" in 1.2'.

In the next paragraph, deleted the two words "in 1.1".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 357
1st paragraph of the "Key Management..." section: deleted the

phrase "we touched upon in Chapter 11".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 365
1st paragraph of the "Summary": deleted the last sentence (the

one that begins "In the realm of Java 1.2...").

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 369
Last paragraph: changed "March 1998" to "November 1998. There was

an additional bug reported in July 1998 regarding the class loader, but
this applied only to Netscape's implementation, not to the standard

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 376

Replaced the lines
public static native void beginPrivileged();
public static native void beginPrivileged(AccessControlContext);

public static native Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction);
public static native Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction,
public static native Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction);
public static native Object doPrivileged(PrivilegedExceptionAction,

Deleted the line

public static native void endPrivileged();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 378

Changed the lines

// Instance Methods
protected AlgorithmParameters(AlgorithmParametersSpi, Provider, String)

to the lines

// Constructors
protected AlgorithmParameters(AlgorithmParametersSpi, Provider, String)

// Instance Methods

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 380

Changed the line

public CodeSource(URL, PublicKey[]);

public CodeSource(URL, Certificate[]);

Changed the line

public final PublicKey[] getKeys();

public final Certificate[] getCertificates();
public boolean implies();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 383

Deleted the line

public Identity(String, String, Certificate[], PublicKey);

Changed the line

public Certificate[] getCertificates();

public Certificate[] certificates();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 387

After the line

public void initialize(int);

Added the lines

public void initialize(int, SecureRandom);
public void initialize(AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 388

Changed the line

public KeyStore();

protected KeyStore(KeyStoreSpi, Provider, String);

Changed the line

public static final KeyStore getInstance();

public static final String getDefaultType();
public static KeyStore getInstance(String);
public static KeyStore getInstance(String, String);

Changed the line

public abstract PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String, String);

public final Key getKey(String, char[]);
public final Provider getProvider();
public final String getType();

Changed the line

public abstract void load(InputStream, String);

public final void load(InputStream, char[]);

Changed the lines

public abstract void setKeyEntry(String, PrivateKey, String,

public final void setKeyEntry(String, Key, char[], Certificate[]);

Changed the line

public abstract void store(OutputStream, char[])

public final void store(OutputStream, char[])

Also, in every other line of this entry that has the word "abstract",
changed "abstract" to "final"

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 392

After the line

public abstract boolean implies(Permission);

added the lines

public boolean isReadOnly();
public void setReadOnly();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 392

Deleted the lines

public boolean isReadOnly();
public void setReadOnly();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 393

Changed the line

public abstract Permissions evaluate(CodeSource);

public abstract PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 394

Changed the line

public ProtectionDomain(CodeSource, Permissions);

public ProtectionDomain(CodeSource, PermissionCollection);

Changed the line

public final Permissions getPermissions();

public final PermissionCollection getPermissions();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 395

Changed all the lines after

// Instance Methods

public synchronized void clear();
public Set entrySet();
public String getInfo();
public String getName();
public double getVersion();
public Set keySet();
public synchronized void load(InputStream);
public synchronized Object put(Object, Object);
public synchronized void putAll(Map);
public synchronized Object remove(Object);
public String toString();
public Collection values();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 396

Changed all the lines after

// Protected Instance Methods

protected final Class defineClass(String, byte[], int, int,
protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 398

After the line

public final byte[] sign();

added the line

public final int sign(byte[], int, int);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 399

After the line

public final byte[] engineSign();

added the line

public final int engineSign(byte[], int, int);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 401

Changed the line

public UnresolvedPermission(String, String, String, PublicKey);

public UnresolvedPermission(String, String, String, Certificate[]);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 402
After the entry for, added this new



A certificate factory is used to import certificates or certificate
revocation lists from a file or other input stream.

Class Definition

extends java.lang.Object {

// Constructors
protected CertificateFactory(CertificateFactorySpi, Provider,

// Class Methods
public static final CertificateFactory getInstance(String);
public static final CertificateFactory getInstance(String,

// Instance Methods
public final CRL generateCRL(InputStream);
public final Collection generateCRLs(InputStream);
public final Certificate generateCertificate(InputStream);
public final Collection generateCertificates(InputStream);
public final Provider getProvider();
public final String getType();

See also: X509Certificate, X509CRLEntry

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 402

First, the name of this entry has been changed to (and it moved to its correct place in
alphabetical order, which is after X509CRL).

Then, after the line

public abstract boolean hasExtensions();

added the line

public abstract boolean hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 403

Removed the lines

// Class Methods
public static final X509Certificate getInstance(InputStream);
public static final X509Certificate getInstance(byte[]);

Removed the line

public abstract boolean hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension();

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 404

Removed the lines

// Class Methods
public static final X509CRL getInstance(InputStream);
public static final X509CRL getInstance(byte[]);

Changed the lines

public abstract RevokedCertificate

public abtract X509CRLEntry getRevokedCertificate(BigInteger);

After the line

public abstract int getVersion();

added the line

public abstract boolean hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension();

In the See Also section, changed "RevokedCertificate" to "X509CRLEntry".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 405

After the line

public abstract Set getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs();

added the line

public abstract boolean hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension();

In the See Also section, changed "RevokedCertificate" to "X509CRLEntry".

