
HBase: The Definitive Guide

Errata for HBase: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 20
3rd para

The link to Google's BigTable paper does not work. Google have moved this paper to

Note from the Author or Editor:

Rowan Limb  Sep 22, 2015 
Page 143
N.A. (Mobi file)

Text says:
"...external facing APIs with a audience..."
Should say:
"...external facing APIs with an audience..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 160
Location 160 in MOBI File

Text says:
"... with some particular deep details..."
Should say:
"... with some particularly deep details..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 160
Location 160 in MOBI file

Text says:
"... details moved to appendixes."

"Appendixes" is one correct way to indicate plural of appendix, but elsewhere in the book the other correct choice, "appendices" is used. Choose one, and be consistent in its usage throughout the book.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Fixed. Used "appendixes" everywhere.

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 161
Location 161 in MOBI file

Text says:
"... to gain most out of HBase..."

Should say:
"... to gain the most out of HBase..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 165
Location 165 in MOBI file

Text says:
"...application patterns observed at HBase users..."

The preposition "at" is definitely inappropriate.

One possible way of fixing this would be to say:
"...application patterns observed in the code of HBase users..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 266
2nd line

The original phrase:
"Writes the given value out so it can be send to the servers."
To my opinion, it should read:
"Writes the given value out so it can be sent to the servers."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Yep, typo. Fixed and committed.

guertsen  Aug 14, 2015 
Page 313
Location 313 of the MOBI file

Comma is required to separate two independent clauses joined by "and".

Text says:
"... since it does group columns into families and within each of those data is stored row-oriented."

Should include a comma after "families".

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 352
Location 352 of MOBI file

Text says:
"... accompanied by a url, shorturl, and click table..."

Should say:
"... accompanied by url, shorturl, and click tables..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 370
Locaion 370 in MOBI file

Text says:
"...add slave database servers that are used to being read from in parallel."

Unclear what meaning "used to being read from" is meant to impart, but it seems likely that the intention is to simply say:
"...add slave database servers that are read from in parallel."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 428
Location 428 in MOBI file

Text says:
"On the outset, consistency is about..."

Should say:
"At the outset, consistency is about..."
"From the outset, consistency is about..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 609
Location 609 in MOBI file

At the beginning of the section titled "Namespace, Tables, Rows, Column, and Cells", the text says:
"First a quick summary: the most basic unit is a column."

The appropriateness of this statement depends upon the meaning of "most basic unit". You've just listed all of the major components in the title (from Namespace on down to Cell), and then say that the "most basic" of these is the column. If by "most basic", you mean the smallest atomic holder of data, then this statement is incorrect, and it should say that the most basic unit is the CELL. However, if "most basic" means something else that is not defined here, then the entire statement means something else, and the reader is thrown immediately into uncertainty as they read the subsequent text.

Since this section builds the scaffolding for ALL explanations that come after, it is vital that it be crystal clear in the presentation of the fundamental structures.

To fix this with the least amount of intrusion and rewriting, the opening sentence might be changed to something like:
"First a quick summary, beginning with a focus upon the column."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 609
Location 609 in MOBI file

Text says:
"A number of rows, in turn, form a table, and there can be many of them."

It is unclear what the pronoun "them" refers to here: rows or tables?

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 613
Location 613 of MOBI file

Text says:
"This sounds like a reasonable description for a typical database, but with the extra dimension of allowing multiple versions of each cells."

The phrase "multiple versions of each cell" is not correct, since an individual cell does not have versions; instead (as the previous paragraph correctly describes) a COLUMN has multiple versions, each stored in an individual cell.

So, the phrase was likely intended to say:
"...multiple versions of each column."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 635
Location 635 in MOBI file

Text says:

"Column families need to be defined when the table is created..."

This is incorrect; they may be defined later.

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 636
Location 636 in MOBI file

Text says:
"... a low number is usually needed anyways."

The informal dialect word "anyways" should be avoided.

It should simply say:
"... a low number is usually needed."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 638
Location 638 in MOBI file

The text says:
"The name of the column family must be composed of printable characters, a notable difference from all other names or values."

Isn't it required that Namespace names and Table names also be composed only of printable characters? If so, then the text is incorrect.

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 653
Location 653 in MOBI file

The text says:
"Every column value, or cell, either is timestamped implicitly by the system or can be set explicitly by the user."

The sentence will be made clearer if "can be set" is removed, leaving:
"Every column value, or cell, either is timestamped implicitly by the system or explicitly by the user."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 654
Location 654 in MOBI file

The text says:
"Different versions of a cell are stored in decreasing timestamp order..."

This phrase is incorrect; to make it correct, "Different versions of a cell" could be replaced with "The cells of a column", giving:
"The cells of a column are stored in decreasing timestamp order..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 656
Location 656 in MOBI file

Text says:
"The user can specify how many versions of a value should be kept."

This is incorrect terminology, since a value does not have versions -- instead, a COLUMN has versions (stored in individual cells).

The text might be revised to say:
"The user can specify how many versions of a column (i.e., how many cells per column) should be kept."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 757
Location 757 in MOBI file

Text ambiguously says:
"The index is loaded when the HFile is opened and kept in memory."

The reader does not immediately know whether this means that (a) the HFile is "opened and kept in memory", or (b) that the index "is loaded... and kept in memory"?

Judging from the broader context, it may be assumed that the latter meaning is intended; thus, the text might be changed to:
"The index is loaded and kept in memory when the HFile is opened."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 758
Location 758 in MOBI file

Text says:
"The store files provide an API to access specific values..."

The store files themselves do not "provide an API".
Since the previous section is titled "The Storage API", it might be better to start the sentence with:
"The storage API provides methods to access specific values..."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 9828
Location 9828 in MOBI file

should be

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 9937
Location 9937 in MOBI file

Text says:
"After creating a table, you might also be interested to delete it."

The use of "be interested" in this context is not idiomatically correct.

The text should be changed to something like:
"After creating a table, you might also want to delete it."

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 9945
Location 9945 in MOBI file

Text says:
"The is another related call..."

Should say:
"There is another related call..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Fixed already.

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 11006
Location 11006 in MOBI file

Text says:
"... so as not to distract form the business logic."

"form" is the typo -- meant to be "from"

Should say:
"... so as not to distract from the business logic."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Was already fixed.

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015 
Page 12217
Location 12217 in MOBI file

Text contains two instances of:

In both cases, this should be:

(JDO = Java Data Objects)

Note from the Author or Editor:

Daniel Vimont  Nov 07, 2015