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 411
In javax.crypto.Cipher

After the line

public final int getOutputSize(int);

added the line

public final AlgorithmParameters getParameters();

After the lines
public final void init(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec,

added the lines

public final void init(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters);
public final void init(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters, SecureRandom);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 413
In javax.crypto.CipherSpi

After the line

protected abstract byte[] engineGetIV();

added the line

protected abstract int engineGetOutputSize(int);

After the lines

protected abstract void engineInit(int, Key,
AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom);

added the line

protected abstract void engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters,

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 414
In javax.crypto.KeyAgreement

Changed the line

public final Key doPhase(int, Key);

public final Key doPhase(Key, boolean);

Changed the lines

public final void init(SecureRandom);
public final void init(AlgorithmParameterSpec);
public final void init(AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom);

public final void init(Key);
public final void init(Key, SecureRandom);
public final void init(Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec);
public final void init(Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 415
In javax.crypto.KeyAgreementSpi

Changed the line

protected abstract Key engineDoPhase(int, Key);

protected abstract Key engineDoPhase(Key, boolean);

Changed the lines

protected abstract void engineInit(SecureRandom);
protected abstract void engineInit(AlgorithmParameterSpec,

protected abstract void engineInit(Key, SecureRandom);
protected abstract void engineInit(Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec,

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 415-416
In javax.crypto.KeyGenerator

After the line

public final Provider getProvider();

added the lines

public final void init(int);
public final void init(int, SecureRandom);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 416
In javax.crypto.KeyGeneratorSpi

After the line

protected abstract SecretKey engineGenerateKey();

added the line

protected abstract void engineInit(int, SecureRandom);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 417
In javax.crypto.SealedObject

After the line

public final Object getObject(Cipher);

added the lines

public final Object getObject(Key);
public final Object getObject(Key, String);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 420
In javax.crypto.interfaces.RSAPrivateKey

This section was renamed to,
and the first line of its interface definition now reads

public abstract interface

It has been moved to the appropriate section on, immediately following DSAPublicKey.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 420
In javax.crypto.interfaces.RSAPrivateKeyCrt

Deleted this entry entirely.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 420
In javax.crypto.interface.RSAPublicKey

This section was renamed to,
and the first line of its interface definition now reads

public abstract interface

It was moved to the appropriate section on, immediately following RSAPrivateKey.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 421
In javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec

Before the line (left a blank line before this)

// Constructors

added the lines

// Constants
public static final int DES_KEY_LEN;

After the line

public static boolean isParityAdjusted(byte[], int);

added the line

public static boolean isWeak(byte[], int);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 421
In javax.crypto.spec.DESParameterSpec

This entry was renamed to javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec and
its first line now reads

public javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec

Changed the lines

public DESParameterSpec(byte[]);
public DESParameterSpec(byte[], int, int);

public IvParameterSpec(byte[]);
public IvParameterSpec(byte[], int, int);

Re-alphabetized this entry so that it follows DHPublicKeySpec

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 422
In javax.crypto.spec.DESedeKeySpec

Before the line (left a blank line before this)

// Constructors

added the lines

// Constants
public static final int DES_EDE_KEY_LEN;

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 425
In javax.crypto.spec.RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec

Deleted this entry entirely.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 426
In javax.crypto.spec.RSAPrivateKeySpec

This entry was renamed to and
its first line was changed to


In the See also list, removed RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec

It was moved into the section on, immediately
following the PKCS8EncodedKeySpec entry.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 426
In javax.crypto.spec.RSAPublicKeySpec

This entry was renamed to and
its first line was changed to


It was moved into the section on, immediately
following the RSAPrivateKeySpec entry.

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 428-429
In java.lang.ClassLoader

After the line

// Class Methods


public static ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader();

Deleted the lines

public URL getLocalResource(String);
public Enumeration getLocalResources(String);

Deleted the line

public void checkPackageAccess(String);

After the line

protected final Class defineClass(byte[], int int);

added the line

protected final Class defineClass(String, byte[], int, int,

After the line

protected Package definePackage(String, String, String, String, String
String, String, URL);

added the lines

protected Class findClass(String);
protected String findLibrary(String);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 433

After the line

public URLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader);

added the lines

public URLClassLoader(URL[]);
public URLClassLoader(URL[], ClassLoader, URLStreamHandlerFactory);

Changed the lines

public static URL fileToURL(File);
public static URL[] pathToURLs(String);


public static URLClassLoader newInstance(URL[]);
public static URLClassLoader newInstance(URL[], ClassLoader);

Changed the lines

public URL getLocalResource(String);
public Enumeration getLocalResources(String);
public void invokeClass(String, String[]);
public void setListener(URLClassLoader$Listener);


public URL findResource(String);
public Enumeration findResources(String);
public URL[] getURLs();

Changed the lines

protected void checkPackageDefinition(String);
protected Class defineClass(String, Resource);
protected Package definePackage(String, Attributes, URL);
protected Class findLocalClass(String);


protected void addURL(URL);
protected Package definePackage(String, Manifest, URL);
protected Class findClass(String);
protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 433-434
n java.rmi.RMISecurityManager

Deleted all the lines after

// Instance Methods

except for the closing brace

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999
Page 434

After the line

public static Class loadClass(String);

added the line

public static Class loadClass(String, String);

Anonymous    Feb 01, 1